Squinty McSquinter

He had glasses. Everytime there was board work, i'd sit and stare at him until he was done writing. Then i'd ask him if I could wear his glasses to see the board.
Hubby was in 9th grade. He wondered why he wasn't able to make many shots on his basketball team.
For the past few months, DQ has been squinting at the t.v.
Everytime I call her on it, she says, "I can see, I was just [enter excuse of the moment here]."
Tonight we were watching
I gave hubby my glasses and he walked over to DQ and told her to put them on.
"Everything looks closer!" she said. We both heaved a big sigh.
I cringed a little thinking of the optometry bill. We pay so much damn money for health insurance, but dental, orthodontia, and optometry aren't included.
So tomorrow i'll be
I pray that having both braces AND glasses in 5th grade is far less detrimental than in high school, like me.

September 29, 2008 at 2:12 AM
my oldest daughter got glasses about 2 years ago. she liked them at first, but then as she's older she asked for contacts. she had a heck of a time trying to get them in/out at the eye doc's office (ya can't leave until you do that). she struggled for a first few days, but now she's an old pro. i think it makes a difference to her. a little self-esteem boost i guess and there's no glasses to come flying off while cheerleading and other activities LOL
i prob needed glasses in school, too, but i held out until my early 20's. my youngest daughter? sees like a darn hawk or something!no glasses for her. i just ask her what it is if i can't see it. lol my son wears contacts/glasses, too!
September 29, 2008 at 2:54 AM
I discovered I needed glasses at a 10th grade pep rally. "You mean you can actually SEE who's across the gym?... oh."
Anyway, if you want to get her a pair of back-up glasses or even prescription sunglasses I can recommend this site. The have glasses as cheap as $8, only $5 shipping no matter how many pairs you get, and it's only an extra $5 to have them tinted into sunglasses. Mine should be arriving any day, so I can let you know how they are.
September 29, 2008 at 4:11 AM
Hi Jen - just jumped over from Amy Amy Bobamey's blog. I'm doing blog to blog and love yours! I'll be stopping by and posting about you over at my place. Have a great day!
September 29, 2008 at 4:39 AM
so I just noticed in preparing for this blog to blog thing that you might've been the initiator!! So you get double the recognition!
September 29, 2008 at 4:52 AM
My middle child started wearing glasses in grade school, GET INSURANCE!!! He is 18 now and wears contacts, so its much easier.
September 29, 2008 at 5:21 AM
Awwww, poor thing! I had my "can't see the board" moment in second grade, lol. Been wearing glasses or contacts since then. I'm worried my kids will be blind too. There are tons of cute styles for little girls DQ's age, I bet she will look totally cool in her new frames :-)
September 29, 2008 at 5:30 AM
Actually, from what I gather, it is actually a status symbol. The middle schoolers I know love braces. Of course, now they have all the cute colors for braces and glasses. In the old days (aka the 70's), it was good ole silver braces, and hideous huge glasses for me! I didn't get my braces off until 11th grade.
September 29, 2008 at 5:33 AM
I was in 4th grade when I started wearing glasses... hubby was in 9th grade when he got his. We know it will just be a matter of time before our girls will need glasses!
September 29, 2008 at 5:39 AM
I was in 6th grade when I had to get glasses... and bear in mind that this was the late 80's, so fo course they were big red Sally Jesse Raphael glasses that were so big every time I smiled my chubby cheeks would push my glasses up.... OY VEH!!!
September 29, 2008 at 5:41 AM
Every time my son smiles I see a bill for $6000...I feel you.
I will say that Clark Howard recommends a cheap glasses company called http://zennioptical.com , and I have since ordered prescription sunglasses from them, worked great. They are VERY inexpensive, and even if you dont use them for her primary pair, they may make a great backup! At $20 a pair, I am experimenting with all the Rx sunglasses they make!
Good luck,
September 29, 2008 at 5:48 AM
Claire, my 13 year old, had to get glasses and looking at herself in the mirror with her new specs and braces she said, "Great. I am officially a nerd." DQ will also do great. Just laugh along with her.
September 29, 2008 at 5:59 AM
Squinty Mcsquinter...you. crack. me. up.
DQ is gorgeous.
I am sure she will be just as beautiful with an extra set of eyes.
My 12 year old was squinting last year too. A little. Then he failed the eye exam at school. His vision was like 20/70. Yikes! Anyway they didn't even offer glasses...he went straight to contacts. Because he plays sports. He has done great with them!
September 29, 2008 at 6:14 AM
aw, poor thing. at least there's such a great selection of frames nowadays!
September 29, 2008 at 6:17 AM
Well get it done and over with now, before high school. Although I believe the younger kids are, the more mean they can be.
