A Weekend Away...

Photos taken by Ro and Amy-Marie with Ro's camera
A few of my favorite one-liners from the weekend...
"Rick Springfield is in my top 5"
"I wish my boobs would fit in a coconut bra!"
"Everytime the bell rings, we're like Pavlov's dog."
"I think I gained 15 pounds this weekend."
"OOOH they have Lucky Charms cereal"
"I wonder how much DNA is on these chairs?"
Guess where I went? Nope, not a bachelorette party. No, not a luau. No, not to the grocery store. I went on my annual scrapbook retreat. My girlfriends and I all join another huge group of die-hard family historians in a relaxing weekend in the Redwoods. Staying in cabins and suites with bunkbeds, 80+ women crop away with their photos, paper trimmers, embellishments, and journaled memories, all the while enjoying a weekend dedicated to US, the moms.
Two of my girfriends have sinced moved from town, but I was so excited to see that both of them made the retreat this year! Not only does time away from home give you the chance to catch up in your scrapbooks, but also much needed friend time. AND, if it could not get any better, they feed us all our meals plus snacks and all the meals are homestyle, healthy, and DEE LISH US!! (Hence the 15lb weight gain we've all brought home)
Originally, the trip is scheduled in January, but due to inclement weather our retreat was rescheduled to May. It's the last time we'll go in May, too! There was a heat wave, bugs, and no air circulation, need I say more? Our January trip is usually cold, wet, and often stormy, but as we all huddle in the halls with our hot cocoa and the fire place roaring. Easier to warm up than cool down.
Any of you scrapbook digitally? Well, signs of the times at the retreat were the few ladies who only brought their laptops! No heavy-(and I mean HEAVY you have to grunt when lifted and set down heavy)-wheeled crop totes, thousands of sheets of pattern and cardstock paper, stickers, and bulky albums you need 3 arms to hold. My bud Lisa, a Creative Memories consultant, plugged the digi-scrap option all weekend and I must say, she's a wonderful salesperson. And, I love my computer already, I may be giving up traditional scrapbooking in time for next year's retreat.
Ultimately, my weekend away was just what the doctor ordered. The kids were in the safe, capable, and loving hands of Hubby (minus the pain he endured from a shoulder injury Friday). I got much needed rest, great friend time, and accomplished 32 pages in my family scrapbook. I'm up to Summer, 2006. I like to be fashionably behind, if I get caught up, I can't go to these weekends away. I'm not stupid! ;)
May 20, 2008 at 6:44 AM
Good for you! We could all use a weekend like that!
May 20, 2008 at 7:08 AM
Jen, I am SOOOOO jealous!!! What a gift - a whole weekend away scrapbooking (a dream)!!! My CM consultant had a 9 to 9 on Saturday (I could go because hubby was away sniff, sniff) and I love the all day crops - but a whole weekend, WOW!!!
I'm so glad you had the weekend away, it sounds heavenly (did I mention that already- lol)!!!
I'm so far behind on my scrapbooks, I'm almost too far behind and want to run screaming from them!!!
I can't get to the digital scrapbooking error - I need to touch my pages!! :)
May 20, 2008 at 9:12 AM
Sounds like a blast! I actually used to work for the BIGGIE scrapbooking magazines (I was in marketing) ... never was talented enough to do it myself, but know how enthusiastic all you scrappers are!
May 20, 2008 at 9:25 AM
I really like that picture of all of us! What a weekend! I'm still recovering -- I slept 8.5 hours last night!
May 20, 2008 at 9:32 AM
Oh how fun! I am so far behind on my scrapbooking it isn't even funny.
Glad you had a great time.
May 20, 2008 at 10:26 AM
DANG! Look at all of those beautiful women. You're makin' me REALLY jealous, but it's nice to see other Moms getting away. Booo hooooooo
May 20, 2008 at 12:04 PM
I will tell the truth - I don't scrapbook, never have. I have wanted to start just never geta free minute. Maybe I need a wkend like this just to start.
And your reply - yep, they are freaks and sorry, when does she have time to recover?!
May 20, 2008 at 12:40 PM
I'm so jealous that I just had to tag you! http://sometimesdisgruntled.blogspot.com/2008/05/who-wants-to-know.html
May 20, 2008 at 1:26 PM
Sounds like a great getaway! Good for you. The oneliners crack me up
May 20, 2008 at 1:47 PM
Hey Jen!
How cool to go away and scrapbook.
I was actually a Stampin' Up demonstator for a few years and I have so-o-o many beautiful papers and tools I should be using, but I just got burned out. I need to get inspired again.
Sounds like a great time!
May 20, 2008 at 4:16 PM
Loved the one-liners. Now, if they had Apple Jacks we'd be talking. Good times!
May 20, 2008 at 4:49 PM
Weeeellll....I don't 'scrap' and even though I am pretty crafty and artsy, I kinda suck at it.
Sounds like fun anyhow! Good for you that you got away for some time!!!
*thats friendly talk for lucky b!tch.
May 20, 2008 at 5:51 PM
How fun! good for you to get away with friends!
May 20, 2008 at 6:17 PM
So good for you to get away for some time with your friends. Sounds like you have a great time.
May 21, 2008 at 8:07 AM
Sounds like fun! I am so not a scrapbooker! But I'm gonna have to check on that digi-scrap...cuz I don't spend enough time on my laptop already! Ha!
May 21, 2008 at 10:48 AM
I might start the digital scrapbooking. I just can't keep up the other way. But since I am on the computer all the time, this might be a better option.
I love the comment of the one who wishes her boobs could fit in the coconut bra! What a hoot. Sounds like a great time!
May 21, 2008 at 11:39 AM
Ok, I don't scrapbook but I love the idea of a va-kay with the girlfriends!! And the fact that Lucky Charms were a breakfast option!!
May 27, 2008 at 11:22 PM
I went away the weekend before you did! Amazing! You totally described our weekend to a tee -- minus the bugs, we were in air conditioning all weekend!
I love scrap camp. And although I ended up arriving late Friday (like, 10:30pm late) because of my stupid dog, I managed to get 30 pages done! We rock! :) And, I'm not done w/ 2006 either . . .