I'm That Parent

I never realized I was this competitive!

Yesterday DQ came home with a permission trip for her next field trip. I read it over and it said ONLY 5 chaperones per class (of 35 kids). It's a CONTEST too?!

I scanned some more and found out they were going to the Museum of Art and Science in SF and squealed/gasped. AND, they're taking those fancy luxury buses!

Like a flash, I threw my shoes on, grabbed DQ and drove right back to the school to turn my her permission slip in!!

DQ--MOM! We can turn it in tomorrow!
ME--What and be that 6th permission slip?! NEVER.
DQ--The teachers are in a meeting!
ME--So, I'll only be a minute.

I threw open the door of her classroom as she hid outside, completely embarassed.

"Hi, here it is, here's the slip, sounds like fun, I'll donate money, so...so....can I go?!" I said a little too loudly, practically out of breath.

4 fifth grade teachers looked at me like I just barfed, eyes wide, mouth agape.

DQ's teacher took the slip from my grasp and said hesitantly and quietly, like she was dealing with the nutjob that I clearly was, "Oh. Okay. Thanks. Ah. Um..You're in. Sure...you can go."

I wanted to jump in the air and do one of those feet claps, or kiss her, but I held back.

"Cool! Great! Super! I'll be there. Great. Cool. Okay I already said that! Okay, sorry, go back to your meeting! Woo. Bye!"

I'm sure I totally scared them all.

I walked outside proud as pie, while my daughter rolled her eyes at me.

I didn't care if we were going on a trip to the world biggest lint ball. I'm in. I'm one of five. One of five...of thirty-five.

I won! hee hee!

54 supporters in group:

  1. Unknown said...

    One has to win these things - especially for the science of it all! {*grin*}

  2. Anonymous said...

    Glad you won!!!

  3. Anonymous said...

    I can totally picture you doing that. Only 5 chaperones? How stupid is that? You'd think the teacher would want as many parents there as possible. Less work for her.

  4. Martha said...

    Funny. I never really wanted to go on the trips.... too many loud kids in one place, you see I'm used to being the mom of one! I did go on the 4th grade trip to St Augustine on the fancy buses, but I let others have the pleasure of going on the Safety Patrol trip to Tallahasse overnight and on the 5th grade camping trip - no thank you no siree.... some had to stay home to take care of the animals!

  5. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    OMG, Jen, I'm embarrassed for DQ right now!

  6. Anonymous said...

    I laughed out loud at this one---laughed loudly. This is very funny, mostly because I think I will be that parent too!

  7. My Trendy Tykes said...



  8. The Mother said...

    And we try to teach our kids non-competitiveness! Shame on you!

    My funny story about this: I received a note from the kids' school that they needed help for a heart dissection. Right up my alley! I did this for a living! So I called.

    They already had all the moms they needed.

    "Are you sure? Heart dissections are tricky."

    She assured me that they had a training video.

    The day before, I got a panicked call that one of their moms couldn't come. She apologized that I had missed the "training video."

    I got there, and ended up doing the whole thing, for the whole class, 'cause not one of their volunteer moms could actually dissect a heart.

    I never volunteered for anything again. It's a good-old-girls' club. Just sayin'.

  9. Former Fat Chick said...

    You are such a NERD!!!!! hahaha Teacher's PET! hahaha and to an ART MUSEUM!

  10. A Christian Mom said...

    This post made me giggle. To cute! Glad you got in... lol.

  11. Erica said...

    I say good for you! The few times I've been able to chaperone, I've not won the 'contest'! It's hard when you have to ask if you can bring a pre-schooler and a toddler along too!

  12. lmt1073 said...

    lol.... that was cute. I embarass my daughter like that all the time. I'm one of those moms who screams and hollers from the bleachers at all the games and she absolutely hates it!

  13. Brittany said...

    One of the 1st things to cross my mind when I decided to stop working was...FIELD TRIPS!!!!!

  14. Unknown said...

    Congrats on the win! You're a super mom, no matter what DQ says behind you back! :)

  15. Erin said...

    So funny...you crack me up!

  16. Sass said...

    Our preschool went on a field trip back in the day. I was on the preschool board, and only 4 parents could go. I figured, being on the board, I'd be in like Flynn.

    Quite the opposite in fact. They figured since I was on the board, maybe they could ask me to NOT show up.

    I cried. Stomped.

    And still didn't get my way.


  17. Sarah said...

    HaHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it!

  18. Cathie said...

    LOL! I would so do that as well, I love the eye rolls!

  19. Tiffany said...

    LMAO You TOTALLY won. Who cares who you had to embarrass. haha

  20. Khadra said...

    I love moms like you, because then I DONT have to go lol!

    Honestly I would love to, and will do this in the future Im sure, but at the moment I have a 1 and 3 year old at home and um, field trip chaperones with kids in diapers are kind of useless and frazzled lol!

