Please Send Gas Cards and a Cloning Machine.
Our schedule is going to make me crazy this year, but I wouldn't have it any other way.Anyway, people only know me by my crazy.
If I was all sane and calm and content, people would think I was smokin' something herbal.
And, most people know I only enjoy smoke if I'm in the center of a casino.
So, here it is, the schedule of crazy for this school year.
7:45-School drop off
9am-Preschool drop off
12pm-Preschool Pickup
2:08-4th grade pickup
3pm-7th grade pickup
4:15-K Soccer
5pm-My Boy Soccer
5pm-DQ Dance
5:15-Soccer Pickup
6:30-Soccer Pickup
7:30-Dance Pickup
7:45-School drop off
2:08-4th grade pickup
3pm-7th grade pickup
3:30-K Dance
4:30-K Dance pickup
7:45-School drop off
9am-Preschool drop off
12pm-Preschool Pickup
2:08-4th grade pickup
3pm-7th grade pickup
5pm-My Boy Soccer
5pm-DQ Dance
6:30-Soccer Pickup
7:30-Dance Pickup
7:45-School drop off
2:08-4th grade pickup
3pm-7th grade pickup
7pm-DQ Dance
8pm-Dance pickup
7:45-School drop off
9am-Preschool drop off
12pm-Preschool Pickup
2:08-4th grade pickup
3pm-7th grade pickup
That doesn't even include dr/orthodontist/dentist/eye appointments, playdates, or parties.
Not to mention, how much driving will I be doing? I should put a Taxi sign on the top of my car and add a meter and make a buck!
Or we should live in the car. If it had a hot plate and wi-fi, i'm telling you I would.
At least 3 nights a week dinner-prep and execution is going to be insane.
AND...2 nights a week, I have to be in two places at once. Superduper.
Hmm...smoking a little something is sounding better and better.
Just kidding mom and dad.
August 30, 2010 at 12:04 PM
I don't know how you do it...I have a hard enough time coordinating with just one kid's schedule!
August 30, 2010 at 1:29 PM
Ok, you just made me wanna cancel my daughter's enrollment in an Enrichment class I just signed her up for, lol. I will be thinking of you as I drop off, go to work, pick up, and sometimes drop off, volunteer, pick up. At the end of this school year, I'm gonna need you to write a manual!
August 30, 2010 at 1:49 PM
God help you when K is in elementary, W in middle and J in high school five days a week!
The good news is you'll have some down time in the day with no kids. Something to look forward to!
August 30, 2010 at 4:28 PM
So, just reading your schedule I'm exhausted! But a hotplate in the car? Hmmm, that might just work...
August 30, 2010 at 7:50 PM
Ah, come on. You could squeeze in a couple more things on Tuesday. :) ha ha!
Seriously, wow.....that's a LOT of running!
August 30, 2010 at 7:56 PM
No hot plate - microwave. And a cooler for wine. Wi-fi is an absolute necessity! All of this is why it's best to have kids when you're still young and have energy.
August 31, 2010 at 9:57 AM
LMAO! You crack me up girly! Sounds like a heck of a week you have there. I am not looking forward to my kids being old enough to go to school and soccer practices!
August 31, 2010 at 11:40 AM
gooood gracious and I thought my schedule was win you win!!! I won't complain anymore =)