Happy Birthday Hubby!!

Today is Hubby's 36th birthday.

Right now there are yellow cupcakes in the oven with 3 eager kids ready to frost with vanilla frosting.

Hubs requested my beef enchiladas for dinner.

Today, we're just hanging out.

It's been a full weekend, with a winning soccer game, a lunch out, and some bowling.

For the past 5 years we camped for Hubby's bday, but this year it's all about getting healthy.

Star Wars is on the boob tube, and we've been playing rounds of Scrabble.

Life is good.

14 supporters in group:

  1. Ranch Girl said...

    Sounds like a great birthday!

  2. Brittany said...

    Happy birthday to your hubs :) Hope you guys have a wonderful Sunday :)

  3. Ally Wasmund said...

    happy birthday to your hubby! sounds like a great night :)

  4. Michelle said...

    Happy birthday to your hubby! Sounds like a nice, relaxing day!

  5. Anonymous said...

    Sounds like a great birthday, indeed!!
    Enjoy !

  6. hnash said...

    Happy Birthday AA! Hope it's a great one - Love, h in ID

  7. Ann Harrison said...

    The happiest of birthdays to your hubby! May the next year be FILLED with good health and much happiness.

    Things will get better and better.

  8. Anonymous said...

    Happy Birthday !! Great pic with those beautiful children!!

  9. Swirl Girl said...

    Happy 36th!

    what a gorgeous family!

  10. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Happy Birthday Mr. Therapy :)

    What a cute pic of the kids and their Daddy!

  11. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Happy birthday to your hubby.

    What a great shot.

  12. Tenakim said...

    hope he had a great one!

  13. Anonymous said...

    Happy Birthday! Hope he enjoyed his day!

  14. Jill said...

    Happy Belated Birthday! Hope he had a fantastic day!

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