A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

March, 2001 Just a day after My Boy was born, his once-an-only-child sister is already asking, "Is this all this kid does?"

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and visit the other participants as well, thanks!

64 supporters in group:

  1. Martha said...

    What a cute picture!

  2. Leanna said...

    So adorable! You can see it in her expression...that is exactly what she is thinking!

  3. Anonymous said...

    She had NO idea what was coming! :)

  4. That Janie Girl said...

    I love that.

  5. Faith said...

    What a great picture. Your caption is too funny, she looks bored with him in the picture, lol!

  6. Sarah said...

    I love those pics of the new baby with the equally new sibling!

  7. Kristen Andrews said...

    that is too funny! Look at them now!

  8. Dee said...

    HAHAHA...bored with the kid already! That is a great picture!

    Loving the new Valentine Header!

  9. Halftime Lessons said...

    LOL...hilarious Jen. Love your daughter's curls!


  10. kel said...

    She looks so bored! I love it!

  11. 4 Lettre Words said...

    Been there recently! Great picture!

  12. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    BWAAAAH! for the past two weeks I've been thinking about your post on K!

  13. Amy W said...

    Hey, MomJen! Come over and enter my giveaway for a $50 Sephora gift card. I KNOW you love you some good giveaway, and I suspect your chances will be good on this one. :)

  14. Doublebanker said...

    Looks like she is almost watching a boring television show...

    Here's my Thousand Word Thursday post

  15. Keri said...

    I love it! Both kiddos are simply precious!

  16. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Oh, how CUTE! :)

  17. Colleen said...

    how funny! The pic is adorable!

  18. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    What a wonderful picture! How cute :)

  19. Anonymous said...

    That photo could be prophetical, Jen - to when they are teens. chkl.

    Looking in different directions, the boy knows only himself, and the girl muses about how different they are.


  20. Bree Shaw said...

    what a sweet picture. they just can't wait for them to get bigger so they can play with them. then when they get bigger they wish they were little again b/c they are always getting into their stuff:)

  21. April said...

    I remember that attitude...my oldest wanted her baby sister to go live with my mom...and probably still does! LOL

  22. A Family Completed... said...

    That's so sweet

  23. MOMMY-MOMO said...

    what a precious moment and picture!

  24. Abby said...

    That is cute! She really does not look impressed.

  25. Angela said...

    Too cute and funny! That is how our older one felt...I think they are disappointed that the babies don't come out as instant play partners and require so much of Mommy's attention!!

  26. Tenakim said...

    that's so sweet- my kids weren't into staring at the new babies, but my mom has pics of me doing that with my sister and brother- I love those pictures!

  27. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh, she looks soooo bored!

  28. Write From Karen said...

    HAHA! I remember those days! Her forlorn expression is just too priceless!

    Write From Karen

  29. A Crafty Mom said...

    That is some seriously cute stuff, Jen. Little heartbreakers you have there, for sure.

    If I can get a good picture today, I'll come back and play. Got some sickies I'm taking care of though, so we'll see how *that* pans out, lol.

  30. Mel Fraase said...

    my oldest thought the same thing about her new baby brother! The noisy squishy pink thing is what every one's so excited about??

  31. Jamey said...

    how sweet, I thought it was K at first!

  32. Lindsay said...

    ooo wow does K look like DQ! Love seeing the early on shots :-)

  33. CaseyDeuce said...

    Awh, my daughter did the same thing with my son this past summer!

    Thank you for letting me participate in A Thousand Words Thursday!!

  34. Anonymous said...

    DQ looks exactly like K in this picture!

  35. Ali said...

    I remember when Little pup starting crawling and crawled right over Big pup--BP was like "what just happened?!" Very cute picture!

  36. Ali said...

    I remember when Little pup starting crawling and crawled right over Big pup--BP was like "what just happened?!" Very cute picture!

  37. Leslie said...

    So sweet and innocent at that age. Can I go back? Pleeeease, just for one day!

  38. goodbye said...

    thats adorable. My oldest was very excited when his brother came along

  39. Patrice said...

    How cute!! Love the caption you came up with it's so fitting!

  40. Dennis and Leslie said...

    Ha! Why don't you teach her how to change a diaper, then she'll realize what ELSE he does!!

  41. Amy Clary said...

    How funny. I'm pretty sure I have a picture somewhere of my big sister giving me the same look. lol

  42. Mrs. Heck said...

    Awwww, I've got a picture just like this one. She still isn't too happy about her younger brother. HAHAHA!

  43. jo@blog-diggidy said...

    adorable!! your kids are gorgeous, of course , you knew that ! *wink*

  44. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    Love this picture! She looks totally bored with the new addition!!

  45. Heather B. said...

    So cute! At first I thought that was K! I never realized that she and DQ look so much alike!

  46. Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

    If only we could keep them that small! Precious.

  47. Anonymous said...

    Just wait!! She has no idea of what is to come!

  48. Candy Graber said...

    That is very sweet, I just had mt 3rd child 4 weeks ago and my 20 month old is having the same sentiments as your daughter!

  49. Anonymous said...

    Is that all this kid does?

    I am still laughing, I would have said, no, careful it poops too.


  50. Clare said...

    such a cute picture! i love it!

  51. Rachel said...

    WOW -- that picture looks so much like K!

    You have such beautiful children.

  52. Jo-Jo said...

    I remember when there was only 10 of us on A Thousand Word Thursday's! How exciting at how many there are now!

  53. ExtraordinaryMommy said...

    What a wonderful picture....I remember my daughter having the same moment with her new brother!

  54. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Hmmmm now what is this creature Mom has put here?

  55. Hera said...

    This is my first time participating in A Thousand Words Thursday! I love your pic, it's so cute. They look about the same age split as my two kids!

  56. Mrs4444 said...

    Sorry, friend; I forgot to link to you. I also forgot to link one of my links. Spacey night, I"m afraid. Wanted to say I love you and hope you forgive me :)

  57. Alyssa said...

    What a great picture....

  58. Unknown said...

    I was thinking the same re: all ATWT joiners! You have such a large following! You blog rock Jen!

    BTW, love the picture. Sass is still bored with her siblings.

  59. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Her curls are so sweet. I love how DQ's just sitting there watching him.

  60. Anonymous said...

    I always knew that's what they were really thinking.

  61. Michelle said...

    DQ looks a lot like K in this picture. Is she about the same age K is now or a little younger?

  62. Unknown said...

    Awwww, look at those two little ones! How sweet. I love looking back like that.

  63. Unknown said...

    Beautiful picture of your little ones.lol. I remember that question..I miss it when they were that small.

  64. Messy Mommy said...

    Wow! That is quite similar to mine! Must be so confusing for kids to have a new person come in their lives like that.

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