Caution: Beach Pics In January, View at Your Own Risk

I truly love California.

Packed the kids up with spare clothes and headed for the beach.

We didn't need bathing suits and frisbees, just some extra sweats and a camera.

Oh and my 24oz. coffee.

The sky was a tad overcast in places, peeking blue in others.

Not too many people at all just a lot of birds.

And, this lady, who arrived with her dog, started peeling off her clothes, and then went for it.

The dancer practiced her leaps.

The ham, well...hammed it up.

The boy got a bit busted for throwing sand, as usual.

But, overall, it was peaceful.

Gotta love the coast.

14 supporters in group:

  1. Michelle said...

    I am jealous! I lived in California until I was 10 and still have a lot of family there. The moderate weather and the beach are the things I miss most.

  2. Carri said...

    Oh I am so jealous here in NY snow is like sand on the beaches. OK maybe not everywhere but we still have a few mounds of it.

  3. Anonymous said...

    Oh wow.. great pictures!!
    Le sigh... I miss the ocean.

    Thanks for sharing.

  4. Formerly known as Frau said...

    Wow awesome pictures! And yes I'm jealous I haven't felt sand in a long time! Happy New Year!

  5. Anonymous said...

    Now I really want to go to the beach!! To bad I am NO where near one. Looks like you had a graet time, LOVE the photos!

  6. The Bertone's said...

    Wish it was even close enough to being warm here in Fl, to do that. We are so cold this year its ridiculous!

  7. kel said...

    You take the best shots!!!! love this!! I'm feeling warmer already!

  8. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    Loved the Beach Pics!

    I can't believe that lady got in the about fripples! That water is cold!

  9. Anonymous said...

    I feel so relaxed after looking at those photos...almost as good as going to the coast myself. Thank you sharing Following your blog and can't wait to read more now that I found it!

  10. Merrie said...

    I love a winter day at the beach. Amazing pictures (as usual!)

  11. Martha said...

    Looks like a wonderful day! Great photos! "K" is growing up. I can really see changes in the year since I started following your blog!

  12. Melissa Taylor said...

    Wow. You're awful showing us poor Colorado mountain folk those ocean pictures. It looks heavenly. I'll try to live vicariously through them . . . and not be angry.

  13. Mel Fraase said...

    Seriously can't fathom it. We have no single body of water that isn't frozen right now...did you know you can drive half ton pick up trucks over the lakes right now?? I can't imagine heading to the beach in January!!! Sounds great, though!

  14. mom3crazygirls said...

    have I told you lately that I hate you? Our SB trip was way too long ago for you to be doing that to me!! Being land locked and snowy sucks!

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