Knack-Knack, Who’s There?
We were talking about So You Think You Can Dance in the car the other day.I was commenting how talented the choreographers were.
Hubby then was saying that song writers were cool too, making all their instruments coordinate to make a song not suck.
Dancers, choreographers, musicians, artists…they all have a knack for that stuff.
I don’t have a knack.
I need a knack.
Where can I find a knack?
My window of opportunity has been slammed shut and overrun with cobwebs, for years now I’m sure.
I can be really sarcastic, does that count?
Dry humor, I’m told I’m good at.
What is WET humor?
I am not a comedian, it’s all about timing. I always think of the coolest thing to say, like the Tuesday after.
Here on my blog? Well, if you knew how long it took me to write, edit, re-write, re-edit, then publish my posts, you’d be asleep.
Comedy isn’t as funny when the audience is asleep.
Well at least you don’t get booed.
Funny in my head. I have a knack for that.
I think.
What do you have a knack for?
July 3, 2010 at 5:13 PM
What do I have a knack for? Hmmm. I'm not sure I've found my knack yet. Like you, I have a knack for coming up with the perfect respone hours after I needed it. I have a knack for remembering what else I needed at the store after I get home.