Bring It Twenty-Eleven!

Happy New Year!


Almost back to the routine.

The CA school system is wrecked and budget cuts added more days off for the kids, so they don't go back until Thursday.

But, as we enter a new year, we have so many wonderful things to look forward to!

-K's FIFTH birthday!  Not sure how that happened so quickly.  She's already planning her princess party with crowns and a jump house. (could be dangerous)

-My  THIRTY-EIGHTH birthday.  Oh, now I see how K is getting older, because I am too.  I can't believe I'm pushing the forty mark.

-Annual Girl's Trip to Vegas, BABY!  So last year was a bust and all our competing schedules didn't allow it.  So we're making it up in Sin City.  Sorry, but what happens in Vegas, doesn't get blogged, you know the old saying!

-My Boy's TENTH birthday.  Double digits is huge.  He's already planning his party and it has nothing to do with jump houses or princesses, I promise that!

-Baseball season.  Goodbye weekends...again.

-Kindergarten registration.  GULP.  Not my baby already?!

-Hubby and my FIFTEENTH wedding anniversary. *insert special husband and wife, no kids vacation trip here*

-SIL/BIL and family move to CA from Arizona! Holla!!

-K starts KINDERGARTEN....hold me.

-My Boy starts FIFTH grade.

-DQ enters EIGHTH grade. Holy crapola!

-Hubby turns THIRTY EIGHT. Ha ha, you're old too. *smooch*

-DQ turns THIRTEEN.  Hold me tighter. Oh dear hormone gods save me. The special date...11-11-11. How awesome is that?!

-I go crazed over the holidays, like every year.  It's on the calendar.
Wow, what a year huh! 

I'm excited, exhilerated, and ready, bring it ELEVEN!

3 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    OMG! 38?!?!?! Did you used to date George Washington? LOL! Welcome to the Elder Statesmen Club! Dear, you are not pushing 40, you are giving it a great big shove! Getting older, it sucks, but it is better than the alternative! Since I'm about your parent's age, I'd cry for you, but I'm too busy doing that for myself! Anyway, what a delightful list of things to look forward to! You are blessed! TC Don

  2. Merrie said...

    11.11.11 is ON baby! It's going to be a fabulous year!!

  3. Michelle said...

    Sounds like you have a great year in store!

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