Chicken Soup for the Soul (a contest!!)

When I was a first-time mom, I wanted to know if the feelings I had were those felt by every new mom. I was clearly validated after receiving a few books from the Chicken Soup for the Soul series as a gift.

You probably have read one as well. I read Chicken Soup for the Mother's Soul, and also had a day planner with affirmations and stories that were very real, emotional, and powerful.

I was elated when I received two of their books in the mail to offer as a giveaway to my blog readers!!

· Chicken Soup for the Soul: Moms Know Best (July, 2008)

· Chicken Soup for the Soul: Moms and Sons (September 2008)

Each book contains over 100 stories that will touch your heart!

Here's a little info provided to me:

Being a mom is a mind-boggling and exciting experience that's filled with discoveries (some beautiful, and some – diapers? – not so beautiful). Three of Chicken Soup's new parent titles embrace the ups and downs of being a mom, from bringing your first baby home to seeing your last child off to college – and all the spilled baby food, report cards, first dates, tears and giggles in between.

The company is currently implementing a plan to expand into all media, is working with TV networks on several TV shows and is developing a major Internet presence dedicated to life improvement, emotional support and inspiration. In 2007, /USA Today/ named /Chicken Soup for the Soul /one of the five most memorable and impactful books in the last quarter century. For more information visit:


1. YOU MUST let me know which 1 book (either the Moms Know Best OR Moms and Sons) you would like to win, that is your first entry.

2. For a second entry, Twitter this contest and leave the link. Make sure you leave a separate comment.

*To be fair to each entrant, you must follow the rules or your entry will be discarded.

*Make sure there is contact info (email addy) connected with your comment

*Open to US addresses only.

*Contest ENDS December 10, 2008 8pm PST. Drawing will consist of all entries for Moms and Sons in one basket and Moms Know Best in another. I will draw a winner from each basket, one for each book.

Good Luck everyone!

63 supporters in group:

  1. Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

    I would love to win the Mother and Sons book...I love these books. Great giveaway!

  2. Jen Highfield said...

    Oh, what a great giveaway!!! This is awesome! I would love, love, love the Mother and Sons book! Well, I would really love both but you're making me choose!

  3. Carri said...

    I have never read a Chicken Soup book. I think I may be one of the few who hasn't. I guess I need to pick up on my reading. I would love the Moms Knows Best Book as I have a girl and a boy.

  4. Anonymous said... fun. I love Jack Canfield.

    I think I would go with Mom knows best...I have a son, but my dd causes me the most greif.

    I dont' no second entry for me!

  5. Jenni said...

    I would like the Moms and Sons one!

    Thanks, Jenn!

  6. Lisa H said...

    I would love the Mom Knows Best one.

    Awesome giveaway!

  7. Kristen Andrews said...

    would love Mom's Know Best!

  8. Julia@SometimesLucid said...

    I would love the Moms Know Best one.


  9. Yasmine said...

    I grew up reading chicken soup for the teenage soul- such amazing stories!
    I would love to win " Moms Know Best"


  10. Yasmine said...

    I twiitered!!

    Username: YasmineO


  11. Jo-Jo said...

    I would love to have the Moms and Sons....I have all sons and I think that would be lovely for me! Plus I have a friend that just had a little boy and I would love to pass it on to her!

  12. Jo-Jo said...

    I Twittered!

  13. Miss Blondie said...

    Oh i love these books!! I would defnitely pick the Moms and Sons book! Thanks!

  14. Heather of the EO said...

    Since I have two boys I'm pretty sure I should go with the Moms and Sons book.

    P.S. I love that quote on the sidebar over there from your hubby. "Blog like no one is reading."

  15. Pam said...

    we have a cpl chicken soup books in the house. mini-me got one for a christmas present last yr, and i bought one at school book fair last yr. i would love the Moms Know Best book. Gonna go tweet this now :)

  16. Pam said...

    i tweeted. woot!

  17. Tena said...

    I would love the one about sons!!

  18. Tena said...

    tweet tweet!!!

  19. Unknown said...

    I would like to win the Moms and Sons book (I have one boy in the midst of 3 girls) so I'm sure that one would be put to better!

    BTW and this is totally random I love your layout! So cute.
    Mommies Little Helper

  20. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Great give-away!

    I would like to win Moms Know Best!

  21. Lea said...

    I am a single mother of a 13 year old boy, having raised him alone the entire time. It's been a long and difficult road, but we are very close and the love is there for sure (I also have a 17 year old daughter that I have raised alone for the most part too)...

    I would LOVE to be the winner of Mothers and Sons book.

    Thank you for considering me. My email address is wisprnsoul(at)

  22. artfuldelight said...

    I have never read the Chicken Soup books. Since you are making me chose :-) I will have to pick the Moms and Sons. My son is such a handful.

  23. Lea said...

    Twitter name: wisprnsoul

    Comment left on twitter: hoping to win a chicken soup for the soul book.

    Thank you again for the opportunity to win this book. (wisprnsoul(at)

  24. MamaJoss said...

    I would like some actual chicken soup right now (ahh-choo!) But for the contest Moms and Sons...

  25. artfuldelight said...

