I Spy Something Green

Summer, doncha just love it?!

After spending a lovely day at the pool, with a delicious barbecue dinner (steak and Yaya's fabulosity of a potato salad)...it was time for dessert.

And by dessert I mean getting my drink on!

Melon liqueur to be exact, Midori.

So popping out the blender we decide on Midori Sours, um yum, yum.

Think green Jolly Rancher in a glass.

Ice, Midori, and Sweet and Sour, 'tis all.

Forgive the stanky pics, the lighting in the kitchen is horrid.

Give it a little blend.
Well, a lot of blend unless you like huge ice chunks in your drink.

Sans ice, it's a simple 2 parts Midori, 1 part Sweet and Sour.

Oh the deliciousness.


26 supporters in group:

  1. Unknown said...

    It's so pretty! :P

  2. Merrie said...

    Yummo! Wait, really? It tastes like a jolly rancher in a glass? Okay, next time we're on a GNO, I'm trying the Midori Sour!

    See you tonight!

  3. Alicia W. said...

    I could SO use one or actually like five of those right now! Delish :)

  4. Mike said...

    I love green in the summer. Such a pretty color especially over ice...

  5. Anonymous said...

    I'll take 2 please....

  6. Martha said...

    I have not had midori in years... YUM. It looks so pretty! I'm going out to a meeting, and I might crack my bottle of wine when I get home!

  7. Sheila said...

    Yummmmmmmy!!!! That would give hubby a smile. Me, a yummy drink & a few tiny umbrellas

  8. Anonymous said...

    ooo I would like one.. can you mail one over here? no.. okay.. guess I will have to go out and get the ingredients to make one :-)

  9. Paige said...

    mmm that looks good! nice way to end a day.

    I should teach you our famous gin buckets recipe--I bet you would like it, and it too is good for a hot day

  10. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh, yum! It inspired me to whip up a batch of 'ritas!

    Now...who took that picture?

  11. Unknown said...

    Oh my goodness! That looks SO good. I will have to try it.

  12. Unknown said...

    Mmmmm, yummy!

  13. Mariah said...

    I need. You're cute

  14. BJ_Mama said...

    Yummy! Sign me UP!

  15. SparkleFarkel said...

    What a COINCIDENCE: we both blogged green today! (Only yours definitely looks as if it tastes better. YUM!)

  16. Terri said...

    wow these sound great; never tried one. If I drink at all it's got to be sweet and tasty, not really resembling alcohol, so this might fit the bill. Also, must it be accompanied by frito lay? :o)

  17. Michelle said...

    Yummy! I have never made my own midori sours but now I may just have to try.

  18. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    The hubs and I enjoyed some nice cold beer last night. There is something about summer that makes a cold beer or mixed drink especially tasty.

  19. Tammy said...

    The only time of the year I get to drink is on my wedding anniversary. I hope I can remember this for when Dec. 18 comes around.

  20. Keyona said...

    It's not even 11 here yet but I will surely take a glass of that!

  21. Patrice said...

    Mmm yes please!! Looks scrumptious!! lol

  22. Jennifer said...

    This is my fave drink! I will sometimes rotate these with Amaretto Sours. Also very yummy!

  23. MamaJoss said...

    Yum -- that's a fun drink...thanks for sharing...amazingly I never had that one before. That's a perfect BlogHer '10 bevie!

  24. Rachel said...

    OMG -- that looks soooooo freakin' good. Sigh -- I miss alcohol.

  25. Tasha said...

    Those are good but can I say....lightweight! (giggle)

    And Kudos to your DH for drinking them, too!

    Hymmm...now I'm thinking I need to add Midori to my drink list...

  26. PMKU said...

    HEY! HEY! {{waving hands}}
    I wanna spy something green! lol - Geez those look really good.

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