Weekly Winners

*photos shot with a Canon Powershot S5IS--click to enlarge a bit*

What's up?
Frosted Brownie Goatee Little Thirsty

For more Weekly Winners, visit Sarcastic Mom!

35 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    ooh that looks like so much fun!!!

  2. Rachel said...

    K is toooo cute! She always has such a precocious look on her face!

  3. A Christian Mom said...

    More great pictures! Love the water hose shots.

  4. Rachel said...

    Those pictures are all amazing!!
    That is definitely one BIG TOWER! ;-)
    Too cute!

  5. Jenni said...

    Love them all! You have such a good eye!

  6. Jay @halftime lessons said...

    I love this "weekly winners" thing you guys have going...really nice to "spend the week" with your family, who are all beautiful, btw...

    Jay @ halftime lessons

  7. John Deere Mom said...

    Great pictures..as usual! I am so envious of your camera! I hope to get a new one for Christmas...am off to check yours out now!

  8. Jamey said...

    wow they are great, yeah I don't have an eye for potography at all but I can make an awesome card:0)!

  9. Scylla said...

    These are lovely! What gorgeous kids you have! I love all the water shots, they are my favorite.

  10. KJ said...

    The tower is AWESOME!!!

  11. Linda S said...

    these are great, Jen! glad to see you put the legos away and brought out the big blocks! much easier on the feet! hehee

  12. Unknown said...

    Gorgeous pics as always!!!

  13. Secret Mom Thoughts said...

    Great shots. My favorite was the second one. What a look!

  14. Brittany said...

    Endlessly gorgeous!

    And here, this made me think of you and your love of music based on your mood. I hope you become as addicted as I am.


  15. Devoted Mama said...

    All great winners! My faves are ALL the water shots=NEAT & sisters=precious!

  16. SECRET AGENT MAMA said...

    I love your pics!! Great work..

  17. Jo-Jo said...

    Adorable kids + Cool Camera = Great pics!

  18. ComfyMom~Stacey said...

    Awesome photos with the hose!

  19. Mrs4444 said...

    Great shots! Wow-That's quite a camera (and photographer!) :)

  20. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

    That tower IS really "bid." :) Looks like a great week, based on the photos.

  21. ya ya's mom said...

    love the frosted brownie goatee!! thanks for visiting my weekly winners!

  22. Tena said...

    look how about baby K is over her tower!! Good job!!
    Jen your babies are beautiful!!!

  23. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    Fantastic pics!

  24. Posey said...

    Your children are beautiful! I like the brownie goatee. So cute.

  25. Anonymous said...

    Great pictures as they always are!

  26. Annie said...

    Gorgeoud kiddos!

  27. Karen Coutu said...

    I love the first shot! My children love to build towers too.

  28. Corey~living and loving said...

    I ADORE the hose photos. WOW! totally awesome.
    Happy MOnday!

  29. tiff(threeringcircus) said...

    Am loving the chocolate goatee.

  30. A Crafty Mom said...

    So freaking sweet - those are truly fantastic! Did she really make that block tower, lol??? I'm impressed, that's pretty darn high!! I always love water shots too, they totally capture the moment.

  31. Kristen Andrews said...

    as usual great pics Jen. :)

  32. Rebecca said...

    Love the tower and sisters shots, and that water looks mighty refreshing!! :)

  33. Leah said...

    Nice pictures!

    I also like the little doctor graphic you added to your banner!

  34. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Love the chocolate goatee!

  35. Lisa said...

    Great pictures, as always! When your kiddos are so cute, it makes it easy, huh?

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