Um, What Did I Just Wrap?

I've been a wrappin' fool the past few days.

No, i'm not beat-boxing and rhyming, but yo shiz, I can work dat biz....(spitting profusely into my cupped hands).


So i've been wrapping presents, lots of them.

I have 3 rolls of paper that i'm alternating.

This post is so boring.

Tape, tape is good.

Scissors, yes you need those.

Labels, pen, bow. Done.

No, but wait.

Have you ever wrapped a present, taken care that you folded the sides in just right, and then it hits you!! go to write in the TO: space and POOF! Just like that, you forget who the hell the present is for?!?

Or what it is!!!

Crap. Was that the perfume for Kim, or the lotion for Jessica, or the first season of Sex and the City for Lisa?

Do you unwrap and then re-wrap? Do you search the paper and check if you can see-through-it? Do you guess?

Today I wrapped and unwrapped. Dammit my first guess was right. Damn second-guessing-freak-mind!

52 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    I did this exact same thing over and over labeling the kids gifts. I am so tid for tad with them, the packages are even the same size. Oh well, Missy B may very well open some stripped boxers. She'll know who it's for.

  2. Unknown said...

    That is y i just make out the label first! lol

  3. A Christian Mom said...

    Glad to know I'm not the only one who's done that!

    I've yet to get our gifts wrapped. More than likely... I'll end up doing them Christmas eve, after midnight... like normal, lol. ;o)

  4. Anonymous said...

    LOL...I got nothing for you here. I don't think I've ever done that (whew)...but I think it would depend...i would check the others and do a process of elimination...or wait a while to see if I remember...

  5. Green said...

    I'm so sorry for laughing, but it's so good to know I'm not alone. This year I managed to do this 3 times! Thank God I'm done wrapping!!!

  6. ParentingPink said...

    I have done that soooo many times! Good to know I'm not alone :-)

  7. Anonymous said...

    For some reason, this post reminded me of the time when my sister and I were kids and we were very into the Christmas spirit. We had already wrapped all of our gifts, but we really wanted to wrap more, so we started wrapping each other's stuffed animals and sticking them under the tree. Then we wrapped one of our little brother's stuffed animals. He was really ticked off on Christmas morning to open a gift and discover it was something that already belonged to him. Oops!

  8. Dee said...

    LMBO! I hate when I do that!

  9. Brooks said...

    you are not the only one! I am always doing that....

  10. kel said...

    I did the same thing last night!!!

  11. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    I hate it when that happens. After having 8 concussions playing football, I have a tendency to forget a few things. So this is more the norm for my wrapping adventure.

  12. Shonda Little said...

    Yes, this is shit happens to me all the time. But, my mind doesn't work in December at all.

  13. Sheila said...

    Don't you hate that??? It's okay, it makes wrapping more interesting.....NOOOOT! This year I gave each child a different color. And I have a special, secret notebook that not even my hubby knows about. And I write down the gifts & mark it off when I wrap it. It's worked for me. Happy wrappin'!

  14. Tiffany said...

    LMAO I can't say I'm done that. I'm a speed wrapper. I have to wrap a present before my kid sees it or he'll tell the person what I got them. LOL

  15. Anonymous said...

    Boy you hit the nail on the head with this one Sista! This is too funny.

    Unfortunately, I'm guilty of wrapping without name. (WWN)

    Maybe we should start a support group or something!

  16. Amy said...

    That's funny. I got books for both my Mom and Dad and when I wrapped them I couldn't figure out whose was whose. I figured they could open them together and then switch if it wasn't what they asked for :-)

  17. Annie said...

    There was the year that my grandmother mixed up the gifts to my kiddies. Daughter got a science kit (she was 4) son got a necklace (he was 7). Personally, I unwrap the end...cursing all the while!

  18. Tyne said...

    Yeah... I haven't started wrapping yet- so you are way ahead of me , no matter how many times you have to wrap and unwrap!

  19. Anonymous said...

    i can't tell you how many times i have done that!
    btw, be sure to stop by my new blog. the neurotic mom won't be around for much longer.

  20. RuensOnTheRun said...

    I did that earlier this week...completely forgot which toy I just wrapped and which boy it was for...Yes, I unwrapped the end to peek.

  21. Unknown said...

    Lmao! That's too funny!

    I would unwrap and then rewrap,!

  22. Amy said...

    One of the reasons I don't wrap. I gift bag. Everything!

  23. Julia@SometimesLucid said...

    You are already wrapping? You are sooo ahead of the game it's not even funny (or actually, thinking of you wrapping and wrapping is pretty funny) ;).

