A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy


March, 2007--2 reasons this picture is powerful for me right now. It means baseball season is around the corner and we love that. (This is My Boy's Farm team, we are A's/Giants fans). And, more importantly, baseball season means SPRING! No one is more tired than the cold than I am. Even living in the mild central coast.

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

50 supporters in group:

  1. Leanna said...

    I 'just' did a post with baseball...I am so ready to be back out at the fields cheering! for my boys.

  2. Mel Fraase said...

    Look at those bright eyes! I love it. We can't wait for spring here either!!!

  3. WeaselMomma said...

    Your kids are soooo cute.

  4. Mrs4444 said...

    The enthusiasm in this photo is palpable! Go Brewers! (Sorry!)

  5. Jay @halftime lessons said...

    Man, I just do NOT get the baseball thing. maybe it's because I was hanging out with Europeans during my formative years...

    I am happy for you, though, especially when I see something fun that brings a family together.

    At least, that's what I tell my therapist.

  6. K and/or K said...

    I'm stressed about posting trip pictures as I have so many...this is the perfect way to ease into it! :-)

    Happy New Year!

  7. Sarah said...

    I am right there with you on the cold! I am ready for spring and baseball to begin! My oldest has been playing baseball for about 13 years now and just cant get enough of it!

  8. Abby said...

    What a cute group of fans! Happy Thursday!

  9. Proud Mommy said...

    That is flippin' ADORABLE!!!!

  10. Amy Clary said...

    I should be "thinking spring" too. Unfortunately, Michigan's winter isn't going away for another 3 or 4 months. Blech.
    Anywho. *happy thoughts* Have a great ATWT!! :)

  11. deb@virginia blue said...

    that is such a sweet picture!!
    your daughter's eyes are soooo wide...priceless =)

  12. Lindsay said...

    ooo I so look forward to the spring!! I can't wait.. however I am still hoping for a snow before the winter is over.. Can't I have both ;-)

  13. Kristen Andrews said...

    very cute as usual Jen!

  14. Anonymous said...

    I WANT SPRING! I'm frozen!

  15. Anonymous said...

    aawww...I just love little girls in sportswear!

  16. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    How much fun is that! I'm waiting for Spring here too! The cold is getting to all of us LOL!

  17. MOMMY-MOMO said...

    adorable family you got there!

  18. Vicki said...

    That is a great picture!!!

    K is so stinking cute - I could just squeeze her!!!! :)

  19. Tenakim said...

    that's so cute- why the Red Socks- though?

  20. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    I can't wait for spring. Although it is supposed to be 60 degrees here today, wahoo!!

  21. Erin said...

    I decided to start trying to do this as encouragement to take more pictures! Love the idea!

  22. Jo-Jo said...

    Funny, I wrote about hating the snow. I am so ready for spring myself! Unfortunatly we have a ways to go. Yuck. Beautiful picture as always!

  23. Unknown said...

    I love seeing everyone's pictures! I will visit a few more later today! :)

  24. Anonymous said...

    Very cute picture!! My husband who scream at me saying this too since he is a brave's fan!!

  25. Anonymous said...

    That is oh so adorable. She looks like she is in her glory!!

  26. Andrea Frederick said...

    What a sweet picture!

  27. Former Fat Chick said...

    that baby is so darn cute! on the other hand...it is getting crowed in here!~ HAppy New YEar girly!

  28. Ann Harrison said...

    We are dealing with a TON of rain up here, but my little neighborhood has a bit of sun shining and that give's me the impression that spring is around the corner!
    Please, dear Lord, let this rain stop.

  29. Dee said...

    That is a great picture! They're so cute!

  30. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    Such a sweet picture...what a good memory!!

  31. Mrs. Heck said...

    I feel so un-american when I say I HATE baseball! LOL! But this picture is so cute! Happy ATWT!

  32. Leslie said...

    All cute, but that one in the middle is stealing the show!

  33. Amy said...

    I LOVE baseball season! The eyes on the little one...WOW! You are going to be chasing the boys away from her! ;)

  34. ParentingPink said...

    Go Red Sox! GO RED SOX!

    We are huge fans so I absolutely love this pic!

  35. Barbara said...

    Super cute. She's the perfect little cheerleader =)

  36. Marla said...

    wish i had seen this before i picked my picture as i have an all time favorite photo of my boys in their sox gear... perhaps next week...

  37. Heather said...

    Too cute! How is it that your kids always pose so well? I have a post in the works about photgraphing my two and how difficult it is.

    Today is unseasonably spring-like here - it is glorious!

  38. AUDREY {LIL' BOOGER BLOG} said...

    I am soooo ready for spring already! Love the picture!

  39. Linda S said...

    super cute...it's like a little snuggle sandwich...

  40. Leanna said...

    again (since I already left the first comment) great pic! Love IT!

  41. Anonymous said...

    My son will be doing TBall for the first time this year.....your picture makes me excited for him to start playing sports!!!

  42. Petra a.k.a The Wise (*Young*) Mommy said...

    Go Sox! We love baseball season around here...great pic!

  43. annies home said...

    we love baseball season here as well

  44. Clare said...

    i love the photo! k looks so cute!!

  45. Anonymous said...

    You have awards waiting for you at my site.

  46. Unknown said...

    What a great picture! I am MORE than ready for Spring!

  47. Erica said...

    The darn autofill!! I guess I linked to an old TWT and so I got a bunch of new comments on an old post, which is neat! But I did have one for today too! Mr.LInky was automatically filled in and I guess I just assumed it was w/my blog..but it was the specific post(like it's supposed to be)only old! Okay I'm just giving a fair warning for those who have Mr.Linky autofilled on their computer!

  48. Colette S said...

    We are having summer weather so I can definitely see spring. This photos is too cute!

  49. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    Love that photo. I missed Thursday this week, I'll be back next week...

  50. flickrlovr said...

    Look at tiny K! Awwwwww.
    What a sweet shot. I'm not a sports girl, never have been, but enjoy baseball season!

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