A Thousand Words Thursday

If you are staying at the Affinia hotel in Chicago, bring your own water!
Cheaper Than Therapy

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6 supporters in group:

  1. Patrice said...

    We stayed at The W last week in Dallas, and it was $8 there for the big FIJI water! $6 for a smaller one. Crazy!

  2. Formerly known as Frau said...

    That is crazy it's just water!Everything here is really expensive but I have to say the bottle water is cheaper.

  3. chris weigand said...

    Hmm seems pretty bad when you have to supply your own water

  4. Mel Fraase said...

    "Every drop is green." As in cash? Looks like it. YIKES!

  5. Suburban Hooker said...

    Is it holy water or something??

  6. Ann Harrison said...

    I never thought I would have to get a loan to drink water. Ugh.

    And woe-is-me... my blog link hasn't shown up all day. Could you add me to ATWT? http://www.annagainandagain.com/

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