Dressed to Impress

So you might paint a picture of me after reading this.

This combined by my recent post that I shower every 2 days.

You might think i'm lazy.

I drove to pick up my kids today....(that in itself is kinda sluggish of me)



...flannel pajamas.

Yep, 2pm in the afternoon and I still had NOT changed out of my jammies.

Yeah, I hear the boos, the hisses, the laughs.

Don't tell me you haven't done it.

What? You were sick, oh..well..I guess that makes sense.

I wasn't sick.

I was just cozy warm.

And, for the record, what's the point some days?

I didn't have a staff meeting.

Well, K and I did have a little talk about not dripping bubble liquid on the floor, so we kinda had a meeting.

But, she was wearing her jams too, so totally didn't count.

I wasn't having a photo shoot, lunching with the President, going to the store, or the prom or anything.

No. Reason. To. Dress. Up.

I'm calling it Casual Mondays.

So what if the cars parked beside me in the parking lot probably took one look at me and said, WHAT A LAZY COW!

And, so what if my oldest daughter's first words as she got in the car were, "nice outfit mom, did you just wake up?"

Just makes those times when I do get dressed for even more special.


It's not like I'm wearing my bunny slippers too.

They're bear slippers, so there! PPLLLLBBBTT!

31 supporters in group:

  1. Jennifer said...

    This is my life. Every. Day. If I'm lucky, I get to shower every other day. Ick. And the one day a week I actually make an effort to dress up, is Sunday when we go to church... most days, I am in PJ heaven.

    I can't believe my life. ;-)

  2. City girl turned Country Girl said...

    BA HA HA LOL!!! Thanks for the giggles!!! You go girl, love a comfy day!!!

  3. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Hmmmm, once again I have to say...I do the exact same thing!!
    My hubby even came home and asked why the baby was playing in her pj's outside. I said whats the point in getting another outfit dirty? lol

  4. Laura Marchant said...

    Ha! That's great. I pass no judgement.

  5. shutter girl said...

    PJ days rock!

  6. Carrie said...

    LOL! What...no shower...in two days...and wearing jammies...all day? I've NEVER done that....{is this still NOT me Monday?...oh, it's not...because I'm still wearing the same shirt that I was wearing yesterday!}

  7. Martha said...

    LOL! I've had those days too. The days were I do not want to go anywhere because I don't want to put on "going out of the house" clothes. In the house I wear shorts and T-shirts... I do not wear shorts out of the house. I was cured of wearing them to drop off and pick up Tara from school though the day my alternator went and I had to get out of my car and ride home in a tow truck in my SHORTS! I even walk the dogs some days under the cloak of darkness so I don't have to change out of my inside clothes!

  8. Ranch Girl said...

    No judgment by me :-) There are and have been many days when the jammies stayed on until early afternoon!

  9. Tiffany said...

    Don't worry Jen. If I could do it, I would too. LOL

  10. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Did you just blow raspberries at me (or as Izzy says strawberries)?

    I feel the same way on the weekends. I really don't care. I'm just catching up from the week and if I don't have to leave the house, why change?

  11. Anonymous said...

    You're my style guru!

  12. Tara R. said...

    When I'm working at home, and know I won't be going into the office, I definitely stay in my flannels as long as I can. Comfort is the word.

    The bunny slippers however, are under my desk at the office. And, yes I do wear them around.

  13. amelia bedelia said...

    We ain't lazy sister....we're just conserving water...less laundry.

  14. MamaJoss said...

    Um...where I grew up at the shore...it was ALWAYS considered just fine to walk around that way...and even now HERE in the middle of the sticks of PA...still FINE. You get one big GREEN LIGHT from me :)

  15. Heather of the EO said...

    You crack me up. I stay in my jams a lot. And I shower every other day most of the time too. That's why I wish it was hat season all year round...but not cold. I know there are cool summery hats, but they look dumb on me. Why am I going on and on about this?

  16. A Christian Mom said...

    I had to giggle about the bear slippers! lol You're so funny.

    Since I homeschool now, I won't tell you the number of times I stay in my jammies. Lately, though, I've been doing much better, but there are still days when I just don't care.

  17. Lisa-licious said...

    I count the days until my youngest is out of Pre-K, and I will be able to drop her off at elementary school without having to get out of the car, sign her in, say "HI" to all the hottie moms who were obviously motivated to wake up at 5 A.M., work out, take a shower and put on make-up before coming to the school. I simply can not wait. Can't. At all. Really.

  18. bookieboo said...

    Well, my kids aren't old enough to drop off at school yet, but this just cracked me up. I used to do stuff like that in college, and I'm sure I'll be doing it again soon.

  19. PMKU said...

    It's 10 til 5pm here and I'm still in mine. They are candy striped flannel jammy pants. I should go change before that man gets home from work. rofl....Shhhhhhhhhh

  20. Michelle said...

    Hilarious! I am with you! Jammie days are nice and sometimes what is the point, you are just making extra laundry for yourself!

  21. Unknown said...

    I Totally sported a similar outfit yesterday until 3 p.m. (we didn't go anywhere all day...) and it was THE. BEST.

  22. Annie said...

    I would love to do that! and some day I will!

  23. turnitupmom said...

    Good for you!! I SO don't shower every day anymore, although I've never tried the pajama routine.....great idea!

  24. wife.mom.nurse said...

    LOL! Have totally mortified my kids by driving to school in my jammies.

    Must try to completely unglue them with the flannel pick-up!

  25. Gretchen said...

    If I didn't have to go to work I often think I would never get out of my comfy clothes! Totally jealous of your day. Since I am a teacher and off in the summers, I go days with no makeup in my shorts and a tank.

  26. Melissa said...

    I'm too busy blogging to take in a shower every day! And the minute I get home from work i'm back in the lounge wear!

  27. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    You are not alone. I bet you half the people in your neighbourhood live in their pajamas...you just don't know it.

    I also live in my pjs, or sweats. Love 'em, and there ain't no one nowhere who's going to tell me otherwise.

    And a shower every second day? Cool!! Try 4 days...yeah, I know, but it's true, sometimes.

  28. Deanna said...

    Hey, definitely jammie or comfy clothes for us here, too. As soon as Mary's home from school and there's no plans to go right back out she's in her jammies. She has to wear a uniform to school and hates it.

  29. Anonymous said...

    I loved reading this! I love that I'm not alone! My kids always laugh at me. As long as I'm not getting out of the car, they don't care what I wear.

  30. MommaD said...

    hey, i try to shower every other day-primarily to wash my visibly ick hair, and in those five minutes (tops) my toddler managed to pour himself a bowl of MUSTARD and was eating it! and the bus comes to the end of my driveway, so i put on hubbys sweatpants and a baggy shirt, get my son off the bus and change back into comfy jamma pants...

  31. SweetPeaSurry said...

    I actually DO go to the grocers in my jammies and slipper. So what, right? Bah ... whatevs!


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