Little Rachael Ray

My nephew had his birthday at this place...

Hubby got the privelige to accompany our youngest to this fun looking party.

The party was geared to 5 year olds, but we had a feeling K could hang with the big kids.

Pizza was on the menu. Oh how I wish I was there.

But, with DQ dancing, we couldn't be in the same place at the same time.

K was so attentive, said Hubby. She'll fare well in preschool.

She looks like a pro.

Be scared Rachael Ray, be very scared.

Look at little B, they work so well together.

These pics may or may not be in order, remember I wasn't there...

That is a serious face.

Ooh my favorite part...sauce and cheese!

A little more sweetie, don't forget the pepperoni!

Remember, we're pizza snobs, so K did not eat her own creation. But, luckily the cake made up for it!

43 supporters in group:

  1. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That is so precious. What a great idea...Loved all the pictures.

  2. MOMMY-MOMO said...

    what a great idea for a bday party! so cute and fun. I love it. great pics too! Good job of you hubby :)

  3. A Christian Mom said...

    My 7 yr old loves to help me cook & I would love to sign her up for the Young Chef's Academy... it's like 2 mins from our house. But right now, it's to expensive for us. Looks like a lot of fun, though!

  4. Pam said...

    i'm not a big fan of pizza, but i would have eaten it just to see what it tastes like and if it's good! lol and cake? that is my weakness *sigh* very cute photos. your hubs did a great job :)(i'm guessing that he took these lol)

  5. Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

    OH so fab and so cute!!!

  6. Heather B. said...

    So adorable! I wish we had something like that here! Connor would love it! Looks like K had a great time!

  7. .jimaie.marie. said...

    omg she is just PRECIOUS!! look at her go!
    props to your hubby for capturing such GREAT shots!! what a fun birthday!!

  8. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    You have gorgeous kiddies.

    I remember those days, when the kids loved to "help" me in the kitchen. Alas, those days are far gone...although my 14-yr-old daughter loves making things on her own now. Does that count?

  9. Ter said...

    I love that idea!!
    great photos!

  10. mama's smitten said...

    Great Pictures. I have been wanting to take my kids there. Looks like lot of fun!

  11. Anonymous said...

    What a cute place!!!

  12. Tara R. said...

    She is adorable. Rachel SHOULD be worried.

  13. Jenni said...


  14. Mel Fraase said...

    That looks SO cool! I wish we had something like that here. Looks like she got to color & keep the hat? Awesome!!

  15. Martha said...

    K is just too cute, and I think she has a future in TV!!! We had Young Chef's Academy, but it opened just as the economy turned, and it did not make it. We did not get there, but I wish we would have. Fun birthday.

  16. said...

    LOVE all of these pictures! The food looks great, but I really just want to eat up the adorable little girl. She is so darling!!!!!

  17. He & Me + 3 said...

    What a fun fun fun party. Those were cute pictures.

  18. Anonymous said...

    That party looked like a blast! I want to be invited next year ;-)

  19. Shannon said...

    How fun! I wonder if there's a place like this here... my oldest would love to do this for her birthday.

  20. Shannon said...

    Oh... and I think Rachael Ray had better watch her back! That's one adorable chef you have! ;)

  21. Unknown said...

    Sassy had her 6th bday at YCA & we loved it! But ours is closed now.
    It is so not fair that you & your hubby both are such great photographers. It helps that K is SO cute!

    And you know I'm loving your nephew's Ratouitte.

  22. Mrs4444 said...

    If this kid were a doughnut, I would take a dozen. :) Such a cutie...

  23. Musings of the Mrs. said...

    What an awesome idea for a party. I want to have an adult party like that. Although there would have to be some wine.

  24. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    I love that place! What a great idea you just gave me!!! =) Love the pics too and the blacked out kids face made me laugh!!!

  25. Courtney said...

    WHat a great idea! it looks like such a blast!

  26. Mrs. M said...

    What a creative way to celebrate! Fun!

  27. Ann On and On... said...

    Beautiful photos! What a fun day for the kids.

  28. Anonymous said...

    It looks like it was really fun. I really liked all the pictures.

  29. WeaselMomma said...

    That's such a cute party idea.

  30. Clare said...

    what a fun birthday party!! i love that idea, she looks like a pro too!!

  31. Michelle said...

    Cute pics! Your hubby does well with the camera too!

  32. Ann(ie) said...

    Couldn't be more precious. What a sweet party idea!!!

  33. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh I love it! She'll be cooking you dinner in no time.

    And, didn't daddy do a fabulous job with the pictures?

  34. Leanna said...

    WOW! Did Hubs take these pics? He did great....or at least a lot better than mine does. Sometimes I wonder if he does that intentionally.. hmmmm.

    And, seriously, I thought she had already dipped into the sauce (pizza) cause I swear that was what I saw on her cheek, no? lol

    And, what a great birthday party idea! I love it!

  35. Merrie said...

    That is darling! And what a great place for a party -- I've never even heard of it. You guys will have to tell me where it is.

  36. Juliana said...

    This really cheered me up tonight! I cannot wait for moments like this.

  37. Stacy Uncorked said...

    What a FUN idea for a birthday party! Looks like they had such a great time and did a great job!!

  38. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Do you think that place does adult parties? That looks like my kind of birthday party!

  39. Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

    That is such a great idea for a Birhtday Party! I wonder if we have one in my neck of the woods.

  40. Unknown said...

    What a great idea for a party and yes, she does look a pro - Wow!!

  41. Over Coffee - the green edition said...

    Those are great pics! It sounds and looks like it was a great party! I might have to look for one of these in my neck of the woods...

  42. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    I cant' get over how focused she is!

  43. Anonymous said...

    That looks like so much fun! I'll bet she had a blast!

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