I Live With Clowns

My Boy(singing)--Columbus sailed the ocean blue in Nineteen Hundred and Sixty Two!!

Hearing commotion in Hubby's bathroom....

Me--Everything okay in there?
Hubby--I'm going fishing!
Hubby--No, I saw something on the [insert HGTV show on tools called ??] and it gave me an idea.


K--ooh a buhduh [booger]
Me--a booger, ew gwoss [yes i talk baby talk to her]
K(stretching her finger out to me)--Mom, you hold it!


Hubby said something funny and was joking around with Cousin T when he spent the night last weekend.

Me--Ooh you're becoming quite the FUN Uncle aren't you?!
Hubby--I'm a regular FUNCLE!
Me--Oh my god, that sounds like a bad word.


DQ & My Boy--What is Hummus made out of?
Me--Garbanzo beans
DQ--Oh like that guy from the Muppets?
Me--(eyes wide) GONZO??!

While putting on K's diaper for the night, she sits up from a lying down position and....

Me--What are you doing goose, let me put your dipe on.

K--My lookin' at my buttocks!!

Hubby mentioning that he's caught up reading my blog...

Me--So you got through all those boob posts okay.

Hubby--Both hands on the keyboard at all times!


33 supporters in group:

  1. Mandy said...

    As Rosie said:
    Kids are punny. :)

  2. Brittany said...

    Why do they always make us hold their boogers!?!?!?!?!?! I am so tired of being the "boooo-gher" collector around here.

  3. Kelly Drill said...

    OMG, I'm rolling. That sounds so much like my house. Thanks for the giggles.

  4. Desiree said...

    Heh, well I officially have the dirtiest sense of humour. That last one cracked me up a lot.

  5. jill jill bo bill said...

    Great!!! And Rick loves 'Cool Tools',too.

  6. Susan said...

    Very cute and funny!
    Love that she was trying to look at her "buttocks." :)
    And, yes, funcle does sound like a bad word.

  7. Anonymous said...

    HAHAHAHA...those are quite funny!!!

  8. MAMA CEO said...

    Oh that is hilarious! You must live with clowns! I think I live in a 3-ring-circus!

  9. Jamey said...

    those are too funny! when
    I hear somehing funny I forget about it, I need to write it down!
    love the booger one and the both hands on the key board! Classic!

  10. Anonymous said...

    Too funny! Much funnier conversations, even snipets, than I have in our house. I spend most of the time talking to the cats. They don't make me repeat everything I say.

  11. Dee said...

    LOL! These are great!

    And..I tagged you..go check out my blog!

  12. Merrie said...

    Your hubby cracks me up! And I love K looking at hr buttocks. Thanks for the giggle on a Friday morning. :)

  13. scargosun said...

    In context, out of context...all funny . :)

  14. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I like the "Both hands on the keyboard at all times" LOL

    It's okay K check out your buttocks while you still can :) and I should say while it is still all cute and small.

  15. Anonymous said...

    these are hystrical! it's great that your husband reads your blog. mine won't even look at my photos, let alone read my blog! i hate that!!!

  16. Tyne said...

    funny little conversations! Hope you have a great weekend.

  17. Ali said...

    LOL! If I don't hold the boogers then there's no telling where they'll end up!

  18. Amy Clary said...

    I love the random humor a day brings. I can only imagine the things that will be said when my son's vocabulary is bigger. :)

  19. Tenakim said...

    I'm still trying to get over your husband reading your blog- good for him. I think mine knows how to read, but wouldn't even read a grocery list that I write!

  20. Haasiegirl said...

    some days, i think we are in the same house. Are you my twin?


  21. Cant Hardly Wait said...

    LOL, the last one was funny. Haha, good stuff.

  22. Momto5 RachelJoy Photography said...

    i enjoyed those funnnies.


  23. M. said...

    haha that's fab! i love kid speak. my kid calls boogers - burgers. very confusing at dinner time!

  24. Jenni said...

    LOL! Kids rock, don't they?

  25. Blog Stalker said...

    Boogers? really, now we post about boogers? lol, it's all good and fun till someone gets a booger on them and screams like a five year old.
    Kids definitely do RAWK! thats why I have so many of the little boogers! hehe

    Have a great day!

  26. Maritez said...

    Those were hilarious! Your "EW's" were just as funny as your kids' comments :D

  27. Tara R. said...

    You all are hilarious. I think a reality show is in order. :D

  28. Linda S said...

    shouldn't boogies be a daddy duty?

  29. Shannon said...

    LOL, that last one, the one about the boobs, was GREAT!

  30. Rachel said...

    LOL = My lookin' at my buttocks!!


  31. Mrs4444 said...

    Guess what?! Our hubbies share the same birthday! Mine is 46, though :) Happy Belated to yours...

  32. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    LOL...very cute. FUNCLE does sound like a bad word!!

  33. flickrlovr said...

    BWAHAHAHA! Classics. This could be the best quote post ever Jen. I literally laughed out loud and smiled at almost all of them. Niiiiiice. Good going, fam.

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