A Thousand Words Thursday

That thing on the left. No it's not a shark tooth. It is the tooth removed from my 8 year old daughter (at the time). That little tooth next to it was another one of her baby teeth she saved. She had an extra adult front, bottom tooth. In order to get her bottom braces on and get on with orthodontia, it had to be removed. Nothing special to do it either, just a little numbing and about 30 minutes of yanking.
Cheaper Than Therapy

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6 supporters in group:

  1. Erin said...

    Holy crap! I have NEVER seen anything like it!

  2. Mel Fraase said...

    Yowza!...now THAT's a tooth. Wonder if the rest of her teeth are so well rooted.

  3. Carly said...

    Wow, that sounds painful! The shark tooth is neat!

  4. annies home said...

    wow how very traumatic sounding

  5. Jessica said...

    Who knew our teeth were so deeply rooted!? Those x-rays are misleading as that thing is HUGE! Very cool photo...and its cool she got to keep it as a souvenir! I kept my wisdom teeth and I always enjoy the fact that I got to keep them!

  6. Anonymous said...

    Oh my God! I hope it didn't hurt all that bad. I just hate to see children in pain....

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