Twilight Target Zone

Just a normal day.

Strolling around Target with DQ, taking my time, nowhere to be.

Run into everyone I know!

10 minutes with my SIL.

20 minutes with my friend Lisa.

5 quick minutes with a long-lost friend.

15 minutes on the phone with a blogger pal, Mrs4444!

I tell you everything that happens is going to happen at Target.

While I was there, I was supposed to pick up toilet paper, socks, undies, the basics right?!

For all I know, DQ could have thrown in some magazines, a DVD, a new comforter, and some gum into the cart, I was busy talking.

Before I knew it I had the receipt in my hand and was opening the trunk.

I don't remember paying.

How long had we been gone?

What time was it?

Was it daytime when I went in?

Was this even MY daughter getting into the car with me?

I turn quickly to check.

Phew! Yes.

I get home and suddenly feel sweaty and cold, and a little hungover.

Blast you, crazy hypnotic Target store!

I knew that bullseye played tricks with your head.

I think I may need a chaperone next time I shop.

19 supporters in group:

  1. Lola said...

    Wow. I usually only run into people I know around Christmas. When you don't want to run into them while you are Christmas shopping. It happens to me every year.

  2. WeaselMomma said...

    I too believe they pump some happy gas into the ventilation system there.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Target will do that every time! The clearance end caps always get me!

  4. Anonymous said...

    Don't forget the clothes, shoes and accessories ... you can wander around there for days ...

  5. Bamawhitney said...

    Forget Disney, Taget is the "Magic" Kingdom!

  6. Heather B. said...

    Totally know the feeling! I could stay in there for HOURS and it only feels like minutes! It is certainly some form of happy gas!

  7. Marla said...

    i've decided that is why they have the bulls eye step and repeat everywhere to throw you off....

    thanks for the laugh.

  8. Jennifer said...

    I am the same way. I cannot deny the pull of the Tarjay. Ever. I can spend hours in that store. It's like crack. ;-)

  9. mama's smitten said...

    So funny! I know the feeling ! Suprised I wasn't there! I'm gonna have to give you my # . I'm right around the corner ! Could of been there in 5! Lol!

  10. Anonymous said...

    did you at least get the tp??

  11. Managed Chaos said...

    I love Target (which is only 3 minutes from my house). Unfortunately, so does my 7 year old daughter. Enough said.

  12. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    I am cracking up, I can relate. I think they must pump something through the vent system.

  13. said...

    Target scares me.

    (in a good way)


    Glad you got out safely!

  14. Pam said...

    i <3 target, but that store is EVIL i tell ya! lol

  15. Mrs4444 said...

    Very funny!! I've been there. Reminds me of the time I was in a parking lot waiting for Kyle when a girl gabbing on a cellphone got into my back seat around the time I was saying out loud, "Wrong car, Honey. WRONG CAR!!" She got all the way in and sat down before getting a grip on reality and realizing what she had done. Needless to say, we got a good laugh out of that one!

  16. Mrs4444 said...

    Wait a minute; "I've been there." Of course I've been there! I WAS there! heehee

  17. Unknown said...

    LOL...sounds like some of my target visits...glad you had the right child when you got in the car!

  18. Erica said...

    LOL, I saw your post title (didn't show it crossed out on my list) and thought it was about Twilight! I hate seeing people I know when I'm out shopping, I never plan for that, no makeup, holes and stains in my clothes! Hope you were ready! ;)

  19. Brandy@YDK said...

    I can totally relate. it's like the target carts are vaccuums and I never know what I'm gonna have when I get home.

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