A Thousand Words Thursday Friday

Our Christmas Eve party went over nicely, the living room was ready, the fireplace set for Santa. Why was I so upset?! I was bummed that I didn't have anything set for my ATWT post. A first in the 42 weeks since I started my blog!! A travesty in my opinion. Luckily Christmas morning hubby reconnected my lifeline to the world.
Cheaper Than Therapy

February, 2008
So if your kids, love water and soap...put them to work!

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.
Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

15 supporters in group:

  1. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    I love your pic! I also had to laugh since we did the same thing. It really is great to have little helpers...at times.

  2. Jenni said...

    Cuuuuute! Does she do floors?

    I hope you had a Merry Christmas, Jen!

  3. xoxo, collette said...

    What's up with kids wanting to do dishes? My Chulo is always asking to do dishes!

    Hope you had a Merry Christmas!

  4. Swirl Girl said...

    You make that little girl clean without rubber gloves? For shame!


    come over and see my girls play in water!

  5. Joanna said...

    Aw, how sweet! I think my son will be a great helper... at least I hope!

  6. April said...

    Love it! My girls are washing up the kitchen as I sit at the computer...LIFE IS GOOD!

  7. Mel Fraase said...

    I knew I had kids for a reason!!

  8. AUDREY {LIL' BOOGER BLOG} said...

    I love this picture! Hopefully lil' booger will be as helpful as your lil' one!

  9. Rachel said...

    That is too cute!

    LOL, my daughter loves to push the Swiffer around . . . I guess that's officially her first chore since I have her "swiffer" the living room everyday.

    She needs to earn her keep somehow!

  10. Leanna said...

    How'd you do that? My boys STILL do not want to do that! I'll take whatever I can get...they do take out trash and recycle...and best of all - the dirty diapers! ;)

  11. Leslie said...

    What a cute little helper. Good thing you have it documented. When she's fifteen, you'll want some reminders to yourself of how helpful she WAS!

  12. Unknown said...

    Thanks! Baby Girl likes to "sweep".

  13. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Cute..I need to get mine on that. I just gave her a kids bar soap for the bath and she thought ti was the greatest thing, ever.

  14. JenEverAfter said...

    Mine will dust. But only the one same spot, over and over and over again!

  15. Tech Flea Bytes said...

    What a gorgeous family! Love your blog!

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