A Thousand Words Thursday

August, 2008-Daddy, cozy me up, I'm cold!
Cheaper Than Therapy

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18 supporters in group:

  1. Martha said...

    What a wonderful touching moment! I love daddy and little girl photos. I guess because it is something I don't have for Tara.

  2. Emilie said...

    Aww, I love cuddly moments like this!

  3. Suburban Hooker said...

    Aww...that's priceless!!

  4. Serendipity is Sweet said...

    Aww, my little girl does the same thing. Cute!

  5. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    That is really adorable. She is such a little peanut with her sweet little hair plump on the top of her head!!! ;)

  6. michelle said...

    little girls and their daddies...

  7. Mel Fraase said...

    Aw, how sweet! It's a good day here for cuddling, too!

  8. Tara R. said...

    That is such an incredibly sweet snap. Lovely.

  9. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    There is nothing sweeter than pictures of little girls with their Daddys! Melts my heart!

    Hope your Hubby is feeling better!

  10. Wendi said...

    That is just the sweetest photo.
    I love the bond that little girls have with their daddy's.
    So. sweet.

  11. Henrietta said...

    Aw, she looks all tuckered out! Sweet pic :)

  12. Anonymous said...

    I love it - makes me wish I was little and could still be wrapped like that in my daddy's arms....

  13. Leslie said...

    Daddy's and their daughters. Nothing sweeter!

  14. Drahdrah said...

    What a sweet picture !

  15. Jenni said...

    Aww! :*)

  16. Nicolasa said...

    awww, how cute!

  17. Ally Wasmund said...

    awww how precious!!

  18. Anonymous said...

    What an amazingly beautiful photo!! The look on both their faces made me melt...;)
    Thank you for sharing

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