Who Would Turn Down an Award?

Well, duh! Who doesn't like an award?

There are the Academy Awards for great movies, Gold Medals for athletic achievement, Bonuses for work well done. What's wrong with a blog award?

A blog award is given to people like a pat on the back. An affirmation that someone enjoys your writing, your style, your humor. Words of encouragement. Why shake a finger at that?

I've been home for 10 years raising our 3 children. Out of the workforce, often out of social scene. Just me and the four walls, and the kids. Maybe it's pathetic to say I won't be getting any mother of the year awards for most poopy diapers changed in a day or most hours using earplugs.

So a pat on the back or knowing I put a smile on someone's face today, makes me feel good, hells yeah, makes me feel great.

Those little gadgets are so dang cute too. I love cute things.

Most of all, I am happy to give that award back! Give it to people that inspire, entertain, and make me laugh! It's a reciprocal relationship between bloggers. Plus, maybe you'll find out about a blog you didn't know about before, new friends.

Dammit they just makes the world a happier place! ;)

...and without further ado....

Tiffany, The Neurotic Mom, Jaime, Princess, and MamaofRomance were so sweet to pass on this rockin' award to me! Check them out, they're fab too!

The rules for sharing the love are:

* Pick Bloggers that you feel are Kick Ass Bloggers
* Let em' know in your post or via email, twitter or blog comments that they've received an award
* Share the love and link back to both the person who awarded you and back to MammaDawg
* Hop on back to the Kick Ass Blogger Club HQ to sign Mr. Linky then pass it on (which you can also get to on the above link).

I award this lovely award to some bloggers I KNOW kick serious BOOTAY!

Becky--my great friend from the 2001 Moms Group! We've know eachother 7+ years and she's a sweet person and has some powerful posts, go support her!

Charmed--OMG, if you want to laugh yourself silly, read this!

MsK is a mom, teacher, and one of my new fave bloggers!

And thank you to Amy at Thoughts from the Mrs. I appreciate you sharing the love with me!

..and I shall pass on the love to the following bloggers...

MomDot--What is not to love about Toni, Alicia, and Trisha?? These ladies are amazing, funny, entertaining, and have the best contests on the planet!

Rebecca--her second blog focuses on her amazing photography and is an inspiration to me, someday she's going to teach me all she knows!

14 supporters in group:

  1. Rebecca - I'm a Canon girl! said...

    Thank you for the award Jen, you know I LOVE your blog (and you) too girl!!

    I am glad you love my photos so much, and you know I am happy to *teach* you anything I can (which is not much beleive me hehe).


  2. Unknown said...

    Lots of love today! I received both those awards today, too!!

    I can feel the love radiating through the 'net!

  3. Haasiegirl said...

    I would like to thank the Academy for this award. And, of course, the fans...without all of you, we would be nothing. And my MOm. Oh, wait. I dont have one of those. Um....my five cats, and my husband whom allows me to sit onthe computer for 14 hours a day and brings me coke in a bottle to help fuel my energy.



  4. Clare said...

    Go Jen!!! I LOVE your blog and you deserve it:0 XO, Clare

  5. TentCamper said...

    Congrats to all.
    Mom - you deserve all the pats on the back imaginable...I don't know you but you are raising 3 kids, are a great writer, give great advice and have an otsanding personality.
    SMILE WOMAN!!!!!!!

  6. Anonymous said...

    congrats on all the awards! i'm glad to be one of the people who gave you one!!!

  7. Insane Mama said...

    Congrats to you! I see nothing wrong with on an award either. It does make people happy!

  8. amelia bedelia said...

    Love all the blogs you listed! And yes, its pretty sickening you recieved the award from 5 people. I had to threaten my sister to give me one!

  9. Jenni said...

    Woo Hoo! Get down with your bad self, girl! Congrats!

  10. Jill said...

    Yay for you!! You go girl! :)

    p.s. Digging the music today. Walk like an Egyptian brings back memories...

  11. Pam said...

    congrats on your award/badge...i did the meme you tagged me for. was going to comment on the original post you did, but i'm going blind in my old age and can't find it. i think those bifocals aren't gonna be here soon enough LOL

  12. Wendi said...

    You are most deserving!

  13. Tara R. said...

    Congrats on the cool bling... well deserved! I must be off to read from your 'pay it forward' lists. New stuff, I'm so excited.

  14. Sarah McBride said...

    a hige congrats on your award. You definately deserve it. i am a faithful reader and you always make me smile and laugh. You are a kick ass blogger!

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