A Thousand Words Thursday

July, 2007--Super-mega-slip-and-slides are so cool. I'm pretty sure K was thinking, "OMG what in the HELLO KITTY was that, and can I do it again?!" Super-mega-slip-and-slides are so cool.

Cheaper Than Therapy

Want to join me in A Thousand Words Thursday, read and grab my button from HERE. Then write in your name and blog addy in Mr. Linky below.

Please link only to "A Thousand Words Thursday" posts, and check out all the other participants and leave them some love!

65 supporters in group:

  1. Ambrosia @ The Purple Booker said...

    Great pictures.. I wish we didt have snow on the ground..lol

  2. Shawn said...

    My post isn't anywhere near a thousand words..but it made me laugh while writing it so I'm sharing! LOL

    I'm loving those pictures of the chubby baby legs and 'Oh My Goodness' face!

  3. Faith - That's Just Freaking Lovely said...

    That does look like lots of fun .. now I want a slip and slide!

  4. Kari @ A Giveaway Addicted Mommy said...

    That first picture is hysterical!!

  5. Anonymous said...

    now doesn't that look like fun?!?

  6. Diane said...

    that looks so fun! i cant wait for summer!!!

  7. Mel Fraase said...

    So what did you do? Toss her down bowling ball style?? Looks like fun!!

  8. Unknown said...

    Love the expression on her face afterward.

  9. Kimmie said...

    I LOVE the look on her face in the second one! lol She's just too adorable!

    My Thousand Word Thursday

  10. Sarah said...

    love the "after" expression!

  11. Mrs. Schmitty said...

    OMG! That was THE best!!!

  12. Sarah said...

    What a GREAT pic! Love it!

  13. Unknown said...

    Those chubby little legs up in the air are killing me!!

  14. kel said...

    Oh my gosh... That makes me wish for summer!!

  15. Nicole S. said...

    OMG - I LOVE slip'n'slides! There was nothing better when I was kid. Can't wait 'til my little buggers are old enough to use them.

  16. Sarah said...

    Look at those awesome leg rolls! So stinkin' cute. Have to say though, I may have hit that pose on a wet kitchen floor just recently.

  17. Unknown said...

    I love that look!

  18. Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

    Oh how CUTE! I love her chubby little legs over her head - truly priceless!

  19. Martha said...

    What in the "Hello Kitty"... too funny! Cutie she is!

  20. Stacy Uncorked said...

    Oh how FUN! The look on her face in the second picture is priceless! :) Happy ATWT!

    It also looks like I have some major catching up to do over here... :)

  21. Melissa ♥ Spoiled Mommy said...

    Awwww-look at those little legs, too cute!!
    I love the look on her face.

  22. Dee said...

    I'm LOVIN those pictures! I got one at the end of the season last year for just a few dollars and cant wait to see how my little man does with it!

  23. Mrs. M said...

    So fun! I might get one for our house this summer. I can't wait!!

  24. Kristen Andrews said...

    great shots can't wait until it is nice enough to get the pool out!

  25. Proud Mommy said...

    Those are GREAT pics!!!!

  26. Bree Shaw said...

    i love the look on her face! super mega cute!

  27. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    Oh my goodness! I love it! Her little legs in the air..the look on her face! Priceless.

  28. Vicki said...

    ROFL!!! Those pictures are priceless (and I love Hello Kitty - LOL!!!) The look on her face is hysterical!!!

    And seriously...can I just BITE those fat thighs!?!?!?! My bean was the SAME way!!! LOL!!! :)

  29. Former Fat Chick said...

    OMG! The rolls on her thighs...girl are you feeding her "arroz con pollo & black beans?" God, I would just smush her, and pinch her her and nibble on those drumsticks!

  30. Michelle said...

    Great face!

  31. Finding Joy in the Journey said...

    weee, that does look fun! love her face!

  32. Tony@ That One Paticular Harbor said...

    Wow, what a ride. A Mom, that is cold water. Thanks for the warning.LOL thanks for sharing that was really cute.

  33. MamaJoss said...

    Those are some awesome action shots...I'm sure she flew by your camera on that thing - they are fast! Too cute. Thanks for making me (even more) anxious for summer weather.

  34. MOMMY-MOMO said...

    oh my gosh! that looks like SOO much fun!

  35. Ali said...

    OMG will you just look at those yummy legs! So adorable!

  36. Kelly said...

    Looks like she's having a blast...bring on summer!

  37. April said...

    Oh.....I love those legs! I don't love them on me, but on her they are adorable!

  38. Anonymous said...

    I love the expression on her face in the 2nd picture!!

  39. wife.mom.nurse said...

    "What in the Hellokitty was that"

    Oh, I love that line!!!!!!!!

  40. Unknown said...

    GREAT pix as usual jen...one of these days i am gonna get with the program and join your TWT!

  41. He & Me + 3 said...

    That is so cute. Look at those thighs. I love chubby thighs

  42. Sarah said...

    Super-mega-slip-and-slides are the definition of cool! I love the expression on her face, looks like it blew her mind.

  43. Tara R. said...

    I love the expression on her face. Priceless!

  44. Eyeglasses & Endzones said...

    What in the HELLO Kitty?? OK, I am totally incorporating that into my everyday speech...that one is good...and PS, so were the pics!!!

  45. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    The look on her face is priceless like "Whoa!" and her chubby baby legs are adorable.

  46. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    I don't know why the free Diapers part jumped in there, but the link works okay. ;)

  47. Aracely said...

    She's killing me with the thighs, so cute! I think I'll introduce 3 boys to a s&s this summer.

  48. ღ Ms. Joy mH ღ said...

    this is funny, I love the color of the pic though! Very real...

    mine is up as well!

    Have a good day!

  49. Over Coffee - the green edition said...

    That is a funny set of pictures! Looks like fun.

  50. Anonymous said...

    Those pictures are so great. She is adorable.

  51. Together We Save said...

    My kids are big now but they still love slip and slides. That picture is priceless.

  52. Piece o' Coconut Cake said...

    That look is priceless!

  53. Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

    That was so precious.

  54. ExtraordinaryMommy said...

    How much fun is that? I love the 'what in the Hello Kitty'!! I can't wait for the warm weather to arrive.

  55. Mary@Holy Mackerel said...

    Cutie Patootie.

    I was guffawing at the What in the Hello Kitty quote. Hilarious.

  56. Leanna said...

    OMG!! I LOVE the thighs!! I just wish mine looked half as cute. LOL

  57. Amy Amy Bo Bamey said...

    I just want to nibble on those plumpy little baby legs! Makes me miss my kids when they were little!

  58. Anonymous said...

    Man, I used to love the Slip 'N Slide when I was a kid! Scared you to death and was the most fun you ever had, all at the same time.

  59. Unknown said...

    These made me smile so big and I just wanna squeeze those chunky thighs. Although they are probably gone now, huh?

  60. jennykate77 said...

    Ohmagosh. This makes me giggle..."What the HELLO KITTY was that?" LOL. Those pictures really do say a lot. She so cute!

    Happy Friday!

  61. Angela said...

    OH my goodness the thigh rolls in the first picture are priceless! Amazing how it is so cute when you are a child then you grow up and wellllll NOT so cute then!!

  62. Brittany said...

    EEEP! Look at her chubby little thighs! SO FREAKING CUTE!

  63. Mrs4444 said...

    "What in the Hello Kitty..." That's hilarious, Jen. Love the look of shock on her face. Way cute.

  64. John Deere Mom said...

    Oh, I cannot even handle the thighs! I need to squeeze those legs!!

  65. Laura Marchant said...

    I like these pics! You always get such great shots.

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