Um, About the Christmas Cards on my Desk...

Thanks to my friend Ana, she gave me fuel for a blog post.

Last year's photo drama was the last of trying too hard.

I'm letting Christmas photos happen naturally.

And, by naturally, I mean I'm not going to force or bribe the kids to smile in pressured conditions.

And, I'm not going to sweat uncontrollably for one great shot that I won't spend hours photoshopping to make my daughter's smile look real.

This year, the Oahu backdrop was more than ideal.

The kids look natural...minus my son's slight imbalance and trying not to fall into the ocean fully clothed.

I worked with a fabulous company to make a super cool ornament card.


Okay, everything perfect right?!


Here they are...
On my desk.

It's December 27.

They're not addressed.

They're not stamped.

They're. Not. Happening.

But, if anyone does want one, I'll leave them on the porch.

Just don't leave me a bag of flaming poop in return. 

7 supporters in group:

  1. SparkleFarkel said...

    *dejectedly returns leftover-from-Halloween bag of poo back to the prank-freezer*

    RATS! Right when I thought I had a taker.

    (P.S. The Christmas photo is grand!)

    (P.P.S. What do you mean, "What is a 'prank-freezer'?" Doesn't everyone have one?)

  2. Amy said...

    I had it on my list to call you to see if you were, "alright", b/c of no card from the Andrade family! So happy to see your super cute card and to know that you just didn't get them out- whewww! Happy New Year Jen!

  3. Rachel said...

    LOL -- it's an adorable card! (and I can't believe how grown up your eldest looks)

    You did better than me ... I took a picture and wasted time editing it and doing a head swap on the baby ... and never made the stinkin' cards.


  4. LOVE MELISSA:) said...

    What an awesome idea! I love it! I have never seen a holiday card ornament.

  5. Simply Being Mommy said...

    I love it! Too bad they didn't get sent out LOL!

  6. Evolving Mommy Catherine said...

    Well for what it's worth they are super cute!

  7. Martha said...

    It is a great card! I failed at cards this year too! I'm thinking of addressing them now so they will be ready for next year! I can even stamp them with the forever Christmas stamps I bought!!!

    At least your kids will still let you photograph them! That's a good start!

    Happy New Year my friend!

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