Weekly Winners 9/8-9/14

Photos taken with a Canon Powershot S5IS
*click to enlarge*

My Boy's requests

Perfect puppy bed



"Pin past! (spins fast)"
Trapped Stuck
"Bid, up high! (BIG, up high)"
Baby Engineer
Primary foundation

For more Weekly Winners check out Sarcastic Mom's place!

39 supporters in group:

  1. maggie said...

    These are all really such great shots! The list is too cute as are the shoes. Also love how you captured the apples and made them look so... appley. ;)

  2. Anonymous said...

    Great shots! I would like #2 on the Christmas list too.

  3. Jo-Jo said...

    Your pictures are always so creative! I love them!

  4. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    Awesome pics...I love the Christmas list! And the shoes!!

    But that poor teddy bear!

  5. jen aka mommay said...

    If you see Bakugan at the store, buy them. They are selling out as soon as they are stocked here in Mass! It's crazy!

    Great pics!

  6. Tiffany said...

    HAHA I like the Chrismis List. LOL

    And those little feet are so cute!

  7. Kat said...

    Love the two different shoes. I have one of those characters at my house too :)

  8. Rebecca said...

    Love the Christmas list, looks like he has some goodies on there (especially Disney Land!).

    How cute are the non matching backwards shoes, my lot always have them on the wrong feet.

    Those apples look scrum!!! :)

    Great shots overall!

  9. Christy said...

    Those are fantastic pictures! I love the mismatched shoes on the wrong feet and the Crismas list best!

  10. Marla said...

    love them... every one...

  11. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

    Those apples are awesome!

  12. Not Just Any Jen said...

    Great pictures! You so inspire me!

  13. Unknown said...

    Oh crumbs, is it that time of the year already!
    Love the list :)

  14. SECRET AGENT MAMA said...

    I love the variety!! Hanging around for the music again, too!!

    Secret Agent Mama

  15. Secret Mom Thoughts said...

    I love the shot of the mismatched shoes.

  16. Devoted Mama said...

    All great as always :) My faves are the shoes & the apples :)

  17. Karin said...

    Really great shots - the shoes are so cute!

  18. ComfyMom~Stacey said...

    The photo of the apples is beautiful and I love the christmas list

  19. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Great pictures with some great effects!

    I love the "almost" picture! Little Miss Independent.

  20. Linda S said...

    partial to the legos pic...maybe it's the memory of screaming in pain all the time when I stepped on them when my kids were young...great pics!

  21. Allison said...

    I love the Christmas List! My daughter is on club penguin... I actually kicked her off to come on here LOL!

  22. ParentingPink said...

    Hahaha! Love the CHristmas list! My girls have just begun theirs - seems to start earlier & earlier each year! Is Santa gonna bring the 5 tickets to Disney Land? That would be sweet!

  23. Anonymous said...

    Love the Christmas List! You were right. Went to the ER and I have a nasty sinus infection. They prescribed a nasal spray that contains a steroid and said to throw out the sinex! Thanks, Melissa

  24. KatBouska said...

    I love the legos builder!! Really cute.

    And I love Taylor Swift. Great choice. ;)

  25. Texasholly said...

    I want a calinder too. WAY CUTE. I also love the lego ones. I need to get my camera out and go to the play room. You have inspired me to photograph vs. bitch about them.

  26. Donna said...

    great shots! I love his Christmas list. At least he wants enough tickets for everyone to go, right?

  27. Tonya Staab said...

    If I've said it once I've said it a thousand times, you take the most wonderful shots.

  28. Jenni said...

    I love the list! LOL!

    Great pictures!

  29. Tena said...

    Great Christmas list! Not sure I know what club penguin is, but if it means more sharing with D, it's out, lol!!

  30. Annie said...

    The 2 shoes and Chrismis list are my faves!

  31. Mrs4444 said...

    Hilariously, joyously wonderful :)

  32. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

    Great shots! I think I like the 'shoes' pic best. ;-)

  33. ♥.Trish.♥ Drumboys said...

    All too cute and creative .I love the mismatched shoes - we have two who do this here.

    My WW is up My Little Drummer Boys

  34. Wendi said...

    Dear Santa,

    I have been a good girl this year.
    All I want for Christmas is to be able to take photos like Jen.
    Would you consider granting my wish?


  35. Crazed Nitwit said...

    You are so talented at this. I'm totally embarrassed by the crap photos I post. I cringe because I am not worthy. Your photos are always fabulous!!!

  36. Corey~living and loving said...

    loving the creativity you are showing. I am inspired. thanks!

  37. Missy said...

    Love the christmas list!
    These are great!

  38. Anonymous said...

    Amazing photos!

  39. Anonymous said...

    I love how bright and vivid the colors are. Great shots!

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