Is He or Isn't He?!

Hubby has had some strange cravings lately.


And beer.

At the same time.

Other times it's pickles and milk.

Lately, prunes are his go-to snack.

Tries to entice everyone by saying they taste like big raisins.


I think he's pregnant.

The beer?!

It's so cheap, it's mostly water anyway.

19 supporters in group:

  1. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That is too funny.

  2. Martha said...

    LOL! Tara loves pickles. She has her first one out of a big barrel at the Farmers Market yesterday! I'm with your hubby, prunes=big raisins. I've been snacking on them lately myself!

  3. Halftime Lessons said...

    Holy CRAP!!

    Pickles, Prunes and Keystone Light??!!

    You must have industrial toilets in your home.

  4. He & Me + 3 said...

    That is too funny. I don't like any of those things. Yuck. He must have a steel stomach. LOL

  5. Tara R. said...

    I'd be keeping an eye on him. That is a curious taste combination. Milk and pickles?

  6. Anonymous said...


  7. Bren said...

    Keystone light? Really? I thought only broke college kids drank that! Must go good with pickles though.

  8. Mama2hre said...

    Hahaha! Oh that's a good one! I did love pickles when I was pregnant! Although, I never tried the milk/pickle combo! :)

  9. Kell said...

    hahaha KEYSTONE?! oh my gosh, I think I swore that off after my freshman year of college! Either way, this is too funny .. but let us know if he starts getting morning sickness (with keystone - thats a very real possibility)


  10. SparkleFarkel said...

    A straight-to-the-mouth-from-the-bottle chocolate syrup chaser sounds in order. If/when he does give birth, is spouse likely to breastfeed? Do I smell a new blog entry in the making, here?! Hmm. Maybe that's just your husband.

  11. Ann Harrison said...

    Hey Jen, that's serious business in our parts. Remember the guy (he had a sex change but not all of it "took") that gave birth? He lives in Bend, OR. That's just hours away! And... that "guy" is pregnant again! ((shudder)) Tell hubby, 'It's been done' :->

    For us, Keystone is the beer you drink when you're painting the house. Time to get busy Mister!
    (He can get me back when we make it to BlogHer '10 :-> )

  12. Michelle said...

    Too funny!

    My hubby says beer is mostly water too. Lame excuse for his love for beer.

  13. Paige said...

    He has very unfortunate taste in beer.

    But I cannot criticize the beer/pickly combo-- I had that yesterday.

    And I better NOT BE pregnant

  14. The Buntens said...

    Don't most guys crave beer with just about anything? :)


  15. Anonymous said...

    Maybe the pickles help give that beer some flavor! The prunes...well there's nothing I can say about that.

  16. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Yes, it might be time for him to pee on a stick!

  17. Mel Fraase said...

    bwahaha! at least its him this time and not you!

  18. Liz Mays said...

    PRUNES?!! You probably pay for that craving! ;)

  19. Unknown said...

    I can tell he really LOVED you taking his picture! hee hee... If he's liking the beer that much I'm guessing it's a boy. ; )

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