Think Before You Ink

Have you thought about getting a tattoo? Do you have one you regret getting? I have just a few things you should consider before deciding to get inked.

* You might think of your future career before you get "HAWT STUFF" on your knuckles. It may seem cool at 19, but when you start teaching piano lessons, you students might look at you funny.

* Tattoos on breast, stomachs, or buns? Just remember three simple words: SAG, DROOP, DIMPLE.

* Research your Kanji symbols. Wearing a long-sleeve in Arizona in the summer is going to be pretty silly looking because what you thought was the symbol for "wisdom" is actually the symbol for "bloated" on your shoulder.

* Your own name tattooed is pretty redundant. If you feel you're going to forget something during a late night out drinking, maybe your home address would be more beneficial.

* Take a clear picture with you of what you want. Your powerful dragon on your forearm may end up being Barney if you don't have the right photo.

* Don't take your children with you to the parlor. Just because baby Joey's birthmark looks like the Target symbol doesn't make it okay to get it colored in red.

PLEASE add more of your own tattoo suggestions!

*Previously published at Beautiful! Fabulous!*

43 supporters in group:

  1. Mrs. Heck said...

    LOL! Too funny! I have a kanji tattoo on my shoulder of "Love" b/c that's what the hubs and my mama call me. I had just turned 18 and wanted to get inked. LOL! I don't regret it b/c I am usually covering it with a tshirt. Plus, being a military wife, it's in the code or something that you have to have a tattoo somewhere on your body. HAHAHAHA!

  2. Tara R. said...

    I have a small Celtic tat on my shoulder. By the time I'm 80 it will probably sag to my hip. I had it placed where I could cover it with clothes most of the time. It was more for me and not something to show off anyway. Hubs doesn't have to entertain for his job often, but it would not necessarily be a good professional move to have your wife looking like a hoochie momma.

  3. Unknown said...

    lol love these wonderful suggestions! The sagging is why I will never be brave enough to get one.. well, and I've had enough needles for one lifetime. My dad has one on his arm but now his arms are starting to get that wrinkly look and it just doesn't look too good.

  4. Shannon said...

    I don't have one... if I did get one, I have no idea what it would be. But these are some good tips to keep in mind, LOL!

  5. The Buntens said...

    Oh my, that is FUNNY!
    I have always thought about the sagging part!

  6. Anonymous said...

    I have two...the one on my back sholder, I can' see, but I know it's pretty stupid...I wish I would have paid for a better one while I had the money...

    I think that since most people who get tatoos they regret later,are too yound at the time to really think about the future, it's a part of being young.

    I don't regret mine, I actually would like to have more...but I would research the parlor, more than the tat...

    I wanted to tatoo a baloon on my belly so that it would get HUGE when I was pregnant...I'm glad I didn't do that since now my belly looks like a shriveled streatch mark saggy puchy mess....

  7. Blog Stalker said...

    I just noticed how many followers you have. WOW! your like that really popular girl in high school. lol

    Anyway, my take on tatoos:

    They are really cool but so so stupid. Before everyone jumps me let me say I think certain tatoo's are pretty cool. But just like some clothes are super cool, they are just not appropriate sometimes. And you can't just take off or change tatoos.

    I don't know many people with "older" tatoos who are still so thrilled with their tats. Most laugh at the folly of their youth.

    Anyway, your body is a temple and such things, Have a great day!

  8. david mcmahon said...

    I can't wait to photograph a tattoo parlour called ''Ink Inc'' !

  9. Tracey said...

    Yes, I see so many "mom" with tatoos that just make them look CHEAP! We have one dad at our school that has naked women on his arms...dare I say...touching themselves...UGGHH!...and he always wears "wife beater" t-shirts...! Ugghhh!

  10. amelia bedelia said...

    I don't have any tattoos...I have too many freckles!!

  11. Erin Tales said...

    You know how lots of people get Chinese symbol tattoos now? Well my friend, who is Chinese, told me often they get inked backwards! Or what they *think* it means isn't what it really means. LMAO! That said, I have the Chinese symbol for horse on my back..and he checked it ... and said it was right. So... my piece of advice is if you are getting a tat in a foreign symbol or language, it's good to know someone who KNOWS the language to make sure its right.

  12. Erin Tales said...

    I loved this post. I mentioned it on and I added a pic of my tattoo! Go look! :)

  13. Jamey said...

    I will print this up before I go to the ink shop!

  14. Unknown said...

    HAHA toooo funny...i actually have 2 small tats which will prolly bite me in da assa as soon as one of the beans say they want one and I say NO then they say But mommmmmm you have 2

  15. Rebecca said...

    LOL aint that the truth (all of it!).

    I have 2 tattoos - one of a daisy with a leaf behind it on my right hip (the size of a quarter) and the other is 'mother and son' in Chinese symbols on my right hip (I actually got it from a Chinese book in the library...photocopied it and took it in, so I know it is right! lol).

    I do plan on getting all the kids names written in Chinese symbols (written out by a friend who is Chinese) somewhere on my body, but I have not decided where yet.
    I don't like my tattoos to be *seen* by anyone else, so I have to decide on a place where it is hidden. lol

  16. Ali said...

    Too funny! And as a sports fan, I have to add, do not get the player's number tattooed on your body! There's always the strong possibility of that player changing teams and numbers!

