McCrack-y Goodness

I had a ravenous appetite for meat and potatoes. And caffeine.

What worse place to satisfy my midday craving, but McDonalds, and a Happy Meal.


I know their meat is well, meat-ish, meat-looking, not so much meat.

Even the Hotel for Dogs toy doesn't make it any better.

But, anyway.

We drove out of the drive through and K says to me (as she does on occasion)...

K--Mommy's what's that place?
K--No, that toy place?
Me--Oh that's a GERM place.
Me--Yeah, yuck P.U.
K--Oh. Me go there?
K--Okay, no juhrms.

Ah, playland.

K's never been inside.

Her immune system thanks me.

At least it doesn't have a ball pit, but ew.

Last time I remember frequenting Germland, I seem to recall a stench about the room.

Something half-cleaning solvent, half-stinky feet.

Yum, just where I want to eat lunch.

Yes, I'm that mom who shelters her kids THAT much.

I remember when DQ was younger, every time we went to the local park, she'd leave with a stomach virus. I think they grow them on the swings there.

I hate getting sick, and I hate when the kids are sick even more.

But dang those fries must have crack in them....salty goodness.

**now you can find my Bachelor post at Blissful Buzz!!**

51 supporters in group:

  1. Sarah said...

    I love this post for so many reasons! Mcdonald's-sometimes the place just calls my name! The germs, i soooooo hear you! Those ball pits, do you think they EVER clean them? GROSS! I tell my kids that play area is for the kids that don't have a swing set at home-horrible, i know! Now on the read your Bachelor Buzz! PS-So glad Shannon is gone!

  2. Diane said...

    i'm convinced their sweet tea has crack in it. and, yea, prob the fries too.

    thankfully my kids never really cared about the play places. they really are disgusting.

    my kids bring enough germs home from school as it is!

  3. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    Peanut has NEVER been to a McD's, BK or any other fast food restaurant-ever!

  4. Cathy said...

    I hate when my kids are sick. But, I also hate being confined to my house, with my kids. I'll just carry around hand sanitizer and clean off the shopping carts with a Lysol wipe.

  5. Hccm said...

    I have a love hate relationship with the Golden Arches!

  6. Doublebanker said...

    There aren't any germs in the playhouse, they clean in yearly!

    Here's a link to my post of a cat meeting a ceiling fan

  7. Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

    I love McDonalds. Although since I am trying to be healthy I have avoided that place like the plague...My excuse for Carter when he wants to go to the Germy Playland is that it is too busy or closed for cleaning (hahahaha).

  8. Rachel said...

    I agree I don't let my kids play in those germ infested areas either!

  9. Lindsay said...

    ooo germland.. we have not been in one yet either.. however our church nursery has a ball pit!! YUCK!!

  10. April said...

    I'm also the mean mommy who doesn't let her kids go to the McPlayground...and I don't let them put money in those junky machines in the front of restaurants! I'M SO EVIL!!!

  11. Mel Fraase said...

    Maybe my kids have good immune systems from the frequent innoculations of Germland...but ew, never one with a ball pit.

  12. Sarah said...

    I also refuse to let my kids go into the germ center of the universe! Playlands and Chuck-e-cheese type places are out of the question. I won't even go with my playgroup!! YUK.

    And yes...the McDonald's fries have crack in them...well...on's more commonly known as sugar (they mix some in w/ the salt) ;)

  13. WeaselMomma said...

    Weasels are forbidden from that playland too. Every time I let them (years ago) they all became horribly sick. Than a saw a news show investigative clip about how they don't maintain the cleanliness standards they are required to and testing for all kinds of nastiness (including fecal matter) came up wayyyyyy positive. Drive thru for us.

  14. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    We don't go to McD's (in fact, Izzy has never been)..and she's only been to Chick fil A's playland..and they are always very well kept up.

  15. Tiffany said...

    Thank goodness my son doesn't wanna play there because of the million kids running around. And he calls it Old McDonalds. But sings the song "Ate McDonalds". Yea he's confused all right. LOL

  16. Tenakim said...

    It's funny- I wasn't that way, but my husband really is! Whenever the kids get something he wants to 'blame' something and find the source. He's got me thinking like that too, now!

    My sister's game night that I didn't go to the other night... my niece threw up all over the living room and foyer!!! Now 4 of the 6 kids that were there have it- SO GLAD I DIDN'T GO!!!

  17. Anonymous said...

    I am with kids have been to a playland less than a handful of times in their life...I remember going with a new neighbor, she stayed with her kid, I did not...her kid had diarrea for 3 days...Mine did NOT.

    I hate those places...ew.

  18. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    That's exactly how I feel about Chuck E. Cheese. Germ-fests! YUCK!

  19. Jamey said...

    I try to get my kids to avoid that place as well! I ca't even think about the germs! hope you feel better soon!

  20. Tricia said...

    Yuck, I know. I read a report recently where a group took germ samples from multiple Chuck-e-Cheese restaurants, and the results were disgusting.

  21. Colette S said...

    I go to the park and I feel the same way...I can't wait to get them home and wash them head to toe. So many months I don't go to the park. I feel bad for my kids.

    Oh and if you could fold yourself like a diaper I'd throw you in my suitcase and put diapers over you for our trip :)

    Goody. Now I need fries!

  22. jill jill bo bill said...

