Showering with Barbie

Had it really been 2 days since I last showered?


Truth be told, it was TIME.

You know you have that feeling like, I cannot wait one more day second, I need to shower NOW!

So as perfect timing had it, I was home mid-day with K. Blerg.

Bribery works, so I grabbed her favorite snack and drink, put on a Strawberry Shortcake flick and grabbed my robe.

I thought, oh yeah, I have a good 20 minutes before she'd come knocking.

Just as I'm adjusting the water to HOT, I hear footsteps, then the door opening.

"Wutcha doin'?"

Um honey, mommy's in the shower.

"Me want to take one too."

You don't like showers, you can have a bath tonight.

pulling the curtain back "Mommy, you taking a shower wiss my Darbie?"

Clearing the shampoo out of my eyes, Um, I guess, as I see her on the shelf by my razor.

Honey, you're missing your movie, mommy will be out in a minute!

"My don't want to watch dat."


"Mommy you wash my Darbie's hayur, it's duhtee."

I'm on it.

Scrubbing away as quickly as possible, I dream of long hot showers and babysitters.

"Mommy you done?"

Almost! As I frantically rinse the soap out of my hair and attack my pits with the razor, trying not to cut myself up.

I shut the water off and grab my towel.

4 minutes, maybe 5. Sigh.

So not what I had in mind.

K walks out of the bathroom.

Where ya goin' K?!

"To watch my movie!!"

*don't forget about my $250 Visa Card Giveaway, contest ends 7/8/09*

40 supporters in group:

  1. He & Me + 3 said...

    Totally sounds like all my bathroom experiences...good to know I am not alone!

  2. Erin said...

    Too funny!!! I'm still enjoying long showers...but I have to wake up at 6:30am in order to do so.

  3. Fun Things Kids said...

    That has happened to me so many times- I know how you feel. Think Mother's Day is next week maybe you can get a 20 minute shower than:)

  4. Anonymous said...

    lol!! so typical!

  5. Laura Marchant said...

    lol, I can so relate to this! And after those 4 minute showers you never really feel clean.

  6. Aria said...

    Yay, I'm first... And... Have you been spying on me? ;-) I'm right there with ya sistah... Down to the hairy pits...

  7. Heather B. said...

    Oh I have so been there! Connor use to do that to me ALL the time when he was younger! If I were you I would have gotten back in! Kendall hates it when I take a shower! She stands right outside the shower and screams and cries the whole entire time! Nice Huh??

  8. Denise said...

    LOL too funny. Naptime and midnight are the only options for showering around here too.

  9. Shawn said...

    Ha! I don't miss that part. I have to talk through the door at one of the kids at least once but they don't walk in on me anymore.

  10. Sugar Mommy said...

    I am so with you! I love a hot, quiet shower with no little feet in or anywhere near the bathroom. "Darbie optional."

  11. Anonymous said...

    ROFLMAO!!! knock on wood, right?! only your kid can come in and change what you had in mind. sometimes we understand things like these happen...we don't know why...but know at that moment she was really saying to you in a different way..."mommy i love you!"

    safe hugz!

  12. Deena said...

    I remember those days very, very well! Now, with three teen age boys in the house, it's more a matter of actually gaining access to the (one!) bathroom at all!

  13. Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

    Isn't that how it always works? Why is the bathroom so intersting when Mommy is in there? My husband always gets to have a shower in peace!

  14. Dejoni said...

    LOL! This reminds me of my husband. My girls are always leaving a multitude of Barbies in the shower and he always says he never dreamed he would have this many women at one time in the shower.

  15. Tenakim said...

    You are so good- did you really wash Barbie's dirty hair??

  16. Jamey said...

    LOL that was too cute!

  17. Hannah said...

    lol I love how she talks.
    And I hope you get a nice hot shower, better yet, a nice hot bath soon!

  18. turnitupmom said...

    This post reminds me of one I wrote in March called "A Shower for Your Thoughts." Did you know that showering is one of those activities that opens your brain up to aha moments and epiphanies? Maybe that's why I feel like I've lost my mind!!

  19. Swirl Girl said...

    You had a whole 5 minutes to take a shower alone???

    I remember when my oldest was 3 , I taught her to shave my legs for me in the shower...figured if she was gonna be in there with me, she may as well learn a profession.

  20. Wendi said...

    I can't wait for the day when I can go pee pee by myself.
    It will be the best day evah!
    I hope you get a much deserved 30 minute shower ALONE very soon!
    Happy Weekend!

  21. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Hahahaha-I shower w/Barbie too!

  22. MamaJoss said...

    LOL...and you even have her little voice and words down. Great post :)

  23. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    Oh man, I remember those days...

    Hey, wait a minute! I still have those days. I still can't have a shower in silence and alone, and my kids are 11 and 14!!!

  24. Michelle said...

    Sorry! Hopes for a more enjoying shower tomorrow!

  25. Lisa-licious said...

    Barbie in your shower, BG in Sue's tub...what is the blogging world coming to?!

    This post made me truly appreciate my hot shower today...I got to shave my legs and even condition my hair for the suggested 3-minutes!

    Little ones interrupting a much needed shower? "You're Gonna Miss This"...sings Trace, not so much!

  26. said...

    That is so funny.

    It's a good thing God made them so cute ")

  27. Mel said...

    Oh how I dream of uninterrupted showers too. One day we'll get there.

  28. Martha said...

    As you know, I only have 1 kiddo, and she is 12, but I too seem to never find uninterrupted time for a shower. I hate when it gets to that moment where you just can't wait one more second.....

  29. Mrs4444 said...

    Those days are a long ago memory for me, thank God! :)

  30. Beth said...

    Funny! I do remember those days!

  31. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    I know just how you feel.

    Izzy wants me to watch her movies with her. She totally doesn't get that I need to do something else when they are on!

  32. Deanna said...

    Too funny! I don't have kids at the door any more, but the cat will scream if the door's closed and he's not in there with me! lol He doesn't like closed doors anywhere in the house. lol

  33. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

    Story of my life. I haven't taken a shower longer than 5 minutes in about 3 years.

  34. Colette S said...


    If I tell you my episodes, it will be TMI :D

  35. pink and green mama MaryLea said...

    LOL!! I shower in front of a live studio audience daily. I figure my shorter shower time is "greener" :)
    Glad Barbie's hair is clean.

  36. Mommy24cs said...

    We have a glass shower and my four year old Carson will stand outside of it while I'm showering and start asking a million questions. Kind of creepy being watched while you shower, even when it's your own child lol!

  37. MoonNStarMommy said...

    HA HA HA HA HA HA .... sounds like my house, only I have learned to lock the door after harassing everyone with "do you need to go potty, are you SURE you don't need to go potty" before going in. But it never fails. ::knock knock:: "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM" ... I told Dennis the other day that I was going to take a screaming Nathan and drop him right outside the bathroom door and go read a book ... so he can not enjoy HIS shower...

  38. Haasiegirl said...

    dude, i get a shower every day no matter WHAT.


  39. Kris said...

    LMAO! That is so typical.

  40. Sarah said...

    Yeah, a shower every two days sounds about right. I honestly never thought it'd be like that - after the totally needy infancy stage was over - but then I had three kids. And now? I look in the mirror and say, hair's good enough to go to work, I don't smell, I'm too damn tired to get in the shower let alone maneuver that bloody hairdryer above my head for twenty minutes. Yeah, shower can wait.

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