
What if your only worry in the world was if your newfound snail was okay?

You dress up in your favorite clothes.

Walk outside, and your only wish was to find it again.

Hope and pray, the cat didn't eat it.

Hope you or someone else didn't step on it with beautiful shoes.

Only to rejoice when you did find it (or one exactly like it) unscathed.

If only life was always this simple.

15 supporters in group:

  1. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Jen, I love this post!

    So Simple!! Love what she is wearing :)

    Oh how I wish I had her worries!

  2. SparkleFarkel said...

    Snails: a pace we should return to. Lovely blog entry!

  3. Anonymous said...

    If only......

  4. Colette S said...

    That is why we have children to remind us how simple things can and should be.

    I love the narrative. And she is adorable.

  5. That Janie Girl said...

    I love this post. I love her shoes. And I love that she loves snails.

  6. Nicolasa said...

    What a great post! I love her outfit!
    yes, if only it could still be that simple!

  7. Unknown said...

    Honestly that was just lovely. And if I had had those shoes as a kid I would have thought I was the luckiest girl in the world. They were the shoes of my dreams my entire life.

  8. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Too cute! I love her little "Flapper outfit" and her pet snail is simply beautiful!!!

  9. Over Coffee - the green edition said...

    My daughter has the same shoes! Great minds must dress alike ;-)

  10. Michelle said...

    I love her outfit. Her love is snails is so cute for such a girly-girl.

  11. Sherri said...

    You are SO right! Life from a childs perspective is so refreshing and simple. Great post!

    Have a great weekend :)

  12. Ally Wasmund said...

    seriously, she is precious. just precious. awwwwww

  13. Brittany said...

    what a beautiful post!

  14. Anonymous said...

    What a great post!!!

    Amazing pics as well...

  15. Swirl Girl said...

    this is so sweet and loving ...and who wouldn't wish their life was slow and simple??

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