September 29, 2008 at 6:51 AM
My younger two, 8 /10 both now have glasses. Mya needs them for reading and Maxx needs them for distance. They look stinking cute....but let me tell you.......glasses are NOT cheap. Even for kids. I've been wearing them since 3rd grade. A royal pain.
Braces are next. I've been thru that years ago with the two oldest. Now I have three more to go. Are kids just born with crooked teeth so they can get braces? No clue!!
September 29, 2008 at 7:09 AM
Yeah I hope so too, cause A will need braces, and both of us wear glasses(so I am sure that will be coming) and she has frekles too!
Braces, Glasses, and Frekles by middle school. fun!
September 29, 2008 at 7:30 AM
Aww...at least you caught it before it became a problem in school...good one!
September 29, 2008 at 7:35 AM
Hope some funding comes in for some sweet glasses! I discovered I couldn't see when I failed the vision test trying to get my learner's permit to drive!
September 29, 2008 at 7:44 AM
I was weird, in high school I wanted glasses--they were so cute! Great banner!
September 29, 2008 at 7:56 AM
Oh wow, I hope the bill isn't too high!
I have a similar experience with glasses - now I wear contact when I am out, glasses at home. My mom and dad also wear glasses, but luckily no one from dh's side of the family does. I hope my daughters take after their side as far as this is concerned!
September 29, 2008 at 7:59 AM
awwww how cute braces and glasses she can be the 5th grade trendsetter!
oh btw ELF=one of my top 5 fav Christmas movies ever!
September 29, 2008 at 8:00 AM
Oh goodness i am rockin out to your music...moneymaker rap goin on here
September 29, 2008 at 8:22 AM
I could NEVER see the board in high school. I always copied people's notes too. Did my mom ever get my eyes checked? NOOOOOOO When I almost ran over a dog one night because I didn't see it, hubby said I definately needed glasses. LOL And guess what? I DID!!
September 29, 2008 at 8:22 AM
She's so beautiful I don't think it will do anything but show off her beauty more!
September 29, 2008 at 8:22 AM
Hi There! I just found your blog and I am lovin' it!
I, sadly, had to get glasses and braces in the 6th grade, so I feel your daughter's pain. I remember when I got them, I was shocked that you could actually see LEAVES on trees! WHAT??!!
The good news is that by high school, the braces were off, the contacts were in, and I could laugh at all of the other silly fools who were just beginning their awkward journey, I had arrived at the level of godess (NOT!! Still a dweeb...)
Now, as a Mom, I have reverted back to the trusty glasses, as they seem to break up my chubby cheeks a bit.
Good luck to your daughter, it will be worth it!
September 29, 2008 at 8:25 AM
How did you get that cute header girl to look just like you????????
Also: "Buddy the Elf-What's your favorite color.."
September 29, 2008 at 8:31 AM
It was 7th grade for me. Never had braces, but I was at an A's game with my dad and couldn't tell him the score. He gave me his glasses, and suddenly I could see! It's been glasses and contacts ever since. Just be glad it's only once a year! And hope that the other two will have freak of nature perfect eyes like my brother and husband.
September 29, 2008 at 8:42 AM
i always loved my glasses in school. they made me feel smart. oh yeah, you heard right. i FELT smart. braces, not so much.
September 29, 2008 at 8:42 AM
crap! i meant to add in there that i love your new header! CUTE!!!
September 29, 2008 at 8:59 AM
Awww -- I'll bet she'll be cute in them! There really is a great selection of frames . . . AND some kids actually do like glasses. My mom gave me a fake pair of glasses for Christmas when I was 14 b/c I wanted glasses so badly. I even "faked" an eye exam when I was in college so I could get "real" glasses. I love 'em . . . black cateyes with rhinestones. Glasses rock!!!!
September 29, 2008 at 9:00 AM
She may love them and as cute as she is they may accentuate her cuteness...all the girls will want DQ glasses!
btw you are feeling kinda java-licious today...wth is that?
September 29, 2008 at 9:24 AM
Hey Jen,
If you can get her a eye prescription I have had many friends buy glasses through zennioptical.com and they are pretty inexpensive and all have been happy with them. It is worth checking out. I bought my glasses through Costco which were $69 for the frames but the optomitrist wanted $260 so shop around.
I bet she will look cute with her glasses!!
September 29, 2008 at 9:29 AM
I had the glasses and braces at 11. I know it was worth it because everytime I smile dentists are amazed at my straight teeth! Luckily now they have cuter glasses unlike the coke bottle ones I wore!
September 29, 2008 at 9:43 AM
Oh, I bet she'll look cute in glasses! Glad you figured out how to help her, but not so glad your health insurance doesn't cover it. Ugh!
September 29, 2008 at 9:51 AM
I likey your new banner!:)
AC, Crazy Jugs
September 29, 2008 at 9:56 AM
I think that glasses aren't the big deal they once were....
