My Mood Ring Says....

That I'm full of love!

If it says that, I'm definitely full of something.


8.5 hours in the car today!

That was after a great breakfast and 3 hours at Sea World...

More on that later (think Shamu, PHOTOS, and me getting pooped on).

I'm surprised that mood ring didn't turn black and melt.

It's midnight and I semi-slept the last hour and a half in the car, so now I'm wired for sound and can't fall asleep.

Uploading the TONS of photos we took on our San Diego vacation.

Thumbing through all the mail.

Going over in my head all the things I have to do the rest of the week.

School starts next week you know!


I do miss Southern CA.

Our family had such a blast together creating new memories.

Country Inns & Suites is a FABULOUS place to stay, read my review!


Where do we go next?


Good times.


Anyone know a good lullaby.

And a good sleeping pill!?

10 supporters in group:

  1. Anonymous said...

    oo can't wait to see the photos from your trip. Glad you had a great time.. minus the ride.. and the poop :-P

  2. Martha said...

    Can't wait for the pics. I couldn't sleep last night either, I was up until 4:30 and now I'm back up and it's 8:00... I'm gonna crash and burn this afternoon - oh wait a carnival is on tonight's agenda!

  3. Aimee said...

    sounds like fun! We are thinking of going to the sea world in San Antonio this fall.

  4. Heather B. said...

    Sounds like y'all had a blast! I can't wait to see the pics and hear the pooped on story! LOL ;)

  5. annies home said...

    sounds like lots of fun cant wait for pictures and storys that follow such a special trip

  6. Anonymous said...

    Sounds like a great trip - can't wait to hear more!!!

  7. Michelle said...

    Yeah for Southern California!

  8. Swirl Girl said...

    I love SeaWorld! We were there last summer!

    can't wait to see your pix

  9. Unknown said...

    Hehe! You had me at pooped on!

    Oh, and I can't wait to see your fabulous photos!

  10. Anonymous said...

    want to get her a really nice Sterling Silver Mood Ring ?

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