Weekly Winners 9/1-9/7

*Images shot with a Canon Powershot S5IS*

For more weekly winners, check out Sarcastic Mom!

33 supporters in group:

  1. Dad of Divas said...

    Beautiful shots...I am jealous...I love taking nature shots, but don't always get the detail that you caught here. What kind of camera and software are you using with your shots?

  2. Anonymous said...

    beautiful photos!

  3. Brittany said...

    Such gorgeous flowers....and a creepy bug:)

  4. ParentingPink said...

    Gorgeous photos!

  5. Anonymous said...

    You take beautiful pictures.

  6. jill jill bo bill said...

    You truly have talent. I am jealous. And hey, win that bag for me. Pleeeeease? okay thanks. You can even have it and send me the other one you won(ya know the one that MY vote put in your hot cute little hand?) I mean, ya don't really OWE it to me, but it was a workout last go 'round and I'm tired.....

  7. Jaime said...

    Gorgeous flowers. Great job!!

  8. Scylla said...

    These are lovely! I especially like the cactus.

  9. Anonymous said...

    Wow! I love the cactus. The flower is so beautiful! Nice shots.

  10. ComfyMom~Stacey said...

    Absolutely beautiful nature shots!

  11. Kate said...

    INCREDIBLE....and now I'm slobbering all over the place wishing I had my camera...no wait, A camera that WORKED!!!! :{

  12. Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

    I love the cactus... and all the rest of the flowers. :)

    And the mantis.

    Actually, let's just say it's all great. :)

  13. Unknown said...

    Thanks for makng me hate my less than a yr old camera...yep

    peace out

  14. Anonymous said...

    Thats second flower is STUNNING!!!

  15. Anonymous said...

    Love the white daisy shot! Beautiful!

  16. Jyl @ MommyGossip said...

    Was that a grasshopper? I love that photo.

  17. McMommy said...

    Ok, I *may* have that camera. I'm not sure...I know it's a Canon Powershot..and it's relatively new...so maybe it's the same one!!

    Maybe I can take pictures like you!!!!!!

    Maybe I will finally learn how to take a pic where the background is all blurred out!

    Maybe I will find the user manual for the camera!!

    Or maybe hell will freeze over.

  18. Anonymous said...

    Ooh, such a really gorgeous set! I just love all of the flowers and their colors and your perspective.

  19. Unknown said...

    Beautiful photos. I love the design of your blog!

  20. Jenni said...

    WOW! Those are spectacular, Jen!

  21. Rebecca - I'm a Canon girl! said...

    LOVE all those beautiful flower shots Jen, and the preying mantis is totally cool!! :)

  22. Sue Wilkey said...

    Don't you love it? Freaks in the hiz-ouse. My favorite was "radius neighborhood suicide": WTF?

  23. Sue Wilkey said...

    Whoops- did I comment on the wrong post? Your photos are so beyond gorgeous I get depressed. Mine look like their from a disposable.

  24. Tyne said...

    Jen, you know I follow your blog daily... 24 comments? Oh you so have a following! Where is your follow widget? I will join!

  25. Anonymous said...

    I sooooooooo love that second one!

  26. Meg said...

    gorgeous photos!

  27. Wendi said...

    Those are some amazing shots!

  28. The Livy Updater said...

    those flowers are absolutely beautiful. Now if I could get my flowers to look that way we'd be in business. Instead mine always end up dying. LOL

  29. Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

    These photos are beautiful! I would love to be able to capture images like these!

  30. Anonymous said...

    All great winners but my faves are the 1st & 3rd ones :)

  31. Sarah McBride said...

    I have to say I think these are your BEST weekly winners ever. Those all turned out beautifully!!

  32. Tena said...

    beautiful shots of the flowers, and nice shot of the bug, although I would have ran from it, lol

  33. Karin said...

    Your pictures are fantastic, you really know how to capture flowers beautifully!

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