Feeling Kinda Moody Today

*not to mention hungover from the BlogHerNot, 2008 party last night. Do I smell Jell-O? Talk softly.

I saw it when it appeared on SNL and about died. Kelly's Korner had it so I grabbed it.

Would you take it?

*turn off my playlist and adjust your speakers!*

19 supporters in group:

  1. Toni said...

    Wow, that was hysterical!!!

  2. Steph said...

    I wouldn't take it, but um, I've had a hysterectomy, so yeah. Unfair advantage here. Heh.

  3. Jenny said...

    Hell yeah, I would take it. I'm like that anyway when I have my period, a second vagina could be a good thing, and what's a leathery tail when you're growing old anyway???
    Thanks for the chuckle! Erik's a pharmacist...so I'll tell him to watch for it!

  4. Lori said...

    That is soooo funny! Thank you for the great laugh this morning!

  5. Anonymous said...

    I died laughing when I saw that....

  6. kel said...

    Would I take it? But of course. I'm already a monster during my days, so it would just make people even more scared of me than they already are, which gives me complete control. Sweet.

  7. Insane Mama said...

    OMG... If I had my period once a year... I would probably be institutionalized for at least half the year leading up to it!

  8. Suzanne...Scully... said...

    That is one of my favorite SNL Parodies, that and the Woomba one, oh oh and the Mom Jeans One!! Ahahahah!

  9. TentCamper said...

    How come that video reminded me of someone in my life?
    I don't know about that, but I will take some jello shots!!!

  10. Ali said...

    Who says SNL isn't good anymore? Too funny! I wouldn't take it but I bet my husband wishes I would:)

  11. Linda S said...

    that was hysterical...hey, who isn't up for a second vjayjay?

  12. Ann(ie) said...

    ha!!! I love it. BlogherNOT. That just HAD to be a good time!

  13. Anonymous said...

    Too funny-
    I would take it! I cut just chop the leathery tail off later!

  14. Anonymous said...

    Too funny!! I don't have to take it I had a hystorectomy.

  15. carrie said...

    no way Jose!

    Although I did go a year w/out a period once. They had to give me meds to have one. But I did not kiss a dog or any of that other gross stuff.

    I don't think.

    Unless my memory's been wiped since then.

  16. Unknown said...

    That is the funniest thing I have seen from SNL. I love the whole preemptive incarceration bit.

  17. Lisa said...

    I saw that....LOL!

  18. Wendi said...

    I think I need some of that!

  19. Sarah McBride said...

    we recommend you inform your local law inforcement of your impending menstration...HA!!!

    "I just bought a hat to hold the f--- on to!!'

    that is one of the better SNL skits.

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