Queen of Something...Finally!

I don't want to toot my own horn...

But, I kinda rock!

Seriously, I'm the queen of a daily household task that takes lots of skill.

And patience.

I'm like doing it 4, 5 times a day.

Just me and a rolled up newspaper.

Or magazine.

Or dish towel.

Sometimes I will clap my hands together and POW!

Okay that last one isn't true.


I'm so proud, I'm giving myself an award.

For what you ask?

Well, thanks to the kids, and all the open doors that lead outside, I am....

Queen Fly Swatter.

I know right?!


I rarely even use an actual fly swatter.

*hold your applause, just throw money*

And, close the door behind you!

26 supporters in group:

  1. KatBouska said...

    I bow to your royal swatterness. With much practice I hope to obtain such a high ranking.

  2. Mrs4444 said...

    And who said you were a no-talent?! Pshaw!

  3. He & Me + 3 said...

    The dollar store has some super cute fly swatters with flowers on them. You deserve one.

  4. Martha said...

    Whoo Hoo, bring on the golden swatter!

  5. Shana Putnam said...

    I totally feel you on the flies nad who needs an actual swatter. A ball cap works well too!

  6. Faith said...

    Wow, that's quite an award LOL! If I was getting an award like this it would be a "Queen of standing as far away from the bug as possible and spraying hairspray at it" award. I HATE bugs!

  7. Anonymous said...

    lol I so need one of these after last night.. I finally got fed up and massacred about 6 flies that were in the house!

    I however did use a fly swatter.. so I need to up my game to keep up with you ;-)

  8. Mamí♥Picture said...

    ♥♥♥ congratulations ♥♥♥

  9. Me said...

    cool--next we will see you on the news smacking a fly between your hands just like Obama!

  10. Rachel said...

    HA! I love it. We're having a fly problem here too . . . I don't know what is going on in Houston right now, but they are all converging here!

  11. mama's smitten said...

    Lol! Your too much! I saw you yesterday! At the grocery Store! Your kids were probay wondering who the crazy lady in the pony tail was and why was she starring! Kinda felt like I saw a celeb and wanted to snap a pic. I just got back from vacation and took pics of some celebs! Anyways wanted to come by and say Hi but my kids were driving me nuts and I didn't shower this time!! LOL Catch you next time!!!

  12. kel said...

    When I retire from teaching to be a housewife, I hope you will pass the torch to me.

  13. Aria said...

    Remember, when requesting that people throw money, tell them, "Nothing under $20, and no counterfeits please..."

  14. Heather of the EO said...

    I think you should have to put on a gown and stand up in front of a crowd for this one. It's THAT prestigious of an award, no?

  15. Unknown said...

    That crown looks good on you girl! But sorry about all the flies!!

  16. Jenni said...

    You have found your GIFT! LOL!

  17. wife.mom.nurse said...

    I get so "fly-crazy" that I pay my kids .25 cents a fly when I start to loose my mind.

  18. Unknown said...

    I am constantly doing the same thing! They always leave doors open.

  19. Mrs4444 said...

    Hey, friend....will you hook me up, please :)



  20. Jennifer said...

    LOL! 50% of the time, I miss! Poor aim or poor timing! *sigh* You should hold a class - I'd be there! ;-)

  21. Sweet Serendipity said...

    I bow to your swatfullness, oh swift one. We're not worthy.

  22. Unknown said...

    I'm glad you rock, because I suck! Damn flies drive me crazy!

  23. Tara R. said...

    You and the Prez... flyswatters extraordinaire.

  24. Vicki said...


    So how come PETA hasn't come out with a statement for you!?!?!?! ;)

  25. Former Fat Chick said...

    OMGAWD.......I am going to tell PETA on you, I alway knew you were a MOMSTER!

  26. Unknown said...

    LOL I'm surprised PETA isn't on your doorstep right now. :p

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