Weekly Winners

Squeaky Clean
Red 40?
The Luxor
I *heart* NY
Wee Wee Paree
A Grand Hotel
This show doesn't get old
For more Weekly Winners, visit Lotus at Sarcastic Mom!

37 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    these are beautiful, jen! you are an amazing photographer!

  2. Unknown said...

    Still jelous! lol I will go there SOMEDAY!

  3. Brittany said...

    Oh I love them!!!!!!

  4. Unknown said...

    Great pix-my my my your such a world traveler even if you visited all these in vegas that still so counts ;-)

  5. Anonymous said...

    Man I want to go to Vegas...did you get a job as a brocure photographer? Those are great pictures.

  6. Shannon said...

    As usual... these are some great pics!

    My husband has been to Vegas once and would like to go back... I've never been. Maybe one day we'll go together!

  7. Anonymous said...

    Your little girl is beautiful! She kinda reminds me of Pocahontas in that picture. So sweet!

    I heart Vegas... big time! Awesome pictures! And you're right, the water show at the Bellagio NEVER gets old. I always tear up when I see it; it's just so beautiful!

  8. John Deere Mom said...

    I love living vicariously through you. Love the pics and reading about your totally awesome vacation!!

  9. Jenni said...

    Love the new red and green header! And the first picture is just too sweet! What a face! How do you ever say no to her?

  10. Jamey said...

    I LOVE the M7M one! and K of course! Oh I liked my header till I saw yours! LOVE it! see yous soon!

  11. Unknown said...

    Isn't it crazy how all that stuff is in Vegas? When I flew there I said it was like flying into the world! HA!

    The first one is my favorite! : )

  12. Jamey said...

    Oh I forgot, Saw J in the parade last night! she rocked!

  13. ParentingPink said...

    Wow! Great pics! I love your holiday header design! Fabulous!

  14. Tara R. said...

    Those are awesome photos!

  15. SECRET AGENT MAMA said...

    Simply Gorgeous!

  16. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

    Just beautiful! :) My favorite is the effect on the M&Ms.

  17. Bridget said...

    Amazing pics!! I love love the first one, she is so cute!

  18. beth said...

    The fountain display is my favorite thing to do in Vegas. Really.

  19. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Holy Moly! Those pics are insane!!! You are an awesome photographer!!! Totally jealous! I love the water show @ Bellagio..never gets old but your pic totally captured how cool it is!!! Great job and sounds like a great time!!!

  20. McMommy said...

    My favorite hands down?

    "Squeaky Clean"

    Awwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!! So super cute!!!

  21. April said...

    You are a very talented photographer....and your little girls is precious!

  22. Tena said...

    makes me want to go to Vegas so bad.... great pictures!!

    Squeaky clean and ubber cute!

  23. Anonymous said...

    Aw man...my son and I never got to see the Bellagio Fountains at night like that. Only in the daytime. I bet that was really beautiful. Great pics!

  24. Anonymous said...

    Great pics! I love the water show! and i love the new festive look on your blog.

  25. Secret Mom Thoughts said...

    Beautiful shots. Love the buildings but my favorite shot is Squeaky Clean.

  26. Indy said...

    Man. I love Vegas. Beautiful shots.

  27. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Great shots! You did a fab job!

    And, love the little pigtails!

  28. Bob and Jenn Peacock said...

    Those are great pictures! I haven't been to Vegas in so long.

    P.S. I love your holiday header!

  29. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Wow-gorgeous pictures!
    Im jealous!
    Love the squeaky clean one. I also love taking pictures of my Lil Princess right out of the tub...love how the water sticks the eyelashes together.
    Very pretty Mommy!
    Great job!

  30. SavvySuzie said...

    Awesome photos!

    Oh, I tagged you!

  31. jill jill bo bill said...

    These could be postcards!!!! Great job!

  32. Mrs4444 said...

    None compare to the first one, sorry. How can you EVER say no to that face?!

  33. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Great shots, especially loved the first one, she is adorable....

  34. Corina - Down to Earth Mama said...

    I love the angles, lights and architecture. Simply beautiful!

  35. tiarastantrums said...

    gorgeous photos - jealous - were you in vegas!!

  36. flickrlovr said...

    Girl, you're a pro with the camera! Wow! All of those were incredible. Truly. And I can't believe how much like DQ Miss K looks in that first photo. HOLY COW!

  37. Corrine said...

    amazing pictures!!!

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