So, I'm Guessing You Drive a Grey Beetle?!

I dropped DQ off at the orthodontist the other morning and while I drove out of the parking lot I noticed a few vanity license plates. The complex has about a half-dozen dentist and orthodontic practices in them and you could tell.

One plate read, I (heart-shape) FLSN [flossing]. Cute. A little weird, but I get it, you're a dentist.

A couple cars over, 2TH PLYT [tooth plight]. Aha, I'm guessing the dental surgeon.

The rest of my day, vanity plates just jumped out at me. I saw U NV ME, HUM-VEE (duh is that what that huge tank in front of me is?!).

I (heart shape) CHCL8.

I never got into the vanity plate thing. Too cutesy for me when I was younger and single.

Now, hubby is too cheap to pay the extra money for it.

If I could get one for free, I'd get CHP THRPY....but still that's too many letters. I'd consider ZNAX ME [Xanax me] , MY CAR, or even STLN CAR would be for giggles.

If you have a vanity plate, what does it say and mean? If not, what would you get?

*previously posted at Beautiful! Fabulous! by The Mom*

35 supporters in group:

  1. Leanna said...

    These crack me up! We love to find as many as we can and see who can figure them out first!...but like you-not too sure I want one now (I am too

    Through the years my hubby has thought of several for me...what do you think?

    GNA BL8 / ALWASL8 / L8 D8

    - is he trying to tell me something?

    I like - L8R G8R

  2. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    I don't have one...but I would get:


    Yea, that's where I'm at.

  3. 3boys247 said...

    My brother had a vanity plate in California for a long time. It said:

    Whtsatsy or something to that effect, "Whats that say"

    I had a convertable for a while before kids. I always threatened to get TOPLESS on my plates.

  4. Tracey said...

    My husband has a vanity plate that his to do with star trek and the name of the ship...NC17----

  5. Heather said...

    I don't have one but I saw one last year at my kids preschool that said 3 FN KIDS. I think they meant to have it say 3 fun kids. I took it as 3 f'n kids. I must have been having a bad day :)

  6. Anonymous said...

    only because you took the STLN CAR first!

  7. Smoochiefrog said...

    I had one in high school that read
    CRZY4U and then we had one in IL that was our last name, minus an o, with the number 3 after it.

    We have a normal tag now, but if/when we move back to IL we'll get our last name, minus an o, with the number 4 after it.

  8. April said...

    aw, I thought I was the only one left who spelled grey with an 'e'! No vanity plates here, I'm much too cheap, er frugal.

  9. Julie D said...

    Ugh, I confess I do have a vanity plate. I have a 2006 300 SRT8 (which is too big and way too fast but my ex talked me into it), and my plate says "NICE EH". My ex's family is Canadian and you know how they add "eh" to the end of that was a nod to his family. In my defensive, it is a pretty sweet car. LOL

  10. Merrie said...

    I really wanted to get "RMYBRAT," but it's taken. Plus I can't spend that money, either. Someday, maybe. :)

  11. Jo-Jo said...

    I'm not into it either but my sister-n-law's says something about S&M...she's kinky like that! LOL

  12. Rachel said...

    LOL -- it always takes me FOREVER to figure out vanity plates. I suck at reading if the vowels are missing!

    By the way . . I MISSED YOUR BLOG! I'm so glad to be back home, with electricity, and with my blogging buddies.

    AND -- I love your new header. It's so cute! Where did you find your vector girl?

  13. Leslie said...

    OK, not sure if I've commented here before, but I stalk often! Don't have any vanity plates, don't know that I have anything clever or witty that I need to say on the back of my car. But back in my madly in love days with my dh, I used to think I wanted one that said, EDS GRL. Yeah. I did. And I'm actually glad that I didn't get it. I'm still his girl, but I don't think I need to go that far. It was just the infatuation talking. The smoldering heat that so encompasses many a new relationship. I'm good now. Love your blog!!!

  14. Jay @halftime lessons said...

    How bout a tribute to the blogger world on a plate...



  15. Suzanne...Scully... said...

    I have vanity plates they aren't cutesy though they say DSCULLY, for the infamous Dr Dana Scully :D

  16. Shannon said...

    I don't have a vanity plate... if I did it'd probably say CRZY MOM or something.

