A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

January, 2006

Holy tummies Batman! With one second month to go with baby K, My Boy was ready to give her a big hug!

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, thanks!

36 supporters in group:

  1. Tena said...

    awww, this is a sweet picture!!! Look how proud your boy is!!!

  2. Tara R. said...

    Look at that smile! Great photo.

  3. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    WOW, I'm first today!

  4. Jay @halftime lessons said...

    Look out, junior, she's gonna blow!!

  5. jill jill bo bill said...

    WHOA! My water just broke for you and I'm not even pregnant! That picture is great!

  6. Elle Bee said...

    I absolutely loved pregnancy... I'm just not ready to try it again yet. :)

  7. Annie said...

    I love pregnant bellies that are NOT mine. Mine never seem to depart when the baby does. Very sweet!

  8. Former Fat Chick said...

    Holy Moly that's a BIG Belly! Oh the joys of looking like you swallowed a watermelon!

  9. MamaJoss said...

    That's a big belly :)...you inspired me to post some "belly shots" too...ugh...not fun.

  10. Ali said...

    Sweet! I've got a shot like this and it's so cute I wonder why I didn't a million!

  11. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    What a sweet picture of you and your son. I just posted my first "A Thousand Words Thursday" post, thanks for creating and sharing such a neat idea.

  12. Brooks said...

    That is a sweet picture!

  13. Jo-Jo said...

    Now that is a prego belly! I just looked fat when I was prego.

  14. LazyCrazyMama said...

    Awwww that is so super sweet!! :)

  15. Anonymous said...

    dont feel so bad! My belly was huge too when i pg with #3. it seems like the more babies you have the bigger you get :(

  16. Unknown said...

    Thats a Precious pic!

  17. Jamey said...

    I LOVE this picture! so sweet!

  18. Mrs. Heck said...

    Awww, sweet smile! I so don't miss being pregnant. LOL!

  19. Over Coffee said...

    Very sweet pic!

  20. Anonymous said...

    what a sweet photo!

  21. ModernMommy said...

    Just wanted to let you know that I love your blog and left you an award at ModernMommyBlog

  22. kel said...

    Love the blog! and the picture is priceless!

  23. Amy Clary said...

    such a sweet picture! Happy ATWT!

  24. Mommy In Pink said...

    Oh my goodness..makes me want to cry...how sweet!

  25. Barbara said...

    Awww, I love bellies =)

  26. Leslie said...

    I loved being pregnant and adore all of MY big belly pictures. Very sweet picture!

  27. Mrs4444 said...

    Sister will treasure this one for years, won't she? :) Sweet.

  28. Jenni said...

    Awwwww! Sweet!

  29. April said...

    how cute. i loved when my son would cuddle my belly when i was preggo with #2 :-)

  30. MommaWannabe said...

    Ohh that's so cute and sweet!

  31. Rachel said...

    He looks so excited! I bet that was fun! :)

    P.s. I like the color changes you've been making on your blog.

    PSF - My Mommy is Crazie!

  32. Anonymous said...

    Stop by my blog...you have an award!

  33. because I said so said...

    visit me today.....I have a prize for the Mom

  34. Ann Onymous said...

    I'm a day late on this, but I wanted to play. :-)

  35. Unknown said...

    Don't you just LOVE this picture.

  36. Rebecca said...

    Nice big belly girl, Love the smile on W!! :)

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