The Shortcake Family

Little Miss K got her Halloween costume in the mail today.

Well one of her costumes, she wants to be a ballerina too, and she still might be. But, DQ was Strawberry Shortcake for Halloween once. (2004)

My Boy also got into the act by dressing up in the costume as well *coughBlackmailcough*. (2005)

Unfortunately, the costume ended up at Goodwill way before K came along.

But, thank goodness for last-minute Ebay shopping! K LOVES Strawberry and now she looks just like her!! Had to keep the tradition going!

Watch this cute video! *turn off my playlist*

56 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    those are adorable!!! LOL at your boy

  2. Unknown said...

    Awwwwwwwww....super cute!

  3. WeaselMomma said...

    Very Sweet. I always loved strawberry shortcake too.

  4. Sue Wilkey said...

    Oh my GOD do I miss that age. How adorable: "bown". My daughter used to say "cram-a". "C'I see cram-a?" (can I see the camera).

  5. jill jill bo bill said...

    Jen, that was adorable! I think she was saying she wasn't a doll. For more translations, just call. LOL!! She is absolutely precious! And I love hearing y'all's voices.

  6. Toni said...

    I was a Strawberry fan as a child. Had the lunch box and sleeping bag!!!

    The kids are adorable!

  7. A Christian Mom said...

    She is so cute. Loved the video!

  8. JESSICA said...

    That is so cute! She's just about the same size. Is she saying she's a doll?

  9. Brooks said...

    OH! I loved Strawberry Shortcake, and what a cute costume!

  10. Jo-Jo said...

    Oh my goodness, she is adorable!

  11. Jo-Jo said...

    And I forgot to add SMART! Stop by my blog for a little award you can add to your wall.

  12. Anonymous said...

    That video is so cute! What a great costume!

  13. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That is so adorable...

  14. Annie said...

    Too cute! I was a big strawberry fan!

  15. Jamey said...

    awww so adorable, I miss that age too! love the video & the pics!

  16. Leanne said...

    I e-bayed for this Halloween too. Thank goodness for E-bay.

  17. Ali said...

    Yes, she IS a doll! So cute!

  18. Dee said...

    LOL! HOW CUTE!!!!!!!

  19. MamaJoss said...

    Just adorable -- love the video ♥

  20. pink and green mama MaryLea said...

    So sweet! I've been debating if I can recycle the costume this year that my older daughter wore when she was the same age as Mini-Saurus. You've inspired me to do it! Now I can't wait to have matching photos to compare both girls in the same costume. Love it!

  21. Unknown said...

    Way too cute! All of my girls love SS and I did too when I was little. She is timeless.

  22. scargosun said...

    Aww! I love the hat! I had SS dolls when I was little too.

  23. Pam said...

    k was saying she wasn't a doll, but i have to disagree w k...she is a total doll baby in the video! :)

  24. kel said...

    Love it!!! I love that Strawberry Shortcake is making a comback! So much better than those whore-ish bratz dolls!!

  25. Anonymous said...

    Too cute!!

  26. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    All of your Strawberry Shortcakes are adorable.

  27. Tyne said...

    Super cute strawberry shortcakes. Avery was "Strawberry Shortcake Princess" last year. Whatever that means. They make these dresses in Mexico (right by our house) and we got one, then she added a tiara, b/c that's how she rolls. It's all about the bling.

  28. Svr said...

    That is just adorable! Her little voice is so lovely!

  29. Cheryl Lage said...

    Precious! We eBay-ed a couple of years ago....all turned out well, but we ended up with an antenna-less Po (from the 'Tubbies, way before Kung Fu Panda!)

    Darling, darling post. :)

  30. Chris said...


  31. Unknown said...

    The cutest shortcake family ever!

  32. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    How Stinkin' cute is she!! Loved the video, Loved the blackmail pic of your son too LOL

  33. Allison said...

    love love love hearing her talk!! Such a cutie!!!

  34. Jenny said...

    I loved Strawberry Shortcake back in the day. They are all so cute!

  35. Heather said...

    We had that same costume too! Probably at the same time, lol. My son also has been snapped in it.

  36. La Mom-an American Mom in Paris said...

    So cute! Makes me wish I was back home in the USA for Halloween. S. Shortcake is hard to find in Paris!

  37. 4 Lettre Words said...

    Oh, how cute!?! I soooo love the boy in that gettup!

    P.S. I found you through MLC'S Mom!! Happy WW! :o)

  38. Mommy In Pink said...

    I loved Strawberry Shortcake as a kid! Too cute for words...your little one!

  39. Clare said...

    i had an entire strawberry shortcake room! i love it!

  40. flickrlovr said...

    So fun to hear you "in person" :)
    What a little dolly K so sweet! Loved hearing her talk about SS's shoes and her little hat and everything-she's SET for Halloween! Go Miss K!

  41. Jenni said...

    Love the video, Jen! Gosh she is a sweet little thing!

  42. Sheila said...

    I just loved strawberry short cake when I was a kiddo! She is soooooo cute!!

  43. Hannah said...

    I Love love love strawberry shortcake!! I had a little doll that smelled like strawberries when I was little =)

    Your kids look so cute!!!

    THAT girl

  44. Tena said...

    Your boy is such a good sport!!! I was a huge Strawberry shortcake fan!
    Sweet video!!!!

  45. Rachel said...

    Awwww -- that's too cute!!! I LOVED SS when I was little!

    Following In My Shoes

  46. Anonymous said...

    This is so cute! what a little sweetheart she is.

  47. beth said...

    Watching and reading about Strawberry Shortcake makes me very hungry!

  48. lusia said...

    hi nice blog, my blog walking ,do the same plz .tnx.

  49. LazyCrazyMama said...

    How cool!!! My little sister was soo into strawberry shortcake :) of course that was way back when they first came out. I didn't know until recently that those dolls were still around. I remember sneaking whiffs of her dolls ;) apple dumpling was my favorite ;)

  50. Mojito Maven said...

    Thanks for stopping by my blog!!! I've been a blog stalker of yours for a while now...I seriously LOVE your blog :) Thanks for following me :)

  51. Sarah McBride said...

    I used to love strawberry shortcake. i had the blueberry one and lemon meringue and of course S.S. She looks just like her.

    I love the blackmail picture...

  52. Ann Harrison said...

    OH Jen! How do you stand it?! She is just so DANG CUTE!!!!
    (I would just be smothering her with kisses all the time.)
    I better not show this to my Lily. She also likes Strawberry Shortcake and she might change her mind on her current costume.
    (Katie's already changed her mind and I don't want to go through that again!)
    Are you dressing up?

  53. Minxy Mimi said...

    Thats way too cute!!!

    I love it~

  54. Barbara said...

    Super cute!!

  55. Jennie said...

    you know what is funny? I loved old time Strawberry Shortcake when I was little, had the bed spread and all, and now my daughter loves her... she apparently is timeless....

  56. Rebecca said...

    Not only does she look adorable, but as usual sounds it too! :)

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