    I knew I needed intervention when I caught myself LICKING the inside of the fries wrapper. Help, please.

  23. Lianne said...

    Indoor playlands are good for two things:

    1. Rainy Days
    2. Test subjects for the Center of
    Disease Control.

    And their Mcfries are ridiculously good.

  24. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I love me some McFrench Fries! They know how to make everything feel good and okay in the world. I never took my kids to the playland for the same reason. Ick

  25. Swirl Girl said...

    My kids actually call it by it's real name, Not McDOnalds..but the Booger Factory.

  26. Clare said...

    they sooo do have crack in them, and we totally avoid the play area. such a germ pool!

  27. Cheryl Lage said...

    SOOOO funny, and we're SOOO the same person! ;) Purell, or it's substitute the ONLY prophylactic even PARTIALLY gonna get my kids in those. We've had LOTS of strep after in-mall playspaces...

    Stay well, and I hear the French fries DO have some germ squelching capability.... ;)

  28. Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

    Ok, crappy mom time... I am so into letting my son hit the playland. I boil him after to sterilize, but there is nothing better on a rainy day than indoor playground (and fries on the side).

  29. Melissa said...

    The smell is a cross between pee, stinky feet, unwashed kids, and armpit odor. Nasty!!

  30. JESSICA said...

    We went into a McD's playland once...on a road trip...never again. As soon as I saw Grant chewing on something, it was over. He found someones discarded fries and decided to chow down! Yuck!

  31. Anonymous said...

    I think you might be making the right decision on this one. I've seen some things go down in there..things better left unspoken about.

  32. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    I haven't eaten McDonald's in years...even though every once and a while those fries do sounds good. I am praying Monkey never learns what a happy meal is...even though my mother-in-law seems determined to take her to McDonald's when she is older. Ugh!

  33. Unknown said...

    I don't know if any of those play places have ball pits anymore. I know the ones around us don't (thank GOD!)

    My kids play in the one at our local Chick Fil A a lot but they get Purelled after and I always like to see their record of when it was last cleaned on the wall! ; )

  34. Northern Gal said...

    I'm with you. Playland will make home "gooberland" for the next week. I can expose my little people to enough germs sitting in the grocery cart thank-you-very-much. Atleast I get something done that way!

  35. Minxy Mimi said...

    I am that mom who lets thier kids eat with dirty hands... LOL Your opposite!
    But yeah, the fries ROCK!

  36. Anonymous said...

    Oh we soooo don't do the Germland either! No. Freaking.Way!!!!

    But those fries and big macs - when you got the craving, wow!!

  37. Liz Wilkey (a.k.a. A Mom on Spin) said...

    Yeah, it's the salt!!! Gotta be the salt!

  38. Merrie said...

    I have this problem with Fosters. I don't go there often, but now and then I can't resist the idea of one of their burgers with fries and a chocolate shake. Have you ever dipped fries IN a chocolate shake? Well that's a little bit of heaven right there.

    And I agree with you about the smell at our McD. I've avoided it for a few years now and haven't missed it!

  39. Heather of the EO said...

    I wrote a post a long time ago about the play place at Mickey D's. We've been twice. Nightmare both times. Therefore the title of the post was McFear. Ew.

  40. Erin said...

    I totally agree about the play place! Yuck!! We might as well let our kids play in the McDonalds bathroom, actually they probably do clean that a little more often.

  41. Native American Momma said...

    Yeah I wouldn't let her play at Fred Meyers playland or a number of other places! Yuck!

  42. Jenni said...

    I let my kids play there NOW...but I avoided it like the germy plague infested PIT it is when they were little ones!

  43. jen aka mommay said...

    My kids have been to a BK playland once! It just creeps me out!

  44. Ann On and On... said...

    Ronald McDonald the crack dealer....LOL.

  45. Unknown said...

    We go so often, I felt like I needed to get the drive-thru chic a Christmas gift! Didn't.

    My kids think the playground is just for decoration. I do take them to BK. When I have to.

  46. Anonymous said...

    We spent plenty of time at those play places when the boys were little, and fortunately they didn't see too much worse for the wear. BUT, the only time one of my sons had to be hospitalized for salmonella poisoning was after a lovely McD vanilla shake, so we haven't been back in years now.

  47. April said...

    Luckily, they just built a new McD's here and it doesn't have a playland AT ALL. Come to think of it, I don't think we have ever even gone inside. Drive thru only!

  48. Noob Mommy said...

    I am so with you on that dirty meat and potatoes fix from MceeDees! And germ place.. ugh.. I am dreading when Noob Baby is old enough to want to go in there.

  49. Dawn said...

    Yeah, we don't play on the juhrms either! LOL!

    My little one is too scared. It's a good thing. ;-)

  50. Don Mills Diva said...

    I let my kid go nuts in the jurhm room.

    I figure ya gotta let 'em eat a peck a dirt.

    He's never been sick and I LOVE the break!

  51. My Trendy Tykes said...

    My kids love the JURHM room....well, all but one (She gets her SMARTS from MOMMA). I can not stand the thought of the ball pit. I have heard horror stories. You would think I would not let my kids play in it. BUT A MOMMA'S GOTTA DO WHAT A MOMMA'S GOT TO DO and that's eat in peace or at least semi-peace and only for a few moments until the kids start complaining about being stuck WAY AT THE TOP!


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