  17. Amy Clary said...

    these are great suggestions.
    I have one tattoo and I was VERY picky about what it was and where it to not humiliate myself or my family later.
    I have a huge thing for fairies and butterflies. They're symbolic to me and my life story. I also love the tanzanite ring my husband chose for our engagement.
    My tattoo is of a fairy sleeping in a pile of leaves with tanzanite colored wings. Not only have I evolved but now I can rest (that's the thought behind my tatt)
    All of that to say this...people getting inked should REALLY THINK about what and why before they get it done.

  18. Ruth said...

    This is funny, I just got a tattoo last night and read this just now! :)

  19. Hollie said...

    that was funny, especially the sag, droop, true!

  20. hippos toes said...

    Do you have a tattoo? I have always wanted one but just haven't gotten it done yet. Was thinking the ankle, not too far to sag there and when I'm too old that's where the socks come in :).

  21. beth said...

    I' envisioning a tattoo on this 50+ body...pretty scary. I am thinking...a wilting flower on my roll of fat just below the belly button!

  22. Marla said...

    when i got mine almost 20 years ago i freaked the first time i had to much to drink and looked down at it... i screamed at my roomate... WTF did i do?? she just laughed... i love it now...

  23. Ann Harrison said...

    This is such a good one Jen!

    (Just for you... I've sent another e-mail, this time with an attached word document. I hope this one works!)

  24. Jess NBP said...

    Here's my INK story. LOL

  25. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    That is too funny! Fortunately, I never did the INK thing! I HAD thought about all these things. I have quite a few friends who have what THEY call a "tramp stamp" on their lower back...they tell their kids they have "owies."

  26. Hannah said...

    HAHA nice. I thought about getting a tattoo for a while, but just couldn't go through with it, and as of now I'm glad I made that decision.

  27. Just Another New York Mommy said...

    My husband asked me to have his name tattooed on my lower back, right above the butt, but I always have an excuse- I'm pregnant, I'm breastfeeding, I need to lose weight, now it's I'm pregnant again.

    Eek, can you say scaredddd to get a tat? Plus, he doesn't seem to get it but I keep thinking of being 85 with my great grandkids being like wtf is that?

  28. Amy W said...

    I have one on my hip of an angel. I picked it out in a last minute rush and thought I got it just right... Until my girlfriend mentioned that it looked like it was pointing at my, um, "privates." Argh! Oh, well, thank god for bathing suit skirts! It is what it is and I was who I was and it is so not worth regretting at this point.

  29. Unknown said...

    Great post! I have a really small sun on my upper back. I wish someone had been able to convince me NOT to get mine! I really dislike mine. I will hopefully have it removed in the future.

    Also, I left you an The Butterfly Award at Jolly Mom.

  30. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    This was funny. All I can say is, it hurts worse to get them removed... Been there done that..

  31. M. said...

    i have a ridiculous amount of tattoos...

    my first one was pooh bear - and most people think/say/yell/whisper that i will hate it when i'm older. they say tattoo's are personal... and this one is, my Dad calls me Pooh, and I'm 30... I will never regret that one... plus my dad took me for that one!

    my second - a maple leaf, small, patriotic, can hide it easily.

    third - giant buddha on my arm... good, until i go to thailand and have to cover it up... evidently they don't like that there! still, it's my religion.

    four - giant pink lotus on my other arm... so far so good.

    five - a boyfriends name on the back of my neck

    six - a cover up of now exboyfriends name, with a crown and my sons name.

    seven - my daughters name

    eight - butterfly - to go with my daughters name.

    moral of story, never get a boyfriends name! stick with kids and things that are only personal!

  32. Chris said...

    I have 2 tattoos and both are in places where they are covered by my swim suit. I wanted them but didn't want them where they could be seen. I have a friend who is heavily tattooed and I just think of what she will look like in 20 years. That was my biggest consideration before I got either of mine.

  33. Jenni said...

    LOL! I am too askeered to get a tatoo!

  34. Dee said...

    i couldn't agree with you more! ESPECIALLY about future jobs and the sag , droop and dimple senario!

  35. Unknown said...

    My tat is on my foot just below my toes. It's like a Christain fish. It's easy to cover up with shoes when it's not appropriate. But can still be scene when it's cool -like the pool or beach.

  36. TUTU Monkey said...

    Too funny!!

    The people with those big%^% things in their ears too.....they look like bottle tops or corks......." will regret having a big , honkin hole in your ear some day"..."

    Thanks for the laugh!

  37. Saz said...

    well thats put ink in my pen!! Have been thinking about a tattoo this year...never before now l'll think even more LOL

  38. Lisa said...

    LOVE it! One of my roommmates in college tattood a dolphin jumping over her belly button. She's now how two kids. Enough said!

  39. Mommy In Pink said...

    haha! great post!

  40. Jenny said...

    So funny especially the sag, droop & dimple part. I'm not against tattoos but definitely consider placement. We were at a park and there was a woman with "Ricky" tattooed (in the fancy scripty font) across her chest. No hiding that gem.

  41. scrappysue said...

    found u thru tiaras and tantrums. check out my photo story friday post tomorrow. i got my first tattoo yesterday

  42. Anonymous said...

    A blog worth reading on forward until the end! :) I really admire the wording in this blog, quite precise to the details but I just might change one or two things, never-the-less, bravo on well choiced words mate.. p.s.>> Thanks for sharing, I actually picked up some knowledge on this one :)
    -Have an amazing day!

  43. VickieC said...

    my step son does tattoes,,he has offered a free one for me an my husband,uh NO,,,,ive seen what they look like years after being done,,I have no desire

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