Morphine, STAT!


Seeing your loved one helpless.

Hubby was punching his frequent visitor card at a hospital back in 2002.

He has Crohn's Disease.

June/July, 2002 began the worst flare he's had to date. He's suffered with CD since 1992, and we're very lucky to say that one bad flare is very rare for most CD patients.

Infection.Fever.Fistula.Antibiotics.Repeat. That was the beginning.

Then it was Pickline.TPN.Antibiotics.Bladder Infection.Antibiotics.Fever.Blockage.

For 5 months hubby was in the hospital, out of the hospital, on IV meds at home he administered to himself, back in the hospital.

Painful, aggrevating. DQ was 3, My boy 1.5. It was a hard time. The hospital was an hour away so the visits just to say hi and see daddy were few and far between.

The worst of it? Feeling so helpless.

Finally on December 18, hubby had surgery, luckily you have plenty of small intestine to spare when you need to get rid of some.

But the sight of him in pain afterwards. Awful.

He never normally complains.

He was complainin' then.

More morphine for the man please!!

Being on morphine will elicit the funniest of conversations. Uninhibited is the word I think i'm looking for.


I know we're never out of the woods as far as being cured goes, meds

I look at him now and appreciate each healthy day.

26 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    What a great prospective to have now.. to be thankful for every healthy day!

  2. M@ said...

    this definitely constitutes something that sucks. My daughter was having a lot of symptoms, but luckily she only had Celiac's, not Chron's.

    Luckily I say, heh. With the change of diet, she's doing great, but I feel your pain of watching a loved one in pain.

  3. LazyCrazyMama said...

    Ugh. How awful!

  4. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

    So true! We take so much for granted. We don't like to dwell on unhappy memories, but sometimes those are the ones that remind us to be kinder, more responsible, more thankful. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. Heather of the EO said...

    Crohn's is such an awful disease. I mean, not that i know personally, I don't have it. But I know a lot of people who do, and it's just so mean. Your poor husband.

    It's true, morphine is a crack up though :)

  6. Unknown said...

    What a wonderful support system he has in you. I will keep him in my prayers. You have such a great outlook and that is so admirable.

  7. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Thanks for sharing that. I can't imagine what he goes through. God Bless you all.

  8. Amy W said...

    My thoughts and prayers are with you guys that he never has to go through that again. Crohn's is a wretched disease....

  9. The Mother said...

    When hubby's back goes out, he walks around like a zombie, hopped up on cool stuff.

    Yesterday, completely sober, he swore he had never taken part in a fantastic conversation involving three broken glasses that all the kids remembered.

    It was quite funny. I guess you had to be there.

  10. He & Me + 3 said...

    I didn't know this. Way to be positive and thankful for the good and healthy days.

  11. Tara R. said...

    I hope hubs stays in remission and no bad flares any time soon.

  12. Angela said...

    Not to throw out a sales pitch but a friend of mine has Crohn's and says MonaVie helps her. I can send him some to try if he would like! Again not a cure but it does help my friend although I know it affects people differently. I also have another friend whose 14yr daughter was just diagnosed after she had a brain surgery for something else. Tough year for that little girl!! It is such a tough and debilitating (at times)disease.

  13. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Glad to hear that he is now on the up and up. I have a girlfriend who suffers from this and it has never been managed very well. I feel awful for her when she is down she is down.....

  14. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    It's good to be appreciative of the healthy days.

    Makes me not want to make so much fun of my hubby when he's complaining about a cold.

  15. Laura Marchant said...

    My cousin has this too. He just had a bad spout of it a couple months ago. Scary stuff.

  16. Dejoni said...

    I have Crohn's too so I feel your hubby's pain. It is a horrible disease that few people understand.
    I am currently going through a "bad spell" after ten years of a remission.
    Morphine does illicit some funny do Versid and Demerol! I just did a post on how funny I am after getting all drugged up for my colonoscopy.
    Glad to hear he is doing well!

  17. Unknown said...

    Sorry your hubs has to deal with Crohn's. I have a good friend who has it and she has flare ups pretty often. They haven't recommended surgery yet but I wonder when they will.

    Happy to hear he's doing well these days...

  18. said...

    Wow, that's a difficult disease. I am so glad to hear that things are calm! I pray they will continue to be!


  19. Diva Ma @ Mommy Fabulous said...

    Had a friend with Chrone's. Be blessed for ever day. I found out a year ago about this disease and it's effects from her experience. She spent lots of time in the hospital as well. Take care!

  20. Anonymous said...

    I can't even imagine. Here's wishing hubby a lifetime of health!

  21. Mrs4444 said...

    I can't imagine. Glad he has you and so many other reasons to smile... :)

  22. Mel Fraase said...

    Wow, my brother also has Crohn's. What a difficult time for you with such little kids. Glad he's feeling better now days!

  23. Anonymous said...

    You don't hear much about Crohn's out there. My father suffers from it and I can't imagine the pain. It's been a while since he's had a flare up and I'm thankful for that. I'm glad your husband is feeling better now.

  24. Unknown said...

    I have a good friend that has CD. She had the same surgery.

  25. Merrie said...

    Can't say I blame you -- he's a wonderful guy!! And we saw him tonight at baseball practice! I didn't know he coached with my co-worker. Too funny. :)

  26. Michelle said...

    Crazy! I have Chron's disease too and May 2002 was my last bad flare. I started on Imuran in March 2002 after a 4 day stint in the hospital in which I lost half my blood volume and it has been my wonder drug so far. Glad to hear your hubby is doing well now. I hope for many more flare-free years to come for him!

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