No Mom, You Can't Come!
My oldest went to Science Camp today.Away from home for 3 days, 2 nights.
I miss her already, it's been 5 hours.
She's in good hands, her teacher, the principal of the school (also a mom of an attendee), and all her friends are going.
To the beach.
To study sea life.
Kayak, hike, build sand castles, not too shabby.
I wanted to go.
Hubby wanted to kayak.
DQ said NO.
We're too embarassing apparently.
I sorta understand, I was 11 once.
I know she's channeling me at that age, I would have been scarred had my parents offered to chaperone as much as I do.
I'm jealous of the other 6 parents who went.
I want to be the cool parent that I think I am.
I wouldn't embarass her.
I would hold back the cutely talk that we still have as mom/daughter.
I wouldn't tease her, hubs and I both promised that.
Still no.
On the flip side, My Boy has secured me a spot on the trip when he goes.
In 3 years.
If he goes.
If the school budgets allow.
Which at this point looks grim.
But, it's the thought that counts.
And, I didn't have to make any promises.
Oh am I going to embarass him!
Just kidding.
March 8, 2010 at 3:40 PM
I was thrilled the time Kyle asked me not to chaperone a dance--It gave me an excuse to say no, FINALLY! :)
March 8, 2010 at 3:59 PM
The kids have the best time at those things. And she'll have grown up just a bit more by the time she gets back in three day!
I know she'll be okay... but what about you?
March 8, 2010 at 4:17 PM
Sorry, Jen! They grow up too fast, don't they? Well glad the boy is willing to let you go in 3 years (ha ha, yah right!) The girls won't let me chaperone dances either. Love you - h
March 8, 2010 at 9:00 PM
Trust me, you are the cool mom, she just doesn't know it yet...all in good time my friend!
March 9, 2010 at 6:55 AM
You'd be good right until the last second and then something would slip out and scar her for life. You KNOW it would ;) Sometimes we just can't help ourselves.
March 9, 2010 at 9:50 AM
I'm sooooo not looking forward to my baby outgrowing me hanging with her. :(