No Mom, You Can't Come!

My oldest went to Science Camp today.

Away from home for 3 days, 2 nights.

I miss her already, it's been 5 hours.

She's in good hands, her teacher, the principal of the school (also a mom of an attendee), and all her friends are going.

To the beach.

To study sea life.

Kayak, hike, build sand castles, not too shabby.

I wanted to go.

Hubby wanted to kayak.

DQ said NO.

We're too embarassing apparently.

I sorta understand, I was 11 once.

I know she's channeling me at that age, I would have been scarred had my parents offered to chaperone as much as I do.

I'm jealous of the other 6 parents who went.

I want to be the cool parent that I think I am.

I wouldn't embarass her.

I would hold back the cutely talk that we still have as mom/daughter.

I wouldn't tease her, hubs and I both promised that.

Still no.

On the flip side, My Boy has secured me a spot on the trip when he goes.

In 3 years.

If he goes.

If the school budgets allow.

Which at this point looks grim.

But, it's the thought that counts.

And, I didn't have to make any promises.

Oh am I going to embarass him!

Just kidding.


6 supporters in group:

  1. Mrs4444 said...

    I was thrilled the time Kyle asked me not to chaperone a dance--It gave me an excuse to say no, FINALLY! :)

  2. Leslie said...

    The kids have the best time at those things. And she'll have grown up just a bit more by the time she gets back in three day!

    I know she'll be okay... but what about you?

  3. Anonymous said...

    Sorry, Jen! They grow up too fast, don't they? Well glad the boy is willing to let you go in 3 years (ha ha, yah right!) The girls won't let me chaperone dances either. Love you - h

  4. Anonymous said...

    Trust me, you are the cool mom, she just doesn't know it yet...all in good time my friend!

  5. M@ said...

    You'd be good right until the last second and then something would slip out and scar her for life. You KNOW it would ;) Sometimes we just can't help ourselves.

  6. Keyona said...

    I'm sooooo not looking forward to my baby outgrowing me hanging with her. :(

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