The Nerd and the Super Hero
Hubby got caught up with about a week's worth of my musings last night....Me--Well?
Hubby--(now reading a book, half-listening) What?
Me--You read my blog, what do you think, any comments?
Hubby--Hmm? What? Oh yeah, cool.
Me--That's it?
Hubby--I like your alter-ego.
Me--My what? What am I a blogging super-hero?
Hubby--No, you write what you feel. What I often don't pay enough attention to. You say it on your blog. It's cool.
Me--(dwelling on this)But you said "alter-ego" do you mean not really ME? Is it because of all the sarcasm and stupid jokes? Because that actually IS me. Should I post about more serious things? Should I be less funny? I don't know any serious things.
Hubby--Aren't you tired, you weren't feeling well tonight, you better go to sleep.
Me--Are you brushing me off?
Hubby--(faking sleep-while actually still reading)
Me--I wrote about you in my camera obit. (written after he had gotten caught up) I said you were a mad scientist.
Hubby--(suddenly interested) Really? Can you make me one of those pictures like your new hair cartoon photo?
Me--Yep. I'll put bubbling, steaming test tubes in the background.
Hubby--Well i'm not really into chemistry, how about light bulbs and electricity?
Me--You got it. *CoughNERDCough!*
Hubby--Yes I am.
April 21, 2008 at 11:08 AM
What is it with our hubby's not reading our blogs? I've checked in several times with mine over the last 5 days, and he still hadn't read anything. Isn't he supposed to be reading it, and then telling me about how clever and amusing I am??? lol
April 21, 2008 at 11:15 AM
I think you're very amusing and clever! That's what counts! ;) LOL!
April 21, 2008 at 12:41 PM
Mine reads, it's where he finds out what I'm really thinking. We don't talk about it though. He once told me he thinks its a great outlet similar to what your super smart hubby said. It's where I go to just say what I am thinking, stuff he doesn't necessarily tune into. Just like what your hubby said.
So keep doing it.
April 21, 2008 at 1:22 PM
My hubs won't even admit he reads my blog, let alone give me any feed back. Maybe I should test him and bury some subliminal messages.
April 21, 2008 at 8:26 PM
My hubs has no interest in my blog. And like you and Becky it is where I am the most real with myself, and he doesn't want to know. That sounds sadder than it is, but it is what it is.
April 22, 2008 at 5:28 AM
hubs doesnt read mine either and when he does he always makes comments about how I made him look like a complete ass or some such nonsense.
Maybe that will teach him to pay more attention to my blog!