    The funniest one I've seen was one that said HRLY GAL... I thought it was HOURLY GAL and I thought, well that's one way to advertise! Then I noticed some other bumper stickers the car had, and realized it meant HARLEY GAL... as in the motorcyle! HA!

  17. Pam said...

    i wouldn't get one because it's too easy to be 'identified' in case, you know, using it as a getaway car LOL just kidding. but really, it's something that stands out to everyone including the COPS. so yeah, don't want the po-po on my arse for ANYTHING! lol

  18. Pam said...

    ha ha @ heather w the 3 fn kids plate story...i would have read it as f'n, too lol

  19. Mrs4444 said...

    I couldn't get over how many vanity plates we saw in CA! They're fun, but I don't have one, either. Love your new header, BTW.

    P.S. I'm trying to find someone with that Saturday theme of re-posting from one's archive. Does that ring a bell with you?

  20. Jenni said...

    I would love to get one that says


    But, I won't. LOL!

  21. jen aka mommay said...

    We don't have one but my husband wants one for his 79 TransAm. I keep telling him to put "WFSPSSD" Wife's Pissed. We'll see...

  22. Tara R. said...

    When I finally get the last of my little birdies out of the nest, I want a little shiny red sports car with these plates:


    then drive really fast. :D

  23. Lapa37 said...

    I don't think I would have one because you cant fit I wish my kids would stop fighting and driving me crazy.On a license plate.

  24. Tena said...

    I am not a fan of them, I don't want to stand out in the car land, just want to fit in with the millions of other cars on the Southern California freeways, lol

  25. Brittany said...

    I have a thing about vanity plates. When my Grandma died, my grandpa gave me her car to use while away at school...and her plate read OMAS...which is German for grandma...which is what we called her. I spent my first 2 years of college making up weird saying for the letters so no one would figure out i had a car with grandma license plates.

  26. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I'm not a vanity plate person, either. Some of them crack me up, and some are just silly. Can't even think of anything good!

  27. Unknown said...

    I had one that said ♥D1SN3Y

    But when I got rid of the car, I took them off. Then, I couldn't put them on the next car because it wasn't in my name. So I took them back to the DMV, and now I have my own car.

    I'm thinking of getting them again with the tax refund. It's an extra 40 a year. Not bad.

  28. Rebecca said...

    I had a *vanity plate* when we lived in VA, there it is cheap, only $26 a year including your registration.
    I know how expensive it is here in Caly so it is a no go.

    In VA I was going to put something cutesy, then I just decided to have my initials and some numbers that meant something to me....boring! lol

    LOVE the new layout, super cute!!!

  29. WeaselMomma said...

    I don't have a vanity plate, but if I did it would read "WESL MBL"(Weasel Mobile)

  30. Amy said...

    I don't have one and it's probably better that way. I can never figure half the ones out that we see when we're driving. My husband is always laughing at me cause I can't figure them out!

  31. Unknown said...

    I don't have one, too cheap, but ther are days I wish I had QQQQ. That would be four q, but in my state that one is blocked, I read that somewhere. Maybe Mema 06 would be nicer

  32. because I said so said...

    the Husband and I both have them kinda. We live in NC and you can get sports teams and stuff. We both have Carolina Panthers plates and you are allowed 4 letters/numbers on those. His are our kids initials and mine is the first letter of all four of our names.
    That's about as vain as we get...

  33. Me said...

    I currently have plates that read "heart"RZKIDS--meaning Love our Z Kids (Zachary, Zoe, Zienna). In college I had plates that said ONE 4 KJ (my nickname). And my husband and I used to have plates that said BOINGO7--we are/were huge Oingo Boingo fans!

  34. Anonymous said...

    We both had vanity plates, it's easier to get personalized ones in Ohio as you can do it over the internet. Ours say 'Hook Em A' and 'Hook Em B' for Hook 'em horns, Texas Longhorns? The funniest was while still in Ohio, Tony worked for Victoria's Secret, and I was asked all the time if 'Hook Em' was in response to hooking bras!

  35. Kat said...

    Mine used to say PRE MDNA (primadonna) but I got rid of it :(

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