Something to Look Forward To.

I'm distracted.

Something is preventing me from sleeping lately.

It's not a good feeling when at 4 am you are up, eyes wide, and the quiet is deafening around you.

Your head spins with stuff.

Bills. Deadlines. Appointments. Schedules.

You want an "off button" but the switch is broken.

I turn on the iTouch, the light is blinding even on the lowest brightness.

I surf around on Twitter, Facebook, email.

Nothing helps.

It's too early to get up.

I would hate to wake a kid and have them up, cranky, and sharing in my insomnia.

It's the time of year that I would have gotten away for a long weekend with my girlfriends for a recharge.

That isn't happening.

I need recharging.

I begin to plan in my head the trip that I've been waiting to take for years. 

My hubby and I celebrate 15 years married next year. 

We need to get away.  Just the two of us.

For a week at least.

To recharge.

Maybe that's it.  I lack something grand to look forward to.

Aside from the holidays that are creeping in. 

Ready for something all about us.  Remember US.  Came before the kids.  Gets lost in the shuffle most often.

US needs to get away.


Forget sheep, I need to count palm fronds to lull me back to sleep.

Hammock in the sand.

Mai Tais.

Waves crashing.

Warm ocean water.

Just him, just me.


Something to dream about...

4 supporters in group:

  1. Carol said...

    Yes! Do go for it. We all need that recharging sometimes. Just the two of you need it sometimes, before you forget what just the two of you means.

  2. Sherri said...

    Sounds like heaven...but sorry you are losing the ZZZ's right now. I hate having insomnia, sometimes wonder if it's the curse of being a woman! Hubs sleeps like a baby...

  3. Merrie said...

    I think we should think about a girls getaway to Santana Row. One night there with shopping, dinner, etc. We could call it Mer's Emancipation Getaway!

  4. Mrs4444 said...

    I agree, but in the meantime, BlogHer is in San Diego in 2011!

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