Fun to the Nth Power

I'm ending the week-o-fun-photos with a plethora of bright colored fun!

Her 2nd solo mission.

Are you sure she's big enough to ride this?


Daddy's holding me tight.

Um, who's chaperoning them?

Pedal to the metal!

K's favorite coaster!

Check the boys' experssions in the back!


Later, me gots some soda to deliver.

25 supporters in group:

  1. Former Fat Chick said...

    I love her, she is such a little DAREDEVIL!

  2. Unknown said...

    Looks like they had so much fun! I can't wait until next month when we're going to Kings Island I love amusement parks!

  3. Shawn said...

    Awww, very cute photos! And she does look so little on that one ride! Yikes!

  4. Martha said...

    Totally off the fun meter chart! Great photos.

  5. Sweet Serendiptiy said...

    Wow, that looks like an awesome family day! My kids would be in heaven. I love the log ride.

  6. Unknown said...

    I so want to go there!!

  7. A Christian Mom said...

    I've loved looking at all your pictures this week. Looks like you all had a great time!

  8. Anonymous said...

    oh boy that does look like fun...There was a time that I would have loved to do all of that well as share it with my kids...Unfortunatly I found out the hard way that my body just cannot take that kind of excitement anymore!!

  9. Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

    That is some serious fun-ness!

  10. SweetPeaSurry said...

    Yeah ... I'd totally rather be there than going to work!!!

    Looks like ya'll had a terrific time!


  11. Khadra said...

    looks like fun!!!

  12. said...

    LOVIN' the color and the family fun!

  13. Brittany said...

    These photos put me in the best mood! I love all the colors!!!

  14. Heather B. said...

    Your children are such the little daredevils! I would have been in panic mode all day! Glad they had fun though!

  15. Anonymous said...

    The colors in those pictures are awesome. In the third one she looks so tiny.

  16. Anonymous said...

    wow those photos are so bright! Love the ones of the sisters riding together!

  17. Anonymous said...

    I love Santa Cruz beach boardwalk, we don't live too far from there. Its such a classic place to take your kids. That is the beach we first took our son when he was born.

  18. Anonymous said...

    great pictures

  19. April said...

    Wow....I'm so impressed that all three wil take on any ride.....I have one that will ride anything and even forces me to ride things that terrify me (The Hulk at Universal...AGHHHHHH!).....but my other two are not quite so gutsy yet!

    You take the most fabulous pics!

  20. Melissa said...

    Wow what fun!

  21. The Amazing Trips said...

    My stomach fell to my knees just looking at the pictures of the log ride. Holy smokes - that is one HUGE drop!!

  22. Mrs4444 said...


    BTW, I think that your work on Tena's blog header is fantastic. I would love to hear about how you did it. Did you design that nurse? It's just fantastic.

  23. Unknown said...

    i'm disappointed. no funnel cakes!

    i can't believe k is on that scary ride tooo!

  24. Angela @ Nine More Months said...

    That dragon coaster still exists! My little sister LOVED that thing. I had fun taking her on it too.

  25. Sara Elizabeth said...

    Looks like a ton of fun. Your daughters are lovely.
    I am hopping over from the Blog-A-Thon. I am trying to hit everyone this weekend (I have a lot of hopping to do). *hehe*

    Have a wonderful and safe three day weekend!

    (I am #117, #118, and #119)

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