    Tweet-tweet here's my link:

  26. MommaSuds said...

    I love Chicken Soup for the Soul. I would love the Mom Knows Best book to add to my collection. Thanks!

    Oh and I twittered too. My email is

  27. MommaSuds said...

    Ok I twittered.

  28. Jennifer said...

    I would pick Mom's and Son's!! Thanks for the chance!

    jls_wss2003 at yahoo dot com

  29. Candy said...

    I have the perfect friend/colleague for the mothers & sons book! I've read many of the Chicken Soup books, but haven't seen that one. Pick me! Pick me!

    Love your new blog header!

  30. Candy said...

    I left a tweet -

  31. jaime said...

    i would LOVE the mom and sons book...what a great giveaway!

    ps- i gave you and Tena a quick shoutout for the Santa hats in my post today...and now i found the other Jenn that i need to link too as well- just wanted to let ya know!

    have a great weekend!

  32. Unknown said...

    Oooh, the Mom and Sons one would be perfect since I have two! : )

  33. Unknown said...

    Also, I just twittered about it and will try to remember to do it again over the weekend. I'm @elainea. Thanks girl!

  34. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    It's hard to pick one. But I think I'll go with the Moms and Sons. I need all the strength I can get with my boys!

  35. Anonymous said...

    I LOVE Chicken Soup books and would love to have the Moms and Sons!

  36. Nancy said...

    I've never read a Chicken Soup book (although I've heard of them). If I were to win, I'd love to win the Mom and Sons book. I'm a mom to 3 young boys.

  37. Amy said...

    I'd have to pick Mom Knows Best. While I have two sons my daughter is the oldest...

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  38. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Great contest. Mothers and Sons for me....

    My email is open on comments.

    I signed up for twitter, have not quite figured it out yet.

    Have a great weekend.

  39. Anonymous said...

    Thank you for this chance to win! I would love the Moms and Sons book, since I have 3 very mischevious little boys :)


  40. Brooks said...

    I love these books. I def would need the Mom Knows Best boys at my house...

  41. Annie said...

    I'd have to say the Moms and Sons. With Boy now grown and out on his own, I think it would be a tear jerking pleasure to read that one!

    If I should win, contact me on my blog!

    Thanks for the contest!

  42. kel said...

    I love Chicken Soup books! They are great for a good cry!! (and sometimes, don't we all need a good, sobbing, cry?? very cleansing!)
    I would love to read "Mom knows Best!"

  43. ♥ Braja said...

    OH POO!! I'm not a US resident AND I'm a vegetarian. Your contests are loaded...lucky I have my chocolate and Xanax, Jen honey...

  44. Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

    I would like the Mother and Sons book (since I have all boys LOL) I am going to Tweet right now!

  45. Merrie said...

    I like the Moms and Sons edition -- very cool Jen!

  46. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I would love either book, Mom knows best would be my #1 pick though.

    BTW Jen I heard you are taking applications for a Sister, I would like to apply. I think you would make a AWESOME sister and I would even buy us matching scarves like you know who :)

  47. Andrea Frederick said...

    I would love to read the moms and sons one. Affirm, that my child is not the only one who can't flush the toilet:) and wipe up the toothpaste! a.frederick80@yahoo.

  48. Sheila said...

    Hey there!!! Just wanted to say hello. I love the soup books. Your blog is so cool, I need you to help me pimp my blog so it's cool like yours. Hugs!!!

  49. Donna said...

    I would like Mom knows best.

  50. Donna said...

    I twittered.

  51. Corrine said...

    i'd love one of the mothers and sons if i were lucky enough to win

    i don't know what twitter is :( is that just sad??!!

    corrinesim at yahoo dot com

  52. Mrs4444 said...

    Wow. My thumbs are sore now!
    Moms Know Best-Check

    THANKS! :)

  53. Anonymous said...

    I would love to win the Mom's know best book!
    Jtaulbee at gmail dot com.

  54. Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

    As the mom of two boys, the Moms and Sons looks great to me. Thanks for the opportunity.

  55. Rhonda said...

    I would love to win the Moms and Sons book! Thank you for offering this great giveaway! rhonda (at) acedesignstudio (dot) com

  56. Me said...

    Moms Know Best--please let me win this time. :)

  57. Rachel said...

    I would like to win "Mom's Knows Best"

  58. flickrlovr said...

    I got an offer to give away these 2 books too...I said I'd love to do it, but haven't heard back-hmmmmm ;)

    I'm not entering to win, but good luck to everyone!

  59. Anonymous said...

    As mom of two of the most wonderfully exasperating boys in the world it's gotta be Moms and Sons!!

    Thanks for a great contest, Jen...

  60. Anonymous said...

    This one definitely deserves a tweet or two!

  61. xoxo, collette said...

    I would love the "Moms and SONS" book. I'm a single mom and God only knows how much & often I pray for support, guidance & words of wisdom. It's NOT EASY raising a boy alone...

    BTW, I love your blog!

  62. Khadra said...

    I would LOVE Mom knows best!
    Saw your new product review blog, love it!

  63. Scary Mommy said...

    Being a mother to two sons, I would love to win the Moms and Sons book. I just don't *get* the male species and I'll take all the help I can get. ;)

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