Weekly Winners

Cousin B after a wave tackled him.

Miss Strawberry CuteCake!

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October 26, 2008 at 5:12 AM
The shots of the spider webs are great. So delicate. I love the beach pix too. Lovely selection of photos this week.
October 26, 2008 at 5:41 AM
Always love your Sundays, and the camping looked like so much fun...
October 26, 2008 at 7:39 AM
Great pics jen! what a beautiful Family! Love the one of everyone climbing up the sand-where is this?
Those spider webs are perfect for Halloween-knowing me i would get up in the middle of the night to pee and walk right through them-of course I would hve a minor freak out session
October 26, 2008 at 7:46 AM
You know how I'm into the whole ghost/spirit thing? In the picture of the tree, I counted 15 orbs and 1 batch of mist...if you're a believer, those are all individual spirits!!! Creepy!
Nice pictures, Jen!
October 26, 2008 at 7:56 AM
Looks like a great place to camp. Camping is how we get our family togetherness time.
October 26, 2008 at 8:27 AM
That's one adorable Strawberry Shortcake :)
October 26, 2008 at 8:29 AM
Fantastic shots, Jen! I'm so impressed. I'm loving the sand hill and the bird shots - totally amazing.
October 26, 2008 at 8:39 AM
I love the last one! stinkin cute!
October 26, 2008 at 10:46 AM
those were awesome shots!! The one were all the birds lined up was amazing! Good capture! Your boy looks like he was having a blast!
October 26, 2008 at 10:56 AM
Awesome collection of photos! I love the tree ones
October 26, 2008 at 1:19 PM
Wow! So many great photos!! I love the last one of Strawberry Shortcake the best!
Karen of the MomDot Street Team
October 26, 2008 at 1:41 PM
I love the climbing tree! Cool! My boys would love that!
October 26, 2008 at 1:50 PM
♥ all the tree climbing ones & the last 2 are super adorable!
October 26, 2008 at 2:11 PM
You really done good this week! :P
Order of faves:
"Sand Hill" (We did that a lot as kids)
The tent under that uber cool tree (capture of cozy and spooky together!)
Wave tackle. :)
Oh, and as always...totally cute kids!
October 26, 2008 at 2:50 PM
Looks like and amazing time! I love the last two.
October 26, 2008 at 3:13 PM
Hi there,
I have your blog button on my contest blog button love. I was wondering if you could send me a short description of your site. I would like to include a description.
Such beautiful pictures of the kids. When I was a kid I was strawberry shortcake crazy :)
Blog Contest Station
Thank you
October 26, 2008 at 4:19 PM
your kids are beautiful!
October 26, 2008 at 5:05 PM
My favorites are the 1st spider web and your husband's with the birds all in a line. Beautiful.
October 26, 2008 at 5:06 PM
So fun! The camping looks great and that last shot is just the cutest. ever.
October 26, 2008 at 6:34 PM
Love the pics! I have missed you. I was inspired by your blog to add one of those follower thing-a-majigs on my blog, and I saw that you were following me! Yay! I also saw that you were on Twitter now. I am going to go follow you now. I am so excited. What can I say, I am easily amused. Either that or going nuts. You read my latest fiasco with my demon child, right? :)
October 26, 2008 at 7:38 PM
What a cutecake! I absolutely loved S.S. when I was growing up and still have all the dolls!
October 26, 2008 at 8:27 PM
LOVE the halloween shots!!
October 26, 2008 at 9:01 PM
What a fun set of pictures!
-secret agent mama
October 27, 2008 at 6:33 PM
Great pics as always. I love the last one!
October 28, 2008 at 8:58 AM
Great photos as ususal. Love the spiderweb.
November 2, 2008 at 1:34 PM
The spider webs are really cool.