  24. Minxy Mimi said...

    Ive done that...too many times to mention without looking like a loser!

  25. mom3crazygirls said...

    ok, Lisa gets 1st season of sex in the city and I get squat? ;)

  26. Jenni said...

    I have done that! You get into the wrapping ZONE and just blank out...

  27. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    No, I've never done anything like that before. Never!

  28. Clare said...

    i have so done this before and it is sooo annoying, good luck with the rest of the wrapping:)

  29. Don Mills Diva said...

    You see - that is why I am all about the gift bags!

  30. Rachel said...

    and then the wasted pretty paper too...I guess that is when you need to take a break from wrapping or have a drink!

  31. Mariah said...

    I half unwrap and rewrap... and I do it all the time!

  32. Miss Yvonne said...

    I usually hide presents around the house and then I can't find them when I'm ready to wrap them. So I'll freak out for about 10 minutes and then remember that I wrapped them last week already.

  33. Brittany said...

    Oh yes, I am glad I am not the only one who ends up with surprise gifts:)

  34. Linda S said...

    yo, yo, shizzy,
    yo makin me dizzy,
    yo head is in the hizzy,
    wrappin anna rappin
    anna ain't you bein bizzy

    I'm sorry, I just spit that out..good for you. you are making me look bad. This is the only rap or wrap I've done.

    It's a good thing you are moderating the can totally wipe this one realz...yo

  35. Annie said...

    I would have ripped a tiny part off and looked at the box, then smacked an extr bow over the tear. I HATE wrapping!

  36. Wendi said...

    I completely understand.
    I recently walked in an Alzheimers fund raiser.
    I told my kids I was walking for my future.
    I was not kidding.
    I am wrapping and unwrapping too.
    I would like to thank you for writing this post.
    I am glad to know I am not alone in my forgetful little world.

  37. Meg said...

    its horrible - monotonous! but i love watching people open them!!!

  38. Abbi said...

    so funny! i've done the same thing and had to unwrap the whole gift! totally ticked me off!!!

  39. Paul Eilers said...

    The way I used to wrap presents was so bad, I never had to fill in the FROM part. They already knew.

    Now, I use those nice Christmas bags. Because my wife said so.

  40. Rebecca said...

    haha BTDT too.

    This year there are no tags on the presents, since they are 99% for the kids anyway I decided to forgo tags.
    They open them all anyway no matter who they are for! lol

  41. Rachel said...

    YES -- I've done that!

    I'm so jealous that you're wrapping gifts. I don't have a SINGLE thing wrapped.

    My mom, on the other hand, has everything wrapped. . . .and she uses a DIFFERENT PAPER FOR EACH PERSON! Ugh -- she started that when we were kids so we wouldn't know which gift belonged to which person (she leaves the labels off). SO frustrating for someone who like to surmise what she's being given!

  42. Aracely said...

    Yo I always be doin that, for realz! I am partial to the process of elimination technique... but I'm pretty sure that bit me in the butt once or twice.

  43. flickrlovr said...

    OMG I do that all the freaking time. It's so annoying. I feel your pain Jen-LOL.

  44. Scary Mommy said...

    Gift bags, girlfriend. You can peek inside, no wrapping needed and you can reuse them. And I'm the laziest wrapper ever so they work for me!

  45. jill jill bo bill said...

    I do that constantly. I know the impotance of giving the right gift to the right person.
    True story: A baby pulled off all the tags of the gifts under the tree. The mom could figure out most of them. But when she saw her mom open the small thin box that held a keychain that said "Odessa", she knew Odessa was wearing a new gold watch. Odessa was the house keeper. A well dressed house keeper now. Yep.

  46. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

    Ha! Glad I'm not the only one who does that! I'm an "unwrapper-rewrapper", too. Damn short term memory.

    My cool purchase this year? That fancy little 3M cutter thing. RAWKS my socks! (Oh, that and wine. Got to have wine while I wrap!)

  47. Cat@3KidsandUs said...

    LOL probably silly, but I always buy a different wrap for each person, that way the brain fart doesn't hit me.

  48. Blog Stalker said...

    I needed this laugh today, It has happened to everyone I'm sure!

    Have a great day!

  49. JenEverAfter said...

    haha! That's why I just get everyone the same thing!

  50. Vamp said...

    This used to happen to me all the time. Now I make out the tags first & I hope I don't accidentally wrap them (yep, it's happened)

  51. Sarah McBride said...

    welcome to my world.
    I swear I go through so much tape and wrapping paper because I am a dumbass.

  52. Regina Bertrand said...

    HA, HA, HA... Yep, this year is worse for me. Been there done that!

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