Fade to Fog: A Photo Story

Hey California, what is UP with summer?

I hate to say I sorta miss the deep-fry temps of Palm Springs right now as I sit watching Food Network in my robe, flannel jams, and slippers!  It's damn cold.

Plus the wind we get around 3pm every afternoon has creeped up to visiting at noon and you may as well take the parka out of your vacuum-packed storage.

What's the smartest thing to do?  Go north.  Up the coast. Sure it's not warmer, but it's pretty.  And there's blue skies.
But, off in the distance...fog.
Creeping in, ever so slowly.

And, in a matter of...


...the fog wanted to...

...swallow us whole.

And it did.

But, oh how gorgeous the coast is even in it's greydom.

Then staying here...

...and enjoying this the next morning...

...makes it all worth it. Fog and all.

8 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    Gorgeous views!! Im jealous!

    All I have to look at is sage brush.

  2. Michelle said...

    Having family in Southern California and living there as a kid I didn't realize how cold and foggy the San Francisco bay area can be. Hubby and I went there in December and while a bit chilly it was pretty nice for San Francisco weather.

  3. Carol said...

    Spent a really cold July week in Monterey one year - they told us "you should have been here last week". But yes, it was gorgeous. I'm now in love with the Oregon coast, but we don't get there as often as I'd like.

  4. Unknown said...

    Such a beautiful state Cali is! Love these photos, especially the lighthouse one!

  5. bless their hearts mom said...

    the of mis-quoted remakr attributed wrongly to mark twain:

    the coldest winter i ever spent was the summer I spent in san francisco.

    you made me miss my North Cali FOG....WAAAHHHHHH-bad blogger! LOL

    Thanks for great pix!

  6. Liz said...

    California definitely has some beautiful scenery. I've only been there once in my lifetime, but the pictures I took them will forever hang on my living room wall. SO pretty!

  7. Anonymous said...

    It has been 90 and humid in Michigan all summer...definitely NOT normal!

    Great pics (as usual)!

  8. Kristen Andrews said...

    gorgeous pictures for sure

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