A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy
December, 2002
DQ was chosen to be Mary in her preschool Christmas program. My daughter, who was so quiet and painfully shy, got the lead. My friend's daughter wanted the job, but was chosen as a goat. We snapped a quick smile, but the rest of the show her mouth was pursed shut as in the second shot. Now you can't get the girl of the dance stage!

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

46 supporters in group:

  1. Daddy said...

    She is so cute. I remember when i was younger and Christmas was such a joyous occasions where we would be running about carolling on Christmas eve. What a memory.

  2. Proud Mommy said...

    A star is born!!! She is sooooo cute!!

  3. Dee said...

    oh that is so exciting that she gets to be Mary! She's so cute too!

  4. Brooks said...

    thats precious!

  5. Erin Tales said...

    My sister was Mary when we were little. I was an Innkeeper.

  6. Erica said...

    That first one is adorable, the second one is hilarious! Have a great day!

  7. Kristen Andrews said...

    very cute as usual!

  8. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    So cute! Love seeing them like that...

  9. Andrea Frederick said...

    What a doll!

  10. Mrs. Heck said...

    What a cutie! :) She is a superstar! ;) Happy ATWT!

  11. A Family Completed... said...

    That's so sweet. She has beautiful eyes. Isn't it neat to watch your kids preform on stage. My daughter did dance and I was always amazed how she could get up there so fearless in front of all those people and I felt like I could throw-up from nerves just sitting in the audiance, lol. She's a beautiful Mary.

  12. Abby said...

    She is such a pretty little girl! I bet she did a great job!

  13. Jamey said...

    oh yes the preschool show. sweet pictures!

  14. Tara R. said...

    A Star is Born! Maybe she's caught the acting bug now. The photos are great.

  15. Former Fat Chick said...

    oh, poor goat....gorgeous Mary, if I was the goat I would have probably been bitting on Mary's butt the whole time!

  16. Unknown said...

    DQ is soooo adorable!!!

  17. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    She made a very beautiful Mary.

  18. Ranch Girl said...

    Holy cow, before I read the post, I thought that was K, not DQ!

  19. Leslie said...

    I think she has a great career ahead of her. She's darling!

  20. Bree Shaw said...

    wow she is so beautiful, whether she is smiling or not! thanks for sharing.

  21. goodbye said...

    She is a doll!! Watch out you got a heart breaker on your hands!

  22. Ann Imig said...

    Holy shmoly your daughter is beautiful! Now your making my ovaries go all give-me-a-girl. Thanks a lot. Seriously now, thanks for following my blog. You look like one busy blogger, and I really appreciate the support.

  23. Leanna said...

    LOL...this is EXACTLY how it would have happened for me! For mine it would be the only time to zip the lips (when we don't want them too) ;)

  24. April said...

    I just love it when the shy child gets the lead role!!! Go DQ!!!

    Adorable photos!

  25. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Oops! my link didn't work the first time ;)

  26. Brittany said...

    It's eerie how identical she and K look!!!!!!!!!! How adorable!

  27. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That is so precious. Oh my, I love it. She is beautiful, and I love that look in her eyes on that first photo. Thanks for sharing.

  28. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    That is awesome. I am sure you totally enjoyed that day.

  29. ExtraordinaryMommy said...

    What a beautiful shot! She looks JUST like you!

  30. Amy Clary said...

    Aw, she is so cute. I bet she loved that. Happy ATWT!

  31. Rachel said...

    She looks adorable!

  32. Tena said...

    You can say you remembered her when....

  33. Unknown said...

    The photos are great and she is so adorable.

  34. Amy W said...

    She is too much. What a doll!

  35. Merrie said...

    Both my kids were sheep in that one. lol J looks so sweet. :)

  36. Linda S said...

    so squishy cute it's crazy!

  37. Jo-Jo said...

    She really is so beautiful!

  38. KatBouska said...

    You realize people totally double dip on our Thursday things!?! Create a post and link up on both our pages??

    Who gave these people the right to be that smart??

    Half tempted to do the same thing myself...


    And that first shot of Mary is a framer!! Bust it out ever Christmas. I love it!!

  39. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    What a sweetie!

  40. Anonymous said...

    shes so adorable!i hoped this help her get over her shyness.

  41. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    What a good little Mary!

    Now, she's going to be talking non-stop.

  42. Deb said...

    That face! How cute!

  43. Kate P. said...

    I confess...I totally double dipped on the Mama Kat/Jen Thursday! I just love you both!
    I forgot to link up over here though. I know. bad.

    But...Im glad I didnt cuz I mis-spelled THERAPY in my blog...


    You would never guess I was a proof-reader for the newspaper.


  44. JenEverAfter said...

    What a beautiful photo! The first one, I mean. The second one's a little, umm, tight-lipped!

  45. artfuldelight said...

    Your daughter is so cute!

  46. Mrs4444 said...

    You really should start putting bags over your kids' heads; their cuteness is overwhelming at times! JK. SO sweet. You must be so proud :)

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