  21. Lindsay said...

    ROFLOL ooooo so stinking funny!!

  22. CaseyDeuce said...

    LOL too funny!! I'd probably do the same thing. My 4 year old already tells me that I embarrass her!!

  23. Tenakim said...

    That is so funny! Now the teachers are in that meeting arguing about who's going be on the bus with 'crazy mom'.

  24. Anonymous said...

    Good for you! It's always better to feel like a winner than a loser, and it sounds like you earned it!

    You really went for it.

    Motherhood sometimes takes you places you didn't expect!

  25. Anonymous said...

    I totally relate to this.


  26. Mrs4444 said...

    You're a crazywoman. Have fun!

  27. Elisa @ Globetrotting in Heels said...

    Yay!! Don't mind the teacher, she's obviously no fun at all. The kids are lucky you are one of 5, because without you they might risk for it to be a snooze :-)

  28. The Joynes Girls said...

    As a museum professional... I am so thrilled you were completely prepared to knock other parents to the floor to get on that field trip!!! That's awesome. Oh, and here's the program I manage. Yeah, I work for THAT museum. We're kooky for museums.

  29. The Frugal Angel-Guided Psychic said...

    LOL!!!! Your crazy! Have fun and tell us all about it!

  30. Ranch Girl said...

    Absolutely hysterical - did you really do that?!

  31. Leah said...

    I've been the 6th parent this year! poop

  32. FoN said...

    I'm so glad there are moms like you! I'm more of the "please let someone else volunteer to deal with all those children" variety.

  33. Anonymous said...

    This is priceless, and so totally something we would do! Great story!

    Can't wait to hear how the Museum is doing.

  34. Sherrie said...

    OMG ROTFLMAO Loved this post!

  35. Anonymous said...

    lmao! i'm usually avoiding the field trips cos they usually require us driving since our schools don't have the budget for luxury buses. we have to pay $1 on top of field trip cost for transportation. small town, small school district...anyways, i just volunteered for the county science fair field trip for next wk since mini-me's project is there. we'll see if she placed there. i'm not sure i'm looking forward to chaperoning 11 & 12 yr olds :-/ lol

  36. Happy Campers said...

    Field trips are fun, even when we're parents! I'm glad you showed such enthusiasm...even if they looked at you a little strange, teachers love parents who are involved!

  37. Heather of the EO said...

    You're not normal.

    But you ARE the most endearing kind of not normal EVER. :)

  38. The Buntens said...

    Woo Hoo! You won!
    I went on one today and was one of 3!!! It was totally random, though and had nothing to do with my winning personality.

    But the field trip today. Boring. Holy cow, I wanted to sleep or die or something. The brightest spot to the morning was my sweet girl that smiled every time she looked at me. She loved having me there.

  39. Jenni said...

    LOL! And what did you win? A ride on a smelly school bus!

  40. Unknown said...

    Whew, sounds like that was a close one! ; )

    Hope you tell us all about your trip to the museum...

  41. Laura Marchant said...

    As a former teacher I can tell you I am laughing my butt off right now. I can tell you if they are moms they totally get it but if they were like me when I taught before I had kids I would have thought you were crazy, lol! You're awesome...I totally get it now.

  42. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    Oh PALEASE Girl!!! You were so in the right! I mean honestly...could you miss the photo opportunity??? Can't wait to see the pics!!! And PS, way to go!!!

  43. Shawn said...

    Bwahahaha! That is just hilarious. I think you need special t-shirts now for just the 5 of you that are going...just to kinda rub it in on the rest that didn't make the cut!

  44. John Deere Mom said...

    You are cracking me up. As the teacher who does put "first come first served" on the permission slips...I guess I should consider myself lucky some nutjob parent hasn't raced to school to turn it in. ;)

  45. wife.mom.nurse said...

    You are killing me!

  46. .jimaie.marie. said...

    this is HILARIOUS! and totally something my mom would have done to me when i was in school LOL! i love it.

  47. Anonymous said...

    lol..you are crazy!!

  48. Anonymous said...

    ROFL! You're so funny! Because our youngest is allergy-boy one of us has to go on every single field trip.....which sometimes is good and sometimes not.

  49. Patois42 said...

    Lucky dog. Here's hoping another mother doesn't take out a contract on you.

  50. Caffeine Court said...

    LOVE your competitive spirit! Would you like to be my doubles partner?

  51. Michelle said...

    Hilarious! Have fun on the trip!

  52. Barbara said...

    Ha! Geez lady!

    Hope you all have fun in the bay area =)

  53. Gretchen said...

    Good for you! Now you're a weiner. NOt a luh-who-zer. Uh, but what's your definition of luh-who-zer?

    JK! This post made me laugh all the way till Tuesday. BTW I started it On Monday at 11:58.

  54. Keyona said...

    Too funny!!! I have done something like that before, I just wasn't bold enough to DRIVE back to the school.

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