September 29, 2008 at 10:37 AM
i have had glasses since i was 7 (1st grade). im 26 now and my eyes change every year! i dont have optical ins either. BUT i found a great place that's cheap AND has name brand style glasses...it's lame...Walmart...my eye exam was only $55 and i paid $118 for my frames...which included magnetic clip-on sunglasses! Try them.
September 29, 2008 at 11:01 AM
oh yeah...my son has had glasses since he was 7 MONTHS old and needs surgery. I caught my daughter calling him 4 eyes a couple weeks ago.....we had a loooonnnnngggg talk about that...
September 29, 2008 at 11:02 AM
I was in 4th when I discovered I needed glasses- my 4th grader just told me she can't see the board! I think sh's still in that phase where she WANTS glasses and braces- yeah, just wait, little girl!
September 29, 2008 at 11:13 AM
Well hopefully she will be in contacts soon...WAY cheaper:)
September 29, 2008 at 11:17 AM
My little one had glasses and then she out grew them in 4th. Go figure
September 29, 2008 at 11:35 AM
Just think of all the car insurance $$$ she will save you getting the good student discount b/c she can see! :)
September 29, 2008 at 11:56 AM
I was in jr high (9th grade) and mortified with those glasses that took up my entire face! At least she's got a cool mama like you to help her find a pair that rocks the house!
September 29, 2008 at 1:40 PM
Awww, times have changed, they have glasses that are much sassier! I bet she will look great in them! I got my first pair when I was 19, and my eyes have gone down hill since!
September 29, 2008 at 3:12 PM
Aww, I'm sure her new frames will be hot. Just for the record, GLASSES ARE HOT AND SO ARE BRACES!! =)
September 29, 2008 at 3:23 PM
We just picked up my 4th grade daughter's first pair of glasses on Saturday. So far, she loves them. I think she is just happy she can see. They do have many cute choices now, eyewear has become a fashion statement.
September 29, 2008 at 4:25 PM
Little S got her glasses last year and she loves them!! Go DQ! There are so many cute styles out there - she'll look darling!
September 29, 2008 at 4:40 PM
OH my gosh, I hated wearing braces and my glasses!! I hope it goes well for DQ, glasses are much more in style now, and there are so many choices. I didn't wear mine, and I think I hurt my eyes in the long run:(
September 29, 2008 at 5:56 PM
I'll never forget getting my glasses in 6th grade and going outside and seeing a tree. I had no idea those things had individual leaves!! They had always just been these pretty fuzzy green thingies...who knew??
September 29, 2008 at 6:06 PM
Ah yes, LRRH is due for a visit as well. And we started the ortho apps but she won't get them for another two years. It just doesn't end does it...Hey, I'm lovin your new header!
September 29, 2008 at 6:07 PM
My son had to get "first stage" braces last year (4th grade). He actually thought they were the coolest thing ever! Go figure.
September 29, 2008 at 6:14 PM
My oldest has had glasses since he was 5! A lot of frames are pretty reasonably priced! And they are pretty cute these days!
September 29, 2008 at 7:54 PM
I hope she does not have to get glasses yet, but if she does I am sure she will be OK, J is such a pretty girl that some glasses and braces will not take away from that. :)
My hubby has really bad eyes (short sighted) and Jarod has been having some minor eye problems in the last year. The optometrist said he is border line for needing glasses, not yet but in the next couple years most likely.
He will be glasses and braces at the same time too then probably.
September 29, 2008 at 7:56 PM
I had both braces and glasses in HS and now my oldest has glasses and also goes to the ortho (has a wire, doens't have to get braces at the moment but will in the near future). DQ will be just fine and they have such cute stylish glasses that will make her that much more beautiful.
September 29, 2008 at 8:17 PM
Oh, I was in about 6th grade when I went officially "legally blind"
glass or contacts ever since.
Great new header!
September 30, 2008 at 6:37 AM
I am sure you were darling, just like she will be!
September 30, 2008 at 8:44 AM
While I don't wear glasses, I so love how they look on women!
Your daughter is just gorgeous - I'm sure she'll get over them quickly!
I so wish I had my braces that young... I had them all the way thru my senior year!
October 1, 2008 at 9:34 AM
I was in 6th grade when we discovered I was blind, 7th grade when we discovered I was beginning to resemble a chipmunk, so I had glasses and braces at the same time. I survived. Sort of.
My daughter has a palate expander right now and we're hoping it will negate the need for braces in the future. So far, she still has hubby's perfect eyesight (keeping fingers crossed).
October 1, 2008 at 9:40 AM
Oh bugger. Sorry to hear. We haven't come to that point yet, but it feels like we are just passing time until glasses or braces.