A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

November, 2004---Here's one way to keep your brother quiet. Tell him he's a Pampers Pull-Up Ninja that doesn't talk!! The joys of being the big sister!

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

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46 supporters in group:

  1. Barbara said...

    Ha! That is an awesome mask. Who says kids aren't resourceful?

  2. A Christian Mom said...

    That's hilarious! Oh the joys of being an older sibling! lol

  3. JESSICA said...

    That's hilarious...looks like something my brother would have tried on me. Only we didn't have pull-ups back then!
    Great memories!

  4. Dee said...

    HAHAHA...that is too funny!

  5. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    At first, I thought he was a mummy!

  6. April said...

    haha! that's awesome :-D

  7. Annie said...

    Hey....that could double as a halloween costume for a mummy! Smart girl!

  8. Kelly Drill said...

    She's brilliant! If only I could get this to work on my 3-yr-old...

  9. Casey's trio said...

    Hilarious! And look how proud she is of herself:) Thanks for stopping by and saying hello.

  10. Heidi said...

    Haaaa Haaa Haaaa Haaaa! Can't breathe hahahahahah! So. Funny.

  11. Erin Tales said...

    LOL! Too funny!

    Also - TAG! You're IT! Visit: http://themombuzz.blogspot.com/2008/10/tag-im-it.html

  12. Former Fat Chick said...

    Oh goodness, that is a good one! Think my 16 year old will buy it?

  13. Unknown said...

    Now that is a funny pic!! Your daughter also has a gorgeous smile!

  14. Mrs. Heck said...

    HAHA! Thank goodness there are no marks on the undies. :P Too funny!

  15. ParentingPink said...

    Yaaaa! I'm the first to comment on this adorably cute picture. Wow! Your daughter is SMART, very smart! And your son, well, who can blame him for wanting to be a ninja? Heck there are days when I'd like to be one! LOL

  16. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Nice picture, that is so funny! His eyes are so happy that you can see he is smiling even with a pampers pull-up on his head!

  17. jill jill bo bill said...

    That is GREAT!!!

  18. Anonymous said...

    I've got one thing to say: BLACKMAIL! All of his high school girlfriends are gonna see that picture.

  19. Jesica said...

    Jen, that picture is priceless! LOL!

  20. Anonymous said...

    omg that is hilarious!

  21. Blog Stalker said...

    OMGosh, That is one of the funniest pictures! Big sister is either devilish or just fun! either way, funny!

    Have a great day!

  22. Amy Clary said...

    Why didn't I think of that when my little brother and I were younger??
    That's a great idea! :)
    Happy ATWT!

  23. Brooks said...

    That is a great photo, and a super smart daughter that you have there!!!!

  24. Anonymous said...

    LOL...she's a clever one!!

  25. MamaJoss said...

    Think you just gave me an AWESOME idea for my husband's Halloween costume - haha!!!

  26. Jamey said...

    I never would have guessed that what was on his head! until he turnned his head!

  27. hippos toes said...

    What a great Halloween costume. Leave it to the little sister :)

  28. Anonymous said...

    How funny! I love it!

    I finally participated in Thousand Word Thursday! :)

  29. Anonymous said...

    talk about a cheap halloween costume! she's a creative genious!!!

  30. Tena said...

    that is classic! Guess you should just be thankful she didn't try using a used one!! HA HA HA!
    Another great picture!!

  31. Elle Bee said...

    My parents used photos like this for blackmail when I was a teenager.

  32. Wendi said...

    I am so going to "steal" this idea!
    Think my 12 year old will go for it?
    Yeah....didn't think so.

  33. Unknown said...

    It is that easy? We may have to try that around here! lol

  34. Sue Wilkey said...

    OMG that's hilarious - and looks so authentic!!

    Oh crap, not "In the Living Years"....this always makes me cry.


  35. Unknown said...

    Oh my gosh... Let's get that movie voiceover guy to begin...

    "In a world... where chaos and occasionally leaks reign... one Pampers Pull-up Ninja boldly stands between rashes and accidents... and life as we know it." :)

    Pampers Pull-up Ninja... just too funny.

  36. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That is adorable.

  37. Brittany said...

    Is there an age requirement on that!?!?!? Silence sounds like heaven!

  38. pearlsandchocolate.com said...

    Your daughter is a clever one!!!!

  39. Bee said...

    haha, gives new meaning to "dry up!" :)

  40. Unknown said...

    That's too funny. Looks like something my crew would done.

    My story is funnier than the actual picture!

  41. A Crafty Mom said...

    Now THAT is funny :-) Too cute - I love the little eyes peeking out from under the pull up!

  42. Leslie said...

    Too, too funny. Your daughter is darling and creative!

  43. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    That is hilarious and genius all rolled into one!

  44. Insane Mama said...

    I swear one of these Thursdays I am in... I always forget. Big sisters, totally get to do what they want

  45. Jennie said...

    you have a very smart girl there, you are raising her right!

  46. Haasiegirl said...

    hmm, does that work on 4 year olds and husbands too?


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