Mama and Her Ducks

Wow, my babies are growing up.

15 supporters in group:

  1. Heather B. said...

    FULL HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    And yes, your babies are growing up! Can't believe they are so big! Craziness!!!

  2. The Mom Jen said...

    Yep! I posted the Painted Ladies on my review site too!

  3. Denise Taylor-Dennis said...

    Wait until you have one in college then you will really feel they are grown up its enough to make you feel old LOL.

  4. Tami Vollenweider said...

    Great Picture! Boy! They all look like You!

  5. VickieC said...

    that is a good picture of your family

  6. Yona Williams said...

    This is such a nice pic - great smiles!

  7. won said...

    Beautiful family.

    It's so hard to see them grow older in some respects, isn't it?!

  8. janetfaye said...

    I love all the beautiful smiles!

  9. Tammy S said...

    This is a great picture. Yes they grow up super fast.

  10. Daniela Tapia said...

    Wow you're kids are big and yo look young!!! I have three girls Sophia age 6 , Kailyn age 2 and my little Alison only 6 mths!!! I can't wait till there big like yours.... Really lovely family...

  11. Elisabeth said...

    They're really cute ducks!

  12. Kayla Rice said...

    Beautiful family. :)

  13. Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

    What a great photo! Thanks for sharing!

  14. slehan said...

    They grow up *so* fast. Enjoy every day with them.

  15. Unknown said...

    That is an awesome photo!

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