His New Favorite

After a nice camping weekend where the weather was less than stellar (says the spoiled California beach camper), my mom and dad had us over for a BBQ and cake for Hubby's birthday.

We love to extend birthday celebrations into days, weekends, and often a week! Hey, why not right?

My mom had asked Hubby at the campground his favorite dessert treat.

"Cupcakes" was his answer. Yellow cake with chocolate frosting.

But during that time, all the kids that were in earshot decided to all chime in on their faves. Chocolate/chocolate, white cake white frosting, carrot cake, donuts, I think even someone threw out pie...there was no discerning who said what.

So at the party my mom is telling me something about not using egg yolks in white cake recipes.

Me--?? Okay, but who's the white cake for?

Mom--Didn't Hubby say his fave was white cake, white frosting?

My Brother--No that's my favorite.


He also said cupcakes, but it's the thought that counts! Thanks Yaya!

It was also my brother and sister-in-law's 10th anniversary so it was all good!

My sweet Hubby's comment at the end of the night? "White cake, white frosting is my new favorite!"

He's such a keeper!

32 supporters in group:

  1. Minxy Mimi said...

    He is a keeper!!!
    Love the matches, so classy!!! (:

  2. Shannon said...

    Oh, yellow cake with chocolate frosting is my fave!

    How sweet of your hubby to say the white/white is his new fave! Awwwww!

    And I am all about making the birthday celebration last for days...

  3. Jo-Jo said...

    She sounds like my mom!

  4. Amy W said...

    It is the thought that counts! And, honestly, you can never go wrong with home-made cake. It just oozes with love... and I LOVE the impromptu matches! Ha!

  5. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Oh my gosh, I love the picture. Licking the cake cracked me up...

  6. Anonymous said...

    Hahahahahaha! The labels on your picture are totally the icing on the cake (yes, it's a bad pun, but I haven't had enough coffee yet this morning). It was very creative of you to stick matches in the cake.

  7. Jamey said...

    yep he's a keeper! love the picture.

  8. Kelly Drill said...

    LOL. Right answer, hubby. :)

  9. Anonymous said...

    I love the pic. All your kids are darling, but I especially love the expression on your little K. Too cute.

  10. Anonymous said...

    you have a beautiful family!

    and i love to extend birthdays too!

  11. Jill said...

    Happy birthday again! I too love the drawn out birthday celebrations...

    And even better, I love that parents all seem to have selective listening. I know I'm not alone! :)

  12. Anonymous said...

    LOL!!! random coin... LOL!!!

  13. TentCamper said...

    Cake, camping and family? Nothing better!!!!!

    We actually had a simialr conversation on Sunday...what everyone's favorite pie was... after about 2 minutes...we were all drooling and making our plans to find the best pie shop.

    Happy b-Day hubby!

  14. Sue Wilkey said...

    LOL- "random coin".

    Your family is too cute.

  15. scargosun said...

    I am all about the yellow cake with chocolate frosting. MMMM!

  16. Heidi said...

    Hahah. Matches.... love it. And hubby get's a thumbs up for being such a good sport and liking whatever your mom did.

  17. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    What a good hubby!

  18. Linda S said...

    That's a great family shot! Looks like you have logo t's now? or is that just a watermark? lol

  19. Not Just Any Jen said...

    That was really sweet. We always extend birthdays into Bithday Weeks. fun times!

  20. Unknown said...

    Now the matches are just sad. We always have plenty of candles. I always buy a new pack for the kids' cakes, so we have tons. Our problem is we have nothing to light them with!!! Trade you some candles for matches!

  21. www.JusticeJonesie.com/blog said...

    It's all about the week long or month long celebrations, especially when I'm the one being celebrated! *wink. What a nice guy, hope you all had a blast!

  22. A Crafty Mom said...

    I knew I dropped my coin somewhere ;-)

    Nice lookin' cake and it's no wonder it's his new favourite. What a great guy!! Looks tasty to me, I'd love a slice!

  23. WeaselMomma said...

    sounds like he is a good sport. Happy birthday to him.

    Anymore thoughts on headers?

  24. Jenni said...

    The picture captions cracked me up! And now I want cake...

  25. flickrlovr said...

    What a sweetie! You sure know how to choose 'em Jen!

  26. Tena said...

    not only is he a keeper, he is super smart!! Doesn't matter what cake you put in front of me, it will be my favorite! I love the matches, that is classic! Great picture!!!

  27. jill jill bo bill said...

    He and my hubby are too nice for us, ya know? heh! Those eyes!!! The kids have the greatest eyes!

  28. Svr said...

    I too love White/white - like wedding cakes! Your children's eyes are stunning! Happy Bday to hubby mine was Sunday (October Bdays are the best!)

  29. Ali said...

    My favorite? Cake. Period.

  30. Hannah said...

    I'm a brownie and ice cream person. Chewy, not cakey. Fresh and gooie right out of the oven. How do you spell gooie? Goo-ie? Goo-ey?....hmm..

    THAT girl

  31. lusia said...

    hi nice blog, my blog walking ,do the same plz .tnx.

  32. Rebecca said...

    HAPPY belated BIRTHDAY hubby....that cake looks